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Everything posted by DangerousJ

  1. One other thing about both seasons of Jess is that I think 9-10 episodes/season would "flow" smoother. It feels like it builds to a point , then we're in a holding pattern for a few episodes and then it progresses. Also, while this is a street level show, I wish there were some longer and better choreographed fights. There were mostly shoves/pushes , jumps, and 1 explosion. I think the longest fight is against the prison guy Dale and even then it was brief. I don't want Jess to be DD 2.0, but since this is not a special effects heavy program, I think they could do more to liven it up a little.
  2. I just watched Jess S2. It was decent, but fell flat in someways without Killgrave or Luke Cage. The attempt to delve into her past and have the plot revolve around that was a nice idea. I’ve never read any of her comics, but the twist that happens 1/2 way shocked me. That character and Jess’s complicated relationship in the last 7 episodes was interesting to watch. However, The character of Trish almost comes off as a villain more than the above character. She was extremely unlikeable and I had little sympathy for her. I was more sympathetic with Jeri Hogarth until the penultimate episode. Malcom was my favorite character this season(probably he was more assertive) Pryce Cheng AKA Daboog (but not fat or bald) felt like a wasted opportunity. Oscar and his son trying to be a surrogate family for Jess was a nice contrast to all her craziness,but it seemed like Oscar was more a plot device (and DICK device wink) I just hope that the fallout between Trish and Jess at the end isnt just swept under the rug in the next season. That happens a lot in CW shows, where there will be a big brouhaha and then 2 episodes everyone’s sunshine and rainbows. I loled at how Jess lectured Malcolm that getting pussy is no better than drugs. BEYOTCH, youre drunk 24/7 and fucking random boytoys in bars and down the hall after they fix your toilet/print illegal govt documents. You little hypocrite! My favorite episode was 7 since there was a lot of backstory/flashbacks. It was great to see REDACTEDagain in episode 10. It shows you how compelling that person was. Overall: 7/10 (We need a compelling antagonist and some more likeable characters) The second to last ranked MCU Netflix Season. (Iron Fist is 6.5/10 )
  3. You've come a long way, G2 "Combat Hero" Megatron....
  4. After 33 years, the boys are back together...
  5. I just saw Black Lightning. That ending was trippy as hell. I guess Lady Eve can now be on Popeye's menu.
  6. VGM Fridays: Happy 30th anniversary NES Contra!
  7. For those who have smartphones, how often do you get a new one? I got my first one, Motorola Droid X ,in 2010 and then changed to Samsung Galaxy S5 in 2014 when it started gltching. MY S5 is having screen problems and Im thinking of getting the Samsung Galaxy S9 plus, which will make it 4 years exactly
  8. Happy 25th Anniversary Beavis and Butthead!
  9. Yeah I cant access my old account on it (Stuart Hayden and Geese Pants wrote that they had to make new accounts) I really hope that it is in a "rough draft" version and the functionality improves. No page function makes navigating those long threads a pain. Thank you Bchan009 for the great layout /function of this site though.
  10. Luke Cage Season 2 to debut June 22
  11. Injustice 2 Legendary Edition (all the character DLC included aka GOTY edition) will be released on March 27th in US.
  12. I have a feeling the last episode will "tease" it, and maybe fully show it in S2.
  13. So, some new Generations figures (mostly remolds though) were announced in Australia ToyFair You've come a long way, Outback.... (fitting given the country lol)
  14. BL is so good I almost like the day to day civilian stuff more than the superheroics.
  15. From pediatric neurosurgeon to live TV fartknocker.. You've come a long way, Ben Carson...
  16. It's the end of another Black History month. Let us end it in style.
  17. IMO they are entertaining but the quality varies between seasons. I think theyre generally better than most of the Dc theatrical movies (Except Wonder Woman) Flash and Arrow in S1 and S2 were great but their 3/4 seasons were mediocre or bad(Arrow S4) Black Lightning is in its 1st season and despite me knowing nothing of the character , I really like it. IT has a different vibe than the others because the main character is older and has kids and it doesnt really have a villain of the week feel that the others had starting out. Legends was just ok in Season 1 , nd improved significantly in S2 imo. They do have some cheesy elements but I Think overall theyre good.
  18. The lounge is my favorite thread on the other site, so I guess we could replicate it here. Have at it, scurvy scalawags... The Basics on Jetfire
  19. Hi everyone ! Robots in disguise and all that
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