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Everything posted by purbeast

  1. Random as fuck if you are, but are you the same lilwill that we used to run Halo 2 from the IGN forums back in the day?
  2. Speaking of the reversal timing, I played this Juri tonight that would do a meaty fireball on wakeup against me and proceed to attack me as well, and literally every time I tried to do an invincible wakeup against it the fireball stuffed me. I dunno if my timing was totally off or wtf was up with it. I tried my usuall "watch my character" thing and still it never worked. This was like 5-6 times in a set. I literally didn't even care about winning and just wanted to see if I could fucking reversal this and focused and nope I never could. So I dunno wtf is up with the timing or what. I did notice in general tonight I was dropping mad shit though. I don't know if it was just a super off night for me or there was some network shit going on on SF6. But like shit I always hit I was missing. Basic shit like lp into sobat.
  3. I barely played SF5 and don't really remember the reversals in that game, but I played the shit out of SF4 and those reversals were super easy lol. I play Dee Jay and still mess up my EX kicks sometimes on wakeup, for the reasons I mentioned before. Usually I get it the second time once I realize why I screwed it up. EDIT: I wonder if you have the 5 frames to pull it off as you mentioned, but like if someone meaties you to be hit on your first active frame, then in theory you don't have those 5 frames to pull it off. You have that 1 active frame. Like I don't see how you can have the next 4 frames to "pull it off" if the meatie has already hit you. But if it's someone trying to throw you or something that isn't meaty, then you'd have more active frames to actually pull it off. (if that makes any sense)
  4. I do but I think it's just the timing is much stricter in SF6 than previous games. I notice if I mess it up and eat an attack, and then REALLY focus on the timing of my next one, 9/10 times it comes out the next time. I think it's just something with the animation of the opponent coming in and attacking that causes me to miss my timing on them. Like I am looking at my opponent rather than my own character and do my reversal based on my opponent attacking and not my character getting up.
  5. Fun story of mine - I won a Genesis from West Coast video playing Bubsy. The first round was playing the first level of Sonic 2 and I had a top score so I placed for the "finals" which I think was like top 10 scores or something. I think I played on like the last day for the first round so I knew my standing that I had the best score. So my mom's boyfriend at the time had a Genesis and he worked at another video store (95 Cents Video) and he let me borrow the Sonic 2 copy from the store so I could practice for the finals in a few days. I ended up figuring out a way to beat the first level in 29 seconds and you got as HUGE bonus for time being under 30 seconds in that game. Time comes for the finals and I get to the store to play, and to my shock, we're not playing Sonic 2 - we are playing Bubsy. The rules were the same if I remember correctly - whoever gets the high score in one level wins the Genesis. All that training for nothing. I had never played Bubsy at this point either, at least not on Genesis as I didn't own one. I can't remember if I had played it on SNES or not. Since I had the highest Sonic 2 score, I got to go last in the finals, which meant I got to watch everyone. Everyone was doing decent, but then the kid right before me went, and he totally crushed the shit out of everyone. I'm talking like he blew everyone out of the water. It was pretty obvious that he was friends with people who worked there so I'm pretty confident he knew Bubsy was the game of choice. As mentioned, I watched everyone though, so I saw exactly what he did. And I whooped his ass lol. I still remember after I won and I got the prize, he came up to me and gave me a hand shake saying nice playing, totally good sport about it. This was also like a month before Mortal Kombat was coming out on consoles and I was SSSSSSSOOOOOOO fucking hype that I could get the version with the blood and fatalities. ABACABB!
  6. What he said actually makes a lot of sense. Most components now a days have some sort of relay or something in the circuitry that will trip when stuff is starting to get too hot and it basically shuts everything off. Relays also make a physical "click" sound when they switch over, similar to like how if you first turn a TV on or something, sometimes you hear a clicking sound. But you said it made a popping sound which to me sounds like it is louder than that, but perhaps it is the same type of functionality, and it stays tripped until your PS5 got below a certain temperature. It's kind of similar to how most modern PCs will shut itself down if the CPU is getting too hot as a way to keep itself from burning up the CPU before it is too late, except it's at the PSU level. But if it IS overheating, that does mean you need to figure out why that is happening. Maybe take a compressed air can to the vents on the PS5 and see if any crap blows out of it. At least that is my theory and I'm sticking to it! (not an electronics expert by any means but have dabbled a bit into it)
  7. Yah I don't know anything about their system either, but as robust as it is and the way they have totally killed it with SF6, and being a software engineer for 20 years now, this seems like a really easy problem to solve conceptually, which is why it's so surprising to me that this is a problem.
  8. All saved replays are no longer valid after a patch because there is a version mismatch now. The current version of the game does not match the version those were saved/played on. Pretty lame that Capcom hasn't or can't figure out a way to not make that happen.
  9. Anyone having any weird gameplay shit happening since the Aki patch? One thing I'm noticing happening since then is that with Dee Jay, when I hit someone with a punish counter DI, when I do sometimes the other player just flips out. This has happened probably a dozen times since the patch came out. I can't recall this ever happening prior to this either.
  10. My brother got an NES for Xmas one year, I was pretty young at the time. Then we got a SNES bought for us at one point and I don't remember exactly when/why. The next console I got was a Genesis that I won from West Coast video in a Sonic 2 and Bubsy tournament. Then one birthday I got a Sega CD. Oh and my brother got a TG16 one year for his birthday. After that my next console was N64. I got my first job when I was 14 just to save up for it. At launch I got N64 and Mario 64 and Pilot Wings 64. I remember I had to go to work that day too and read the manuals on my lunch break lol. Since then I purchased all of my own consoles and the only one I have missed since then is Wii-U.
  11. If you haven't played it yet, Blasphemous 2 is awesome on Switch. Yeah I know it's on other consoles, but it's also on Switch and I got it on there for my flights last week and it's fantastic.
  12. @Sonichumanthose threads were solid reads thanks.
  13. Honestly that just sounds like some BS excuse (not from you, from the devs). Just like the devs back in MCV3 said spectator mode wasn't possible, then it was added down the road (may have been in UMVC3 I don't remember).
  14. Watched the finals of MK1 at CEO this past weekend and I just can't get over how awful the animations (and sound) in MK are. Like they have learned absolutely nothing since MK9 came out. I'd almost say it's worse now lol. But it reminded me of this video I saw a while back that explains a lot of the technical reasons WHY the animations are bad and thought I'd pass it along. It's interesting hearing someone with knowledge explain it. He has some more videos about animations in NRS games as well which are also interesting, especially the Erron Black one.
  15. Decided to try making my own USB cable to go with my new leverless controller and think it came out pretty nicely. It was more of a pain in the ass to make than I anticipated though, mainly just the whole sleeving process lol.
  16. So fucking tired of all these god damn remakes/remasters that this gen is pushing. Like half of that direct was just that. So god damn lame.
  17. You mean leverless! Get your terms right! I literally didn't know "hitbox" was a brand until I started messing with this stuff though either. Already have a custom stick with JLF though so didn't wanna have 2. I don't have a leverless and have been learning on one so rolled with it for this build.
  18. Incoming buncha pics. This thing is like a work of art I almost don't want to use it and rather just look at it lol. Took about 3 hours to put it all together.
  19. After like 6 weeks of conception to getting everything, tomorrow I will finally be able to put this bad boy together Can't wait.
  20. LMAO! What a click bait tweet. He didn't detail anything about how the PS5 makes that possible. Oh and it's also out on Xbox Series X/S. It's basically just "the new consoles are more powerful so we can do more polygons" and nothing more than that.
  21. Anyone wanna buy my physical copy of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom? $50 shipped sound fair? Lemme know.
  22. What stick you have now? If it's using real arcade parts, chances are you can just buy a new JLF and put it in there and it'll be like brand new again. Gate could also be worn down.
  23. Shit muh bad! I had the names mixed up. But yah, he was never referred to as "Shao Kahn" so I wasn't sure if it was the same person.
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