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Everything posted by DangerousJ

  1. Since its the 10 yr anniversary of MCU, I was curious what peoples grades of all the MCU theatrical films are. If possible make it out of 10 marks to keep it standardized. IMO Iron Man 9/10 Iron Man 2 6.5/10 Iron Man 3: 7/10 Cap 1 : 7/10 Cap 2 TWS: 9/10 Cap3: Civil War 9/10 Thor 8/10 Thor 2: 6.5/10 Thor 3 8.5/10 Incredible Hulk 7/10 Ant-man 8/10 GOTG 8/10 GOTG vol.2 8/10 Dr. Strange 8/10 Spider-man Homecoming 8/10 Black Panther : 8.5/10 Avengers 1 9/10 Avengers 2 8.5/10
  2. I never got into Teen titans and I guess I wont for a long time... WTF? I know nothing about the character but when cosplayers can do better than Hollywood sigh...
  3. Black Panther Blu Ray out May 15!
  4. A mech action game I posted a few months ago, Project Nimbus: Code Mirai, releases today on PS4 on digital format. It is on PSN store for 20 US(17 today and the rest of the week)
  5. Funny Names: _Chris Gethard It's pronounced Geth-erd, but c'mon. you know you pronounced it Get hard when you saw it At least his parents didnt name him Richard. Cory Barlog This guy is the main developer of God of War. Nothing hilarious but after hearing the announcer for SF2 pronounce Balrog as "Barlog", it make me chuckle. Jack Abramoff A lobbyist in a scandal in the early 2000's Airwrecka McBride If her parents named her "homewrecka", she could have worked at Moe's Mexican Grill SPEED WEED This is a writer/producer whose name I saw on some Law and Order SVU episodes. Maybe hes Martian's roommate? Harry Hole This is a fictional character that Michael Fassbender played in a movie called "The Snowman" from a Norwegian author 's crime novel series. Unless the pronunciation is different in Norwegian, I'm cracking up. Krystal Ball An MSNBC host Dick Butkus Former NFL player
  6. For those who DON"T like Rodimus Prime, here's something sad or funny. Marvel US Transformers #67 For those who suspect that Rodimus would’ve led the Autobots straight to ruin, one issue of the Transformers comics explored an alternate reality where that pretty much happened. In this divergent dimension, Unicron ate Cybertron, leaving the Decepticons to conquer the Earth and kill most of the Autobots. Aah but that isnt any old building that Rodimus is tied to.... The World Trade Center! This story was publshed around 1990 or 1991, predating the real WTC attack by 10 years. While the caption states it is an alternate reality 2009, some conspiracy theorists claimed it predicted 9/11.
  7. I always wanted a thread like this on OG SRK but didnt know if it would be popular. Besides the usual SRK2 rules, I don't think there's anything else to mention. The MCU 10th anniversary is coming soon, so I've been on that track.. Iron Man 1 theme (Shame it wasnt used in IM 2/3)
  8. You've come a long way, Rodimus Prime....
  9. so who do you think will die in Avengers: Infinity War? IMO High chance: Cap Tony Vision Nebula War Machine Loki Medium: Hawkeye Scar Jo Hulk Low Chance: BP Spider-man Dr. Strange Guardians
  10. You've come a long way, Beachcomber....
  11. I have around 90. I've been collecting the Classics/Generations line since Fall 2006 (Million posted about them on OG SRK way back,so blame him lol ) When I was little , I had about 35 G1 toys , but I lost them all due to hurricane damage. I briefly bought a handful in 2001 from the RID 2001 line, but stopped again. Since this current line shows no sign of stopping, I jjust kept getting them. I dont buy all, but the ones Im interested in and more Decepticons than Autobots. Most of these pictures I post are from a site called TFW2005 from other people's collections or google search.
  12. The Boys are back in Town... 1) Insecticons 2) Autobot Triple Changers
  13. VGM Fridays: Happy 25th Birthday MK2! My favorite arkade intro as a kid..
  14. I just rewatched Thor Ragnarok on bluray. 1) IF a new He-man and Masters of the Universe movie was made, Taika Waititi would be perfect for it 2)When Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson) shows up in her original costume and uses the chaingun, I was like "SKEET SKEET!" I'd eat the ass, even though Im not into that lol.
  15. Throwback Thursday: Since its Venom's 30th anniversary, lets look back at the first Venom figure I ever owned... WITH SLIME! I thought this was the coolest gimmick when I was 9 years old. Did anyone else have this one?
  16. Yes. It's a very odd thing. Either it works for you or not. for me, most of the sounds of inanimate objects are more effective than the speech aspect. My main motivation is usually the girls lol. Sometimes it does help me return to sleep if I wake up too early
  17. You've lost a lot of weight, Sub-Marauder....
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