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Everything posted by HeavensCloud

  1. You'd even take the chick with the megaphone 🤣 Even though I'd personally be okay with a doll as last character I don't think the community would take well to it. I remember Decapre had 0 hype when she was announced near the end of SF4. A character that would bring the hype in my opinion would be something like an EX character, a classic character from SF2/3rd strike or a brand new character.
  2. @FlyingVedid you get your PS5 yet? Was wondering how it compares to the Series X.
  3. Lucia feels like she belongs in a different game but that's the reason I think she's well designed. Despite being weak, she's a hell of a lot of fun and doesn't feel like the run-of-the mill SFV character.
  4. I don't know either. It sounds like something from Star Wars.
  5. Valle tested a bunch of fighting games on PS5 last night. Turns out PS5 is very similar to the PC experience and it might actually allow for smooth crossplay between the two!
  6. I don't like the idea of items enhancing fighting abilities. I didn't like SFxT gems and I don't like it in FEXL either. Certain decks/gems just always emerge as the most powerful and the others never end up never getting used.
  7.'ve got a zombie girl attached to a giant key, a young man strapped to a hospital bed, an insane doctor who fights with a paper bag over his head. Don't pretend like SF even comes close to how weird guilty gear is.
  8. I was going back and forth in my head about getting a PC or PS5. Right now I want a PC, but it would just be to play SFV. Yeah can't justify that lol. I'm going to be getting a PS5 either way so I'll just wait a bit until a must buy game comes out and pick it up then. Maybe for Strive in the spring. I'm assuming it'll run fighting games much better than the PS4. I mean it has to with those specs.
  9. Definitely intentional that they gave the characters with the slowest walkspeed the best throw ranges. I think Sim's is up there as well. I doubt Rose will get both her fast walkspeed and big throw range she had in 4.
  10. I love shimmying Bison and Poison and still getting grabbed from a mile away.
  11. Remember Punk and Chris G complaining about lag during their online tournaments. Nothing they experienced was anything close to this. Check out the match at 2:58 lol.
  12. His and vskill 1 are some of the most poorly animated moves in the game. Please don't make fun of him.
  13. Nice, definitely watching this. Never played a guilty gear game in my life but this game is hype.
  14. Once the update comes you'll have a new challenge - make it to warlord with Dan. In all seriousness, the new update is going to be pretty big. In addition to Dan we're getting a balance patch, plus a new battle mechanic that could potentially shake things up.
  15. Man there's so many cowards online that are afraid to rematch, it's unbelievable. I watch Tekken players play long ass death matches and SFV players are running after one game because they're afraid of losing points.
  16. Yeah, people say Karin spits out damage but she actually has a lower ceiling than most characters in terms of raw damage where she dumps all her resources. It's really all about her consistent high damage conversions in neutral off mediums. Other characters can't do nearly as much, especially from a low. High practical damage is obviously more important than twitter corner combos. It's part of the reason Gouken was a high damage character in SF4 but sucked ass because he could never actually access that damage.
  17. I don't think Karin can, but Cody can for sure. He can get it in VT2 in the corner off rock launch, cr.hp, heavy ruffian, rock hit, vs2 sway, medium ruffian, pipe swing, super. Does 613 or something.
  18. Yeah VS2 stops fireballs. It's not her preferred Vskill but it's decent against Laura, Nash, Guile. She actually gets more damage from juggles in the corner with it too.
  19. I think he did play +R at some point it was in an FGC translated video. He praised the mechanics saying he liked the fact that moving forward builds tension meter. I doubt he'll play it though. Him and Tokido seem to only play SFV these days.
  20. I always find it amazing how fast some people can pick up new games. Was watching LI Joe stream GG +r and his day one Eddie was murdering people. Justin Wong also seems hella fast at picking up games. Fuudo as well. Daigo apparently is a slow learner. Makes me feel a bit better.
  21. The training mode in 30th anniversary is ass. It's clear they threw it in at the last minute after everyone complained on twitter. The main thing that pissed me off is the input display is fucked, the inputs appear on screen in reverse order lol.
  22. Nice stuff, just a couple corrections... Karin gets more damage off st. mp than So 187, 292 meterless and 252, 373 with meter. Also Necalli gets more damage off into light disc guidance and into ex disc guidance. 132, 235 and 195, 280 with meter.
  23. For Cody. Bad AA's, slow walk speed/normals, free on wakeup.
  24. Thanks dude! This was super helpful. This is the summary at the end of the video for those that don't want to watch the whole thing: - If cannon lands in front, assume it is plus - If you're a 3 frame character, take your turn after cannon switches sides - If you're a 4 frame character, you have to guess if cannon switches sides - Master the upball crossup block option select - Wait out VT2 if Blanka has meter, learn ex upball punish - Deny any and all activation if possible
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