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Everything posted by delete_me

  1. I mean gootecks has lost the plot but I wouldn't want a dumb face I made once to be plastered all over stream chats for the best part of a decade either.
  2. Even back during the height of Excellent Adventures the show only really got carried by Mike's charisma and gootecks was just ... there. Occasionally he'd let something weird slip but it was always just a sidenote next to their usual online antics and nothing anyone put too much emphasis on. But jesus christ that guy's a complete nutjob.
  3. I think Akira's EX fireball might turn out to be a solid contender for one of the best moves in the game. From being an almost instant multihit, full screen fireball to blowing up throw techs up close when done airborne it's like having EX Tackle and a Divekick all in one move. Unless of course the frame data doesn't back this all up and she's super negative on block after the airborne version for example. We'll see. In any case, I really like her so far. She's also the first character in the game where these IMO unecessary flourishes after every attack look good and make sense.
  4. That tengu stone combo in Oro's trailer looks really cool. Probably does less damage than crMP - crMP x Spiral Arrow though.
  5. Ouch. So I have no idea about that matchup but I presume it's pretty awful for Sagat as Guile basically has the same tools but better.
  6. Yeah, that one. I'm not taking away anything from the Akuma player but it was one of those "miss one AA and you lose" matches that I hate seeing.
  7. I've watched Highland Fireball earlier today beat an Akuma exclusively with AA DPs and one fireball in the first round but then lose the set when the game turned from being SFII to SFV.
  8. On the topic of top player fandom, I don't see the difference between this and some people asking Michael Jordan to sign their basketball or someone asking Roger Federer to sign a tennis ball. I realise eSports and the FGC in particular is back-alley levels of popularity in comparison, but if someone wants a nice little physical anecdote I don't see the issue. I have a couple of signed videogmes in my collection that mean a lot to me. I don't put Kamiya, Koshiro and Suda51 on a pedestral but it was a cool moment meeting them in the flesh and having a reminder about that on the shelf. I think what gamers in general just need to do a bit more is stay level-headed. I feel like every time any topic comes up it's either the best thing ever or total garbage. Which extends to the top player thing. It's this social media hype mentality where one side is eating it up and going full 110% while the contrarians go the other way to balance it out. It's exhausting. You can like and apreciate stuff in a healthy way without coming across like a 8 year old fighting the Nintendo vs. SEGA argument of his life in the schoolyard. Anyway. About Cammy's butt, I wonder how they're going to handle that in SF6. I don't think I'm telling anyone anything new when I say that there's abeen a certain shift in recent years. I think a redesign is inevitable but I hope they can still kind of squeeze the classic outfit as an alternate through the cracks (pun very much intended). At least Fortnite shows how not to do it.
  9. Get outta here with that young people nonsense and show me characters fighting each other. (Overall I left mostly positive feedback, it's a good format. Could have done without the "live commentary" from Vicious and Steve though, that didn't add anything of value to the whole thing)
  10. It depends on whether they can make money with it. Recently there was a limited physical release of Zombies ate my Neighbors, which is a Disney game (via Lucasfilm), so they're not against it per se. Of course with MvC we have two rights holders, so that always makes it a tad more difficult.
  11. If they actually re-release MvC2 they need to print a physical disc as well to avoid situations like this in the future. It'll be already hard enough for some current fighting games to stand the test of time when it comes to tournament presence as there are no complete offline versions due to all the DLC shenanigans. But if MvC2 releases online again it will just history repeating itself because Disney won't sign a deal for eternity.
  12. I think they underestimated people's appreciation of Akira, otherwise they would probably have switched her and Luke around on the release schedule. That said I'm glad she comes out first, among the three we've seen today I like her the most.
  13. It looks like they're steering towards a New Challengers angle again with SF6. If Luke isn't some kind of leading figure for that game like Alex was for SFIII then I'd be very surprised after how they talked about him. Can't say I'm too impressed by him though, neither visual style nor gameplay seems like the kind of stuff I'd enjoy.
  14. Wow, I was so focused on the bikini I completely missed Akira's story costume. That's one dope outfit.
  15. I wonder how that whole standing vs. crouching works. They talked about it as if it means she is doing more damage if you pick the "right" combo route depending on the opponent's state, so it'll be interesting to see how big of an increase it is.
  16. Akira looks interesting. V-Trigger 2 air combo is very flashy, too. I like what I've seen.
  17. Some animations looked a bit rough with Oro but overall he seems really cool. Will be interesting to see someone like Xian play him and do some nasty stuff with V-Skill fireball and Tengu stones. Speaking of, it looks like he has a duo of easy-but-bland V-stuff and the opposite. CA looked phenomenal though, even though the overall choreography and angles aren't too different from Rose's. Edit: for the record I can already say I preferred the previous format. I really don't need to Vicious and Steve rambling along during a presentation like this.
  18. Exactly, just don't make them appear in story mode, but there's no reason to not have them playable if it's an interesting character design or concept. I don't remember how often I had to read that character XY couldn't appear in SCVI because "it was too early in the timeline". I'd rather have someone unique like Hilde (well, pre-SCVI Hilde) in the game without any context than the developers withholding her inclusion due to story reasons. I think that's a perfectly reasonable way to make both groups of players happy (those who care about the lore and those who don't).
  19. I'm not into the SF lore very much, but characters like Goutetsu for example, that are kind of legendary figures in the lore but never have been playable before. I feel like that's the only way to beat Akira's inclusion in terms of fan appeal and without doing another crossover character (which I feel they won't).
  20. As for the last character, I just hope the whole mystery stuff will be worth it in the end. It would be cool to have someone like Zeku pop up, a known entitiy in the SF universe that never was playable. But if it turns out to be something like Decapre, i.e. just a modified version of something we already have, then ugh... I agree that having Akira as the second-last character is really weird. Usually you'd keep a character like that as the final one.
  21. Yeah, there's a huge amount of people who buy MK to play through story mode (or halfway through – someone check the trophy percentage) and then move on. That's also why their model of throwing a game out there, letting it sell a ton and then dropping support after 18 months works so well.
  22. They messed up with Season 2 and 4 but to be fair for this season it's not entirely their fault. Covid & supposed leadership issues led to problems with SF6 so they kind of shoehorned another season into this game's life. The decision to even do Season 5 was probably made not too long before its announcement. To be honest I'm surprised they're still on track with this, considering all the other delays going around in the industry.
  23. I hope the "...and more" means a teaser for the last character and not some weird T-shirts from a random internet celebrity that mispronounces Ryu. Also this is at friggin' midnight for us Europe people, bah.
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