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Everything posted by Deadly_Raver

  1. Don't get mad. Just sit down and have a slice of cake while you wait it out.
  2. Man, Now I'm gonna look around this area and see what I can find. Kinda out of the blue topic, but PS5 players: Do you have problems with your controller doing shit you didn't tell it to do? This fucker is throwing extra commands in which, in some games will simply get ignored, but in others it can go through and wreck whatever you're trying to do. I submit as evidence, Wukong In Warframe. This bitch be glitching up enough without the added headaches, so I hope this is just my imagination. If not, PC Master Race here I come.
  3. This. All but about two people total that I've let borrow money have done EXACTLY what Million posted. They just keep coming until you push them away. Sad as it is, a LOT of people do seem to be okay with holding their hands out over making the money they need.
  4. I hear ya. I have pulled the old,"Left my phone on the table" trick to make the waiter/waitress come outside. When they do, I hand them the tip and say,"Put it in your pocket and don't share it with the rest of them." so that such as this won't happen. Ironically, the place I used to work at didn't do this and sometimes they got some stupid big tips. I'm talking,"Rent/car/electric/mortgage/The whole damn list is covered!" kinds of tips.
  5. Off topic: Am I the only one who finds the name,"Ryan" weird on a female? Like, she better be banging hot and wearing a bikini when she introduces herself, because when I hear that name I'm checking her neck and looking for,"Surprise packages". Just sayin. On topic: Ms. Ryan: Keep the cash and bounce. You can't drive two blocks without seeing help wanted signs, so another job isn't going to be a problem. On top of that, she should publicly shame their asses worse than the news article has. They might end up closing the doors over trying to be greedy.
  6. after watching the anime level beatdown that the netflix cowboy bebop is catching in media, I decided to go look up King Vader's skit again. Here ya go boys and girls.
  7. He's pulling a TAS in real life. He probably can read his opponent's inputs too.
  8. "End of line." between this and Nancy pelosi's,"Morning. Sunday morning" when the teleprompter restarted, I think we all might be in more trouble than we realize.
  9. Hmmm? I thought society was done with her after her husband died.
  10. I have the unsettling feeling that this may soon happen in some part of California. My guess is either Los Angeles or San Fran. In other news, the Laptop is now crashing everytime I switch HDMI inputs. Not a problem because the new one is already assembled and in testing according to I'm guessing it'll be a week or so before it gets here and then I'll dump this one to music service in the backroom. I didn't want to lose my last win 7 machine, but such is the way of life.
  11. .....................Hold on buddy. It ain't gonna be THAT kinda Christmas! EDIT: I would've been able to laugh more if not for the horror stories I remember from doing inspections during the Navy. I didn't see any stars up any asses, but that was probably because I wasn't the one on duty THAT day and not that it never happened. Chances are good that it happened and it happened more than once.
  12. Gimmie the link to that. I'll grab one as well. ain't going on no tree though.
  13. not on the browsers I'm using. There are extensions you can download to pull them back up, but I don't care that much about it to go get one.
  14. He said he went out to get a footlong at Subway. Now we know why he didn't come back with a sandwich.
  15. DAMN. How can he NOT hear and possibly feel that car stuck under the wheels? Ol' boy filming it is like,"Just another day on the road."
  16. You mean like what happened to Nick Sandmann and Kyle Rittenhouse? Just sayin. I wonder if she can sue anyone for all the slander they laid on her? .........What? They didn't? None of them? Not a one?
  17. I'm betting that nobody did. They could've used that mic time for something better, but Agendas don't push themselves and we've already caused so much trauma to her childhood, soooooooooo.................. That ain't how it works yo. They don't get to put some little fat faced fascist on the mic to brow beat people and then call time out when they clapback. If they wanted to have a serious conversation about it, they should've done that from the start. This is what they chose, so this is what they get. Now I'm just repeating it so that we all get the message. I'm sure my original post hasn't moved the needle any further than Kid climate change's speech at the UN. My point? It was never meant to. It was a joke. Please take it as such. the number of times she got caught being nothing more than a mouthpiece for people pushing their agenda is probably the main reason. ...................And then there's this. Yeah. that's real and it isn't the only one.
  18. Now, America definitely isn't pollution free. However, I think once you see where we are on the pollution leaderboard you might agree that we're not the guys who need a stern talking to. All of the top ten countries produce over 3 times as much as us. If The globe is warming up, these are the places doing the most damage. I'm just sayin. 1: Exactly what I was getting at, in my own sarcastic way. Thank you. 2: Exactly Times 2. The stuff they've come up with makes everybody go,"WTF?" when they see and/or hear it. California, I'm looking directly at YOU as I type this. I mean, they put everybody on electric cars to lower emissions, but the increased electrical costs are causing the plants to burn more coal which causes more pollution. Now, I personally do not think climate change is a big deal, but I've no gripe against those who do. My bigger problem lies with the using of *Insert anything here* for an agenda that usually ends up having nothing to do with the thing being used to push said agenda.
  19. damn. Whenever I click any of those links I get a 404. Any ideas why?
  20. If they didn't want people talking about her, they shouldn't have shoved her down our throats as hard as they did. Instead of lecturing America which has some of the lowest pollution in the world about the problem, they should be taking their concerns to countries where you can barely see in front of you because of the amount of pollution. Can't figure out why they would want to avoid the places where the problem is biggest over the places where the problem is the smallest. It's almost as if they don't really care about it at all and are only using it as a chance to virtue signal. .............I might be wrong, but I don't think so.
  21. Where's Greta at? She'll have this cleared up faster than you can say,"HOW DARE YOU?"
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