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Everything posted by zatalcon3

  1. I thought it meant 50 and gay. The triangle is a gay symbol, they use to accuse the purple telletuby of being gay and having a triangle was one of the big indicators. I'm also black so I don't listen to Pink Floyd or know much about them other than their song dark stairway to the moon. I'm supposed to listen to fake ass people making "no talent needed here" rap songs that have no rhymes, bad beats, made up words because we can't spell, synthetic computer sounds bullshit that anybody can do".
  2. They hired the wrong old lady. This is so fraudulent and homosexual.
  3. Have you and her BF met face to face or he at least saw what you look like?
  4. I can't laugh at the meme's. I hate this rumor. This is like we are waiting to see a potential demise of something in big in our lives.
  5. Hence why i've been advising many to find a girl at whole foods. People at our age having that kind of life style and behavior should be taken under high concern. Imagine if 400 years from now when people then are studying our time and they see that humans use to be fat, use their hands, and have meltdowns playing video games while above their 30's? That would be embarrassing. Guys like Justin Wong are great players, but we all know that with out the fgc he would be another fat ugly asian nerd. Most of us probably recall Fchamp and some other player, trying to look all cool, as they were playing all serious in front of Bayley and Sasha Banks, making a huge cringe worthy moment.
  6. This reminds me.. what ever happened to goths? Do they still exist in this world, are the blue hair fat leftists with bull rings the modern day goths now? I remember back in the day, male goths would walk around with their pants having holes revealing their ass cheeks now it's just showing because they are under this delusion of being comfortable with their bodies.
  7. What is this? The left thought of an excuse to dodge working hard and being fat and lazy by saying exercising is racist? I only skimmed a bit of it because it's a long read.
  8. There is this big question I have had for many years and I never got a real answer to before. It became a question that I kept dormant inside my head and when it wakes up, I end up wondering about the answers so strongly (as it leads to even more questions). If a transgender (lets say a former male who became a woman) had sex with a real male (or cis-male as you leftists put it) is that transgender gay or straight? Likewise, if this same transgender had sex with a female (where his biological genitals actually penetrate the female) is this transgender considered a lesbian? Added question to this, if a transgender male had sex with a transgender female, are they both gay and is it really sex because the penetration is done by artificial materials (i mean your friend can shove a pipe up your ass, that doesn't mean you guys had sex)? Now, with all this asked.. and if none of these sexual stuff makes them gay, then why is there a T in LGBT when it's not actual sexuality? I tried asking this before a while back but I got heat for some reason.
  9. Happy New Year Yall. Hoping all of you (especially my boys RSG and Darksakul) enjoyed your night.
  10. It's the reason why I've suggesting whole foods more than wal mart. If you want them uneducated fat ugly hood rat black girls, then walmart is the spot. You'll meet so many of those street hippos and they always dress trashy as fuck with their fats hanging out of their clothes and shit, if you are into that then good on you but take caution because they do get violent and mouth off a lot.
  11. I haven't seen you in a while. I was wondering if you finally went to whole foods and found the one.. or the ton... It's not too late bro, this can be you by tomorrow
  12. OK, I honestly thought your story is fake. I think certain people are 98% immune to creepos, unless those creeps are fat and ugly too.
  13. Its understandable for a man to take that long because no one believes us, especially when the molestation was done by women. Women have a higher chance of being believed in, even if it isn't true. You were also a kid. Cosby on the other hand where grown women and all of them just suddenly developed the "courage" to rat his ass out? Come on. I don't think Cosby is a good guy, i just think there is something behind this story and the media is making it a scandal story to sell it. The media is so full of shit and has proven to be full of shit over and over again.
  14. So it's either the rape was probably organized by the cult. They invited women over to his party, provided the pills and then had sex.. or he was starting to piss the cult off at 2014 so they used one of their new Buress as a warning shot for cosby to fix his shit.
  15. It's possible that the whole Bill Cosby scandal is another illuminati stunt. It does make me wonder why that after so many years of "this happening" suddenly every single victim starts testifying in the same year. Yes, i heard the excuses. So and so girl could only testify now because nobody listened to them or they only had the courage because some other girl talked. LOL. Sure, why could a girl or 2 report it back then when it was still fresh so others could talk too, why would the media listen now anyway? There is no doubt Bill Cosby wrongfully fucked people, but that is how these dark hollywood organizations operate. Sex is one of the perks and riches given to their members. He probably just pissed someone off in his group so he is being made an example along with R Kelly, Harvey Weinstein, Depp and Herd.. all media publicized scandals that are all fraudulent and homosexual.
  16. The only thing I like from Ben Shapiro is his college forums when he fights against leftists on transgenderism. That is the only thing I see he is right on.
  17. I heard a new racist name around Union Square, "Caugger". A term being invented for half black and half white people. I actually think it's a catchy name and I am probably going to name my Red Dead 2 Hungarian Halfbreed horse that when i get home since it's a black and white twist coat (very attractiver). May Cigger is a better racist name for white/black people?
  18. I never understood why they say "poses nude" and then the person is cover her tits with her hands. That isn't nude.
  19. WholeFoods is closed for the holidays and they don't have alcohol in the food area anymore because the girls would prefer guys buy them a cup of clam chowder or a cheese cake instead of a drink.
  20. what did that dead guy do to piss them off that much that they would do that? Heaven (or hell) should allow that guy to haunt their ass.
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