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  1. I doubt Intel will try to even compete at that level in the market until they reach Druid or Elementalist
  2. The 5080 reviews have been brutal. Holy shit those cards are not worth it. I'll wait for a super card. Save_us.AMD
  3. Excited to go to Magfest tomorrow. I haven't looked at the schedule yet to plan what I will do. I'll do it on the train right there.
  4. Lucha Bros have been in AEW for 5 years and not once did Tony think about merchandising their masks. WWE had replica masks up 8 hours before his debut and become a best seller. LOLTONY
  5. Disappointed that Main didn't get her own stage. Her rivalry with Chun is alive and well.
  6. The cards have sold out in the places that have pre-orders up.
  7. I'm definitely suffering from withdrawal. I need more levels All there is now is to get all the collectibles within the levels and white space.
  8. Since AMD isn't going high end this gen I might get a 5080 depending on how good the benchmarks look.
  9. The boss fight against Mephiles is hilarious to me. Mephiles is fighting so he can exist in the timeline while Shadow has no idea who he is but still decides to kick his ass because why not? It has the be the coldest thing Shadow has ever done in this series. It's great to see Mephiles again. Despite Sonic 06 well deserved awful reputation I always thought he was one of the series best villains. It's nice to see him get the chance be in a good game. One of the worst things about modern media disclosure is how often good ideas get tossed when they are attached to something awful. No one wants to put in the work to salvage
  10. 5090 is $2000 5080 is $1000 5070 ti will be $750 5070 is $550
  11. I'm interested in the new GPUs. Seeing how they are copying Nvidia naming scheme I guess they won't have any high end cards for RDNA 4. I want a new steam deck with their new Z2 APU
  12. I like how Shadow generations addressed Shadow being in Sonic generations when he had his own story going on at the same time.
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