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  1. My favorite doll is Xiayu but I agree that Noembelu would've been the best addition to the playable roster. I actually think she'd be better received than Lily
  2. I disagree, I think the graffiti wall is just that, a wall. I mean who remembers this before the game launched?
  3. Agreed. Would rather we had Maki instead of Kimberly but oh well. I'm wondering if they're expanding her lore cause maybe a new FF is coming out? It was planned in that Capcom leak all those years ago.
  4. No way is MK missing EVO... its still a huge franchise
  5. Her release being Feb 5th is a tad earlier than expected. Good cause this was a long ass drought. Still wish this would've been someone like R. Mika but oh well. I'd love to see how Capcom would do females like Viper, Karin, Rose, Menat, Kolin, Mika, Ibuki, Maki in this game. I'm not really sold on the new females introduced in SF6 tbh
  6. Ok Mai looks dope, but the best thing about that trailer? Doesnt seem like we'll see a Mai stage, so I'm hoping for Elena to get hers
  7. Aprile was also meant to be Rose's sub boss in Alpha 3
  8. The discourse around this game is definitely negative right now. Each trailer gets ratioed to hell
  9. Just checked what they did with Ed: Gameplay trailer: 8th February 2024 Release date: 27th February 2024 They definitely needed 5 chars a season, the wait between char #2 and char #3 is way too long.
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