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Everything posted by Abbachio

  1. @DanZan That track is pretty bangin Time to get dark as fuck with the Ambient Black Metal band Darkspace
  2. I'm pretty sure there's a group working on an unofficial Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines remaster.
  3. What are you listening to? What are you looking forward to? Recommendations or rants? Well, post all your bullshit music related content in here*. *Unless it's VG music.
  4. Barboza got fucking wrekt, LW has always been an interesting division but I think it's the one that has my full attention right now. That may be because I can't wait for someone to completely embarrass Khabib on the feet though.
  5. Told you Khabib/Ferguson ain't happening
  6. This is like the third time the fight has been lined up? Only 2 weeks for one of them to get injured or miss weight :kappa:
  7. Not gonna lie it's a grind BUT~~ it's an easy as fuck grind. Basically kill mobs to spawn fates, kill fate bosses to gain loads of exp and crystals, get to level 18-20 and kill the main boss Pazuzu to get feathers. If you die and don't get rez'd within 10 minutes you lose a level. It took my GF about 3 days to get 2 Eureka Relics.
  8. Holy shit the card for UFC 223 is way stacked.
  9. Oh I get that, it'd just be nice if she had some actual challengers with a division underneath. I wonder how long her drawing power will last though?
  10. I don't even know why they have Cyborg, an entire division and there's only 1 fighter in it that actually fights at that weight.
  11. Khabib/Ferguson is never happening.
  12. Jotaro's Cell pls! Also Iron Horse Iron Terror
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