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Everything posted by Deadly_Raver

  1. you know what's coming up right? Get ready for Friday. Your TV might be a hop, skip, and some mortal Kombat on several shoppers away.
  2. Man, this here is some bullshit.................... Fuck the court, Fuck Child Support.
  3. if I remember correctly, the child rapist had just gotten out that very day and immediately went out to cause more trouble.
  4. I'd have to look it all up again, but it was explained in a few vids. EDIT: J-Ride explained it. 👍
  5. Now the financial assrape of everyone who slandered him can begin. yeah. It wasn't illegal for him to carry that particular gun. I don't remember the exact words, but something to do with hunting laws. If it had been a handgun he would've been screwed.
  6. My friend over here would agree. Add in the fuckers playing shit loud as hell at night when people are trying to sleep too. I'm not saying it's right to exterminate people for being assholes, but I doubt you'll get many tears if they suddenly disappear.
  7. We all know that it's okay to watch the moon. The problems start when the moon is watching you.
  8. I don't believe the gif has been made to properly express my feelings. While I don't regret my decision to stop drinking alcohol, I do wish that this had happened during my drinking days so that I could promptly erase what I just saw with a bottle of everclear and a lit match.
  9. you ever see something so WTF that you had to show it to others to verify it? If not, here you go.
  10. and why do you think he listed them? Again, if you have any others you'd like to throw in, be my guest.
  11. Okay then. Which part is true and what has been omitted? .............speaking of omission, you omitted the part where he said,"Essentially an extention of BLM and Antifa." Don't end up being guilty btw, you just kinda confirmed that MSNBC is an extention of BLM and Antifa. Okay then. Let's see the evidence that he is omitting. Yeah, you stretched that one pretty far. btw, if you can find the right wing or neutral sources that are gaslighting people on this trial, then I'll hook you up with a currently unreleased picture of DEMON BOOTY.
  12. How you gonna come in and the first thing you try to do is say that somebody else is,"Telling half truths" after the shitstorm that has been the mainstream media for the past 5+ years? When some guy on Youtube is getting busted on the levels of CNN and MSNBC, I'll be back with a knife and fork to eat my words. Speaking of missing energy, I like how the Jan 6th thing was a riot, but none of the MSM has said a mumbling word about what's happening in Kenosha. "Energy" comes and goes it seems. I'll just take what I can get.
  13. So they've turned off dislikes and in some cases turned off posting under their videos? I guess they don't realize what is going to happen next. People are going to turn THEM off. AGAIN. EDIT: not completely related, but still................ Even the JUDGE has thrown them out.
  14. I don't know how I missed this one but............ Random person on the internet: "Hey Deadly. Some chick peed on a guy on stage!" Me: *Sees the video:* "Damn. That gives a whole new meaning to the phrase,"Livestreaming"."
  15. I hope that's the worst that happens to her. I mean, Xi has already said he's trying to get up on that Mao level so testing him right now is NOT the way to a long and happy life.
  16. Wha? Trying to #MeToo somebody in a communist country? Did she REALLY think that was going to end in any other way other than her sudden disappearance? I hope she's alright, but I wouldn't be betting on it.
  17. Just like Dracula's castle, She returns to inflict terror upon the world once again.
  18. LMFAO!!! I don't normally care to bring Red Pill up in here, but I couldn't let this story pass by. Moral of the story: Don't bang the moose.
  19. I think you're letting that chick distract you from the most important part. That music is going hard as hell! 💃 🕺 I dare anybody to say different.
  20. If they're so weak they died from puffing on a plant, then I must say that the teaching worked.
  21. Weed. Sure. So suddenly a bunch of people, many of them in places where they are constantly tested for drugs like Weed, are suddenly dying from weed? GTFOH.
  22. That's what I said. It was the police being made to stand down that led to things like Kyle Rittenhouse shooting rioters. Personally, I'm only surprised that there hasn't been more shootings. I hope that this will be a big enough warning to make people stop the bullshit, but I doubt it.
  23. lol. The,"Kiss my grits" thing used to keep parents mad back as hell back then. I wasn't even allowed to watch the show because of it. 🤣
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