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Everything posted by zatalcon3

  1. We should never forget how god like Capcom was in making music, especially for Marvel characters. There are Grammy's overdue for the composers for SF2 all the way UMVC3 .
  2. Come on people. open your damn eyes, deep down you know how everything I've been saying makes sense. Just think, why is Trump back (or never left) when he dropped the title to Biden? He lost, he is done already, so i don't get why their is such a cult towards him and going back as president. WThere isn't anyone else in the Republican party? There probably is, but they just don't draw shit like trump does. I bet you the left wants Trump back in because he boosts the ratings of the leftists media when they talk about him on their program. Don't you guys find it odd that after all this time, recorded footages of "reasonable people" at the attack on the capital is now being released? This shit is all fake as fuck!
  3. How many of ya'll think that this Trump storyline is best western political storyline the USA or the Illuminati every wrote? What happens to Mike Pence after this, is he back to mid card now, are they going to bring in a new chara..politician.. to be vice? You think Candice Owens will be relevant again or should they find some new random black girl in repping the right and push her to the moon?
  4. Obama was always the most impressive talker on the mic. He was good. I don't think anyone has ever beaten his mic skills. He was like Cena and HHH who would put some dirt sheets or shoot like stuff to make their promos feel real. Just point out the actual facts and make it sound as if it is nothing. Trump felt like CM Punk who goes all shoot, completely deluded himself in thinking he was so damn tough and favored by a bunch of morons and ugly fat people. Biden is more like a japanese star who signed in the WWE and is trying to do a promo or be put in a segment, responding with facial expressions but has some of the viewers wondering if he understands what the hell is being said to him.
  5. bro, i don't think teaching teens to write porn is educating them. I mean, what are these kids going to learn when writing about how much they want to go anal on someone in their class? Teachers are probably leftists
  6. Yeah, that whole invasion of the capital is starting to smell like another staged event by the US Government inc or an Illuminati segment. Me and my crew can't even theater hop at a shitty AMC in queens anymore but a bunch of trailer park red necks managed to storm one of the most secure places in the USA? LOL WTF is that? This is fraudulent and homosexual as fuck. Some government guy told the security to stand by and let them storm in because this will cause some good shit for news ratings. Why are there videos of sane/concerned MAGA people being released now? It's because these are promos for the new Trump storyline. Why does it have to be trump again, can't they find another person to be the face of the right? This is like hogan back in the day where potential stars were just put aside. Start pushing someone else for fuck sakes!
  7. For the one who is in transition, I think it is more of delusion that ideology. Ideology is more of the people politically support it. I just recall some people saying "they are seeking acceptance" but they are the ones who rejected themselves first. If someone who is 58 years old identifies as a teenager, or a black guy identifying to be white and physically changing his appearance, if i say or think that dude needs psychological help that makes me a bigot? There is a difference between being real/straight up and just hating.
  8. It don't matter if some scientist discovers cleaner ways. The fact that someone wanting to go through all of that due to what they believe themselves to be isn't classified as a mental illness is wrong and an insult to science itself. How can someone be a "bigot" or "prejudice" for not accepting an ideology that promotes and celebrates people who can't even accept themselves? Leftists are a bunch of morons. All of their views aren't just damaging but they end up contradicting each other and we are not supposed to think about this but just go with "the feels". They all claim having a dick doesn't mean you are a male but then if that is the case then why get a surgery to make a fake ass pussy? Here is an example of how wrong leftist ideals are and how fucked up this country is for having an audience cheer this shit.
  9. Maybe your friend started losing weight after the wedding while she never did. She probably thought the weight loss was a sign of him leaving the fat ugly guy team.
  10. You guys stress over things that will never be your problem. Why? If you focused on the ones that will actually swipe back at you this could have been your "now".
  11. I wonder if these videos are real because I don't know how they managed to do this without the scammer hanging up. I get fake medicade calls all the time and I would play a 67 year old black man who wants some gay sex with the caller, i've used names like Mike Oxmall, Gabe iches, Will B Hardigen, and done other forms of role play just to lol myself.. but they eventually hang up.
  12. I think it maybe a good idea to teach Islam or something at school right now. If these are the ones who will be handling politics in the future, we are all fucked.
  13. I was at work the other day, and one of my colleagues was stressing how her kids are failing badly at school because they spend more time on video games (FF14 to be exact) than studying. She has confiscated their PS4's for a week at most, but they still end up glued to and she is so frustrated that she is contemplating on destroying it in front of them. I am thinking of giving her an idea to get their accounts band and sell or throw all their top items out.
  14. They shouldn't though. They should allow any level of testosterone anyway since that doesn't mean anything to most leftists. I remember the winner of Miss Spain 2016 (i think it was that year) was a transgender guy (which they all knew). Supposedly, all these women who worked and dreamed their whole lives just lost to some random dude who got all the medical help and political shit and still beat them. Us dudes are so superior that we would even beat women in contests orignially made for them such as beauty pageants. Seems that you can't support transgenderism and women's rights at the same time, two things leftists hold so much value on.
  15. Personally i draw skepticism when some internet personality records themselves doing charity. It looks very insincere and its as if they are doing this for their own personal fame rather than to help. These internet bitches love to go to Afica or SEA to show how they are such "good" people yet they don't bother to go to the offices in their state using their influence or money to create or contribute to projects to help homeless people in their own hometown, yet we are supposed give them compliments for their "humanitarianism". Fuck that. These mother fuckers flew first class over there, stayed in some nice ass resort, and spent probably just an hour giving these kids food and then took off the moment they were done filming and just ended the day sipping on some margaritas at the beach. I think even Jesus, Buddha, and some other figures have said that it is shitty to show off to the world that you've done charity. It's more for personal notoriety than aything else.
  16. Damn. That makes me sad. From that to now this The black progress chart has been in hell for so long and I really blame the leftists for this.
  17. That shit is probably staged. That fat guy probably got paid by musk to post this shit so they can make a scene. what a fake ass media campaign to get viral. Stick shift cars > Tesla's. Respect car companies that make vehicles that take time and practice not this 7 year old car. Besides, most of you have to remember that "she" can't fit in there anyway.
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