Stage Select


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Everything posted by delete_me

  1. Hm, occasionally. Put Carol Danvers vs. Gamora on a stage like Wakanda and it actually kind of looks neat. But on the other end of the spectrum you have this weird HD-PS2 characters like Dante, Spencer and Morrigan and a lot of stages just overuse chromatic aberration to hide the fact that there's no detail and no good art direction. That said an NRS game with Marvel characters where everyone has the same build because of "realism" sounds equally unappealing. MvC3 is more fun to look at than both Infinite and Injustice 2 (which has sublime cutscenes due to the character models, but nothing else going on visually).
  2. Did Punk mention the lag after he won or is it only laggy when he loses?
  3. In their presentation video he's standing still while doing them though. Otherwise, yeah, buffering the motion during other stuff was my initial idea as well.
  4. Maybe I'm looking at this the wrong way but how would you go about inputting the half-circle that starts with up without jumping? Are there a lot of pre-jump frames in GG? Edit: Now that I think about it, I suppose you spend about the same time with an up motion when doing an SPD, so it's probably not that big of a deal.
  5. I have very strong negative feelings towards SCVI. I can't wrap my head around how the online in that game could turn out so piss poor when SCV ran absolutely flawlessly. I'm also really salty how they made a lot of Hilde's charge moves into command inputs, though that's obviously a more subjective point. Her SCVI version is a bit like SFV Juri, she's similar but also not and significantly less fun to use IMO. I can understand the roster frustrations directed towards SCV at the time but if I was forced to play only one FG character for the rest of my life I'd pick SCV Hilde in a heartbeat. That said, it's still good to see the game was a success because if they make more of these, there are mor chances for me to like them again.
  6. King of Dinosaurs is so much better animated than literally every other character they've shown so far. It looks really weird, like if someone put a 3rd Strike character in SFII or something.
  7. That went well. In classic SFV fashion the guy I lost to was by far the worst player of the bunch. It was some Ken (go figure) who had absolutely no idea how to play the game. His neutral game consisted of walking back and forth and randomly using V-Skill 1 to close the distance, with the ocasional jump in between. If he was close enough for a grab after VS1, he grabbed. If he wasn't, he used sweep. If he failed to gauge either distance, he used heavy DP after his attack whiffed. It caught me completely off-guard. He was level 75 or something, very close to Ultra Platinum, so I expected to play someone with basic SF knowledge at least. On the plus side I don't think I've landed even half as many Crush Counters on a person before as I did against that guy during the rematches. I wish Soul Satellite had faster startup, I probably could have killed him with that move alone just due to him running face first into the orbs.
  8. They know he's dead though, right? "OMG look at that racist, I'll make sure he never writes a damn book again!!!! ...wait, why can't I tag him on twitter? Did that coward delete his account?!?"
  9. Yeah, it was a good time. Tons of newcomers to SF or the genre in general figuring things out, had a couple of online friends around my level I played regularly with for years and it made me go from that guy that who just jumped with HK into sweep in SFII to someone actually trying to learn how to play properly. I also really miss the good old-fashioned manual search for opponents. Yeah it was a bit dumb if they kicked you and sometimes you had to refresh multiple times but systematically picking guys you know either used a fun character to play against or a matchup you wanted to try or just some random Blanka you felt like this time, for real, you'd stop him getting away with the BS. SFV feels like such a lifeless, lonely and toxic place in comparison, despite the (welcome) strides they made with crossplay.
  10. Punk is maturing backwards and never got further than 14 years anyway, so by now he's around the level of a ten year old or something. He's always blaming something unless he loses to one of his Japanese heroes.
  11. If you do max range st.HP x Fireball with Rose against Cammy and she V-Reversals the st.HP the fireball hits. There's als enough time to confirm it into super if you have the meter. Not that there's any reason for Cammy to V-Reversal here, or against rose in general for that matter, but it's probably good tech to have in a parallel universe where the matchup is in Rose's favor.
  12. Why do Ed players all use that low-effort, zero details hoodie costume that makes him look like a randomized player character out of Playstation Home before you unlock the cool clothes?
  13. I know it's subjective but Rose is genuinely the first character I feel at home when playing this game. It's kind of ridiculous to think about when you consider how old the game is at this point and I wish she had come out a year or two ago because the decline in players is very noticeable online. But she kind of is this mix of being a neutral control character who also has a bit of depth to her combo routes which is something I really like but no other character in this game could give me (Poison was the closest but I grew tired of people saying she was OP). I don't really know what to expect from Oro outside of a character who's too complex to be good. Akira could turn out really interesting though even if at the end of the day she'll just be another "in your face with buttons" kind of fighter.
  14. Alright, found a few Bonchan matches against Smug etc. Turns out I was correct, you just have to go full rushdown, he barely throws fireballs at all. Not sure how Rose is supposed to do that but I'll try it against the next G that comes my way. In a month or two I guess, he's surprisingly and thankfully not a common sight online.
  15. The problem is it's a pain in the ass to look up matches that feature G because of his stupid one-letter name that bypasses most search functions... But I'll try, there's not too much activity here at the moment it seems. I can kind of see that. Rose can at least play SFV for a few seconds when she pops V-Trigger and do some dumb comeback but Sagat doesn't really have that. Edit: didn't even know these youtube awards were a thing. Congratz to monkey man.
  16. Now that I've grown accustomed to V-Triggers and Crush Counters and started playing a fireball character I think the fact that some characters become stronger when you throw a fireball at them might be one of the Top 3 sins of SFV. And ironically it's not even a tool they give, say, Zangief by letting him catch a fireball with SPD to power up the next command grab. No, it's mostly characters that just don't give a shit about zoning in the first place, so that they can really kick you when you're down. I just fought a G as Rose and you can't throw a fireball at him because it charges his overpowered V-Trigger. So I do, uhm, what exactly? Rush him down with my Roadrunner walkspeed and shimmy him with my Son-Goku normals? Or just hug him very nicely and hope he forgot he has a command grab? Now granted the dude was a smurf (85% winquote with 150 matches played) buteven against someone on my level I don't see a solution for his toolset vs. mine. Any Sagat players here? I think he's is the closest to Rose in terms of overall gameplan, strengths and weaknesses so I wonder how he deals with G.
  17. That Nickelodean thing is probably the closest we'll ever get to having a Last Airbender/Korra fighting game. If one of them is in of course but I think they put them in their cart racer so it's safe to assume at least one of them is. Which of course means I'm going to buy that thing no matter what. Throwing all four elements in Spongebob's face is my new most wanted experience for 2021.
  18. Onto more uplifting things: If you have 600 bucks to spare. Looks really nice though.
  19. Yeah, but that's an unsolvable problem unless we reboot how society works. So I'm just hoping for things that are out of politicians control.
  20. I love videgames as much as the next guy but I wish every country on the planet had Japan's demographics curve. Having significantly less people on this planet is pretty much the best and probably only solution to our environmental problems.
  21. So in some fanfic timeline Rashid and Mika hooked up and this guy popped out of her. Yeah, the extend of my KOF knowledge is immeasurable.
  22. So who's going to be top tier in a potential NRS Marvel fighting game? Some obvious super-powered OP character like Captein Marvel, Phoenix or good old Death? Or some low-fi normal human who can fill the screen with throwable gadgets like Hawkeye or The Punisher? Or maybe Nightcrawler in case they don't use a block button?
  23. Oh, interesting. Can you map it to two buttons for example?
  24. I just can't get into arc's games. I tried the Strive beta but I just dislike the overall movement due to how much you have to dash around to position yourself. I'd consider it if it had a dash button à la MvC3, but I find the directional double tap tiresome after a while. It's just one of these personal gripes. And to be honest I'm also not too fond of how they have handled DLC in their latest games, but I suppose that's more of a universal fighting game thing right now.
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