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Everything posted by zatalcon3

  1. I sometimes think it's wrong to support these gaming youtubers because it is encouraging them to live off nonsense that isn't going to last long. Most of them hit 40 and are already so unattractive and fat that it is highly likely they are going to die alone unless they start ordering mail order brides or something. They are fun to watch and people have the right to enjoy themselves, but this is can be also be watching someone who is self-destructing and throwing away their future for video games. This is why I have this concern for some people here. I want them to be happy in life but i understand the physical limitations that many here may have and that is why i always suggest to go to wholefoods.
  2. No. You got problems that are uniquely to you, bro. Maybe the problem is you? You could just be frustrated internally for not being able to release yourself, which is part of our evolution. Life is too short to be hated by your own parents. Instead of getting away from them, try taking a trip to wholefoods and find some metaphorical pigs. Who knows, maybe the next time you get talked about negatively by your own family isn't because of personal behavior but because of how much food she eats.
  3. Look at that, the Harvey Weinstein thing is fraudulent and homosexual. BTW. I think RKelly also pissed off someone in the illuminati. We all know Him, Jay-z, beiber, and mostly everyone has been fucking kids they just put R Kelly on the fire because of some shit he must of done during an illumaniti gathering. Wasn't there reports of him and Jay-z dping beyonce during the time they made their album together?
  4. That Harvey W. thing was weird. How can anybody not be skeptical about the majority of those women me tooing him? We saw the videos of Jlaw and most of those actresses going "thank you, i love you harvey" during award shows. Then when his scandal hits the media, these same actresses suddenly turn around and talk about what a sick creep he is. The fuck is that? I Think those girls had no problem giving their ass to him in return for fame. Open your eyes everyone! Harvey probably pissed someone who is of higher rank in their illuminati cult and got punished for it.
  5. Leftists will whine about any word being a bad word nowadays. I recall seeing an black transgender from NYU who died his (i'm referencing the actual gender) hair ginger, so some other guy who didn't want to be forced to refer to him by what he wants but doesn't want to cause trouble and offend him by not saying "ma'm" so the dude called him a ginger instead. Yet he still got heat because the leftist said that was racist because he interpreted it as a feminist slang way of saying the N word. true story.
  6. This cologne will likely have stronger effects on the women in your reach. Just don't get pancaked if more than one starts to approach you.
  7. You have good advice on how to survive the suburbs but none of that is going to work in da hood. Especially against hood rats who are really fat and if you are successful at defending yourself with BJJ moves you will likely be labeled as a racist afterwards.
  8. I already see in the thumbnail that she has pink ronald mcdonald hair... Go figure.
  9. It's all fake. Just another bullshit illuminati made story to keep us circling around like sheep. Why are people surprised or interested about Kanye "losing" his money instead of how he gained his wealth in the first place? He has no talent, he has no educational attainments, no rich line of parents.. nothing. There is no possible reason for him to have been rich. This is all just to keep the masses intellect at a low. What the hell would Fuentes (as you said, a Nazi) want with Kanye when he is said to have no money, no actual positive fame/influence, no Kardashian-illuminati assigned wife to swing with? Unless Fuentes secretly plotting to hang or whip kanye, then there is no reason at all for them to be hanging out together for the world to know other than this being they are all Illuminati who are once again showing something that is as fake as that Depp/Heard trial.
  10. I don't get the big deal about Tesla's they are just overly expensive cars made for lazy ass americans who can't drive. America should return to manual cars, those are the real shit. Americans rave about getting tesla's as if they are the shit but anyone, even a 6 year old given the height can drive that a manual takes actual learning and time. The only downfall about having more americans learn stick is that there is no car safe to park in black neighborhoods.
  11. I don't mind if they made new characters who were gay and black. I just don't like changing characters for the sake of appealing to the leftist culture or influencing it. Unless the character has been irrelevant and forgotten for many years, making racial and sexuality changes is just shoving politics over creativity.
  12. Don't cook because you will likely be eating by yourself. Just go to whole foods.
  13. I vote for green party or whoever isn't a rep or dem. They are all the same when you think about it deeply. The left is complete bullshit too, it's all about feelings over facts. It was highly proven here when I argued about putting in faith or religion classes just to mitigate the violent crazy outburts american's have as seen in school shootings. To me, i don't give a fuck about religion, if it can potentially stop school shootings then I'd give it a try. However the leftists here didn't care about stopping school shootings if it would cost having to listen to shit about God or whatever because their feelings. The black community, the biggest proof of the bullshit system of the left, in where they literally plant seeds in the black community to remain and think like they are victims which is all a tactic to farm us by keeping us down so we buy into their political bullshit. For example, dangerous neighborhoods that get revamped such as Jersey Heights. In order for these shit holes to become nice areas, the government has to boot out the residents who made the area a fucked up place and sadly the majority of these people are black. So black's are getting forced out and the cry is because of racism. No. It's because you guys wanted to be all thug instead of finishing school hence why you live like shit and are the main problem with the area. We can't state such things because the left made it all a form of "racism" because they want to keep the black people down and dumb so they have a demographic that can talk all their bullshit too which is all a bunch of fancier ways to say "hey you can still be lazy and shit will get easier for you now".
  14. this one right here I'd still prefer to pilot this shit over any gundam.
  15. Yo, Jason david frank dead? Can someone confirm, i'm too lazy to check.
  16. I told you all this was going to happen I told you all this trial was fraudulent and homosexual. They couldn't even wait to milk this shit, I understand they don't want people to move on and still buy into their merch but doing it this early just makes it so obvious that it was a work. It was all an illuminati stunt or possible punishment. In months time we will have season 2 with another celeb couple just watcb.
  17. I've been following as much as I can tolerate with the Parkland shooting trial. It is seriously outrageous how the juror's voted life for that piece of shit, every single one of them who voted for life instead of the death penalty need to be feel a huge amount of shame when facing their loved ones this thanksgiving. This whole "mental illness" bullshit should not be even considered in cases like that because why the fuck should anyone care if that kid had a mental illness? The parkland shooter is a reason why we need to reinstate certain death penalties like the crucifixion because it would make these monsters think about what would happen if they got reprimanded afterwards.
  18. What is it with black girls and fake hair? Every fight that happens between two hood rats always ends up with a wig being removed. I've asked before, and one hoodrat told me that there are no actual salons in the hood because it would either get shot up, filled with weed smoke, or the entire place would try to beat the fuck out of each other over where Tupac was shot. thing is, even other regular cities have black girls who are wearing wigs so there are salons if they could afford them.
  19. Logan Paul impressed the hell out of me tonight. I didn't see his past 2 matches so I didn't know how good he was other than hearing about it. I'm shocked at how good he is and I hate to give him props because I think the Paul brothers are the typical rich white frat boy douchebags but to be fair, I can not believe how good he is. There are many in the WWE now who have been in NXT and the main roster for a few years and you can tell who is still green and who isn't, who still can't cut a promo, who still come off with no charisma or any great ring work but this guy is just 3 matches in his career and he looks like he has been doing this for years. I did not expect this match to be that good, it was the match of the night by far and Logan was not obviously carried here like many must've expected. worst match of the PLV was the damage ctrl match. That was sloppy and boring. What is interesting about this feud though is that it looks like they are slowly building Asuka vs Shirai, hopefully at Mania.
  20. I agree. In fact, I'm prepared for Black Panther 2 because I think Shuri is the new black panther (which is fine) and what is going to happen is that she will hook up with Storm. Someone is going to be gay in this movie. What makes this appealing to disney is that they now have two characters who are female, black, and gay. That is an SSJ3 type of leftist. There is no leftist-tier higher than that, they make everyone else look like conservative racists white males in comparison. Oh i also predict that some in the Little Mermaid live action movie will be gay or a transexual, it's probably going to be one of the marine animals.
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