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Everything posted by DangerousJ

  1. Probably one of the strangest things a woman has done in recent times. Canadian musicians gf sends him a fake rejection letter to dream school. Now she has to pay him 265k as restitution.
  2. Early reviews of the Wave 3 POTP figures.the remaining 3 Terrorcons Sinnertwin Blot Cutthroat
  3. A Filipino TF fan reviews the Power of the Primes Predaking boxset (IIRc It will come out late July/early August here in the USA and mostly on online retailers. Toys R US would have carried it, but theyre dead now) Get some snacks and enjoy
  4. Given how much TF stuff I post in the Saloon thread, some probably think this is unnecessary, but I don't want to spam that thread too much, so here we go. Rules: Be civil and respectful. No nudity,racism/sexism/political discussion. Have fun. Pics , art, video reviews, music,humorous stuff , sales or recommendations are all welcome! Third party bootleg discussion is also allowed. (there's such a wide range of stuff that is cool that many casual fans may not know about)
  5. Transformers Music Thursdays: My second favorite battle theme of the pre-movie era
  6. It was ok for me- I was most happy about the Fist of the Yakuza Star game getting a release date of Oct 2018, only a month after Kiwami 2. Doom eternal comes in 2nd place. Some stuff like Control,DOA6, Last of Us 2, DMC5(Ive only played 4 like 10 yrs ago so Im more curious than super excited) intrigued me. I was kinda bummed that Borderlands 3 was not unveiled or that Shenmue 3 news was nonexistent. I was surprised that MK 11 wasnt revealed as well seeing as how Netherrealm usually releases a Mk or Injustice game every 2 years. (They usually reveal next years game at E3 IIRC) I guess since I only have PS4, I dont really pay attention to X1/Switch news so Im losng out on 1/3 of the experience.
  7. Funny Restaurant Names Tiger Woods favorite spot? SRK1 official restaurant and finally.. Daboog's Favorite Florida restaurant (this is in Pinellas Park . - 1 hr from me. Ive' never been there though)
  8. Random VG complaints I' m quite surprised that Borderlands 3 hasnt been teased/or unveiled. I thought BL2 was a great game and super popular. It’s been 4 years since Pre-sequel came out . Mean while we get COD: Eating Ass Warfare every year like clockwork. Uggh also, wtf is up with Shenmue 3? It feels like its never coming out. and with barely any news , its easy to forget with all this great stuff coming out esp for PS4.
  9. My first exposure to the franchise was getting DOA2 on Dreamcast in 2000. CHALLENGER APPEARS!
  10. Fist of the North Star game from Yakuza developers coming October 2 2018!! It seems PS4 only. Will have English and Japanese audio
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