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Everything posted by Emptyeyes_

  1. Wow. I'll be working at home someday. Heat exhaustion Thursday was pretty dangerous prior to fully recovering about 48 hours later. The ER said that my employee health department were perfectly accountable withholding that "no go outside cleaning" meeting from me. It took another manager who didn't work over me to tell me to come inside to work, where the main manager didn't care, but was too late. Decided to move on from that contract. I'll never rush a money bulid up for another house ever again. I would say I'm at more fault for that.
  2. Maybe I'm overthinking it. After all, I was around a heavy religious family at the time. It had me thinking at the time with the year 2000 end of the world meme. Lol.
  3. My theory to that were biblical scriptures where the world loses it's predictability, turning the last days into infinite severe chaos? Considering the group was formed a couple of years before the year 2000, when alot of people at the time thought the resurrection of Jesus was going to take place. I figured they've seen that as a cash in deal. Thus, how the NWO was founded and the story behind blasphemous temptation of the flesh (wickedness), metaphorically on how the regime steadily grew in numbers.
  4. You can do alot with those template ingredients. From breakfast to lunch in a comfort food perspective? Eggs, cheese, smothered diced lamb or steaks or smothered shrimps with your own seafood gravy twist? Any kind of meat really. Very good options here.
  5. The summer heat is both kryptonite and the red sun, at the sametime. Be safe.
  6. Had to quit a specific contract location. Don't you hate it when assistant managers think they can get away with what they say about you when their general manager isn't around? Clowning them a little in public was just to have a look at themselves. You can't to talk to customers or sub employees any kind of way, but they've felt some kind of way when I've took the verbal stuff a little too far. That was the point though. It shouldn't have come to that. I feel like working isn't for me sometimes. I get triggered way too much and laugh at them in public when get even knowing I get them back from their own behavior toward me in return, even worse when you use it as a defense mechanism for sport. That's pretty sadistic. I need a long vacation. Lol.
  7. Turns out that American Immersive Theather auditions were for anti SAG AFTRA people. Giving my resume to them which interprets SAG project based aspiration? Disqualified me. Not necessarily a loss, because they only pay you $100 to $200 per play, which looks really bad for them given the times we're in. I understand the anti Hollywood mindset, but they aren't any different given their financial and behavioral treatment of their employees. So, is this woke culture in reverse? Maybe. I don't know. Lol.
  8. Theater acting travel audition today. I'm glad I didn't take the correctional officer temp travel. Hope I can pass it this time around, because they've kept my portfolio as future potential. I should find myself more in life.
  9. If guilty, then not surprised. Learn to manage that side of you.
  10. Trump has the best indictments. Indictments like no one has ever seen before. For some reason, everytime I see or hear the name Trump, I think of Turnips. Guess I'm really a foodie.
  11. Kinda indifferent. I thought it was Cisco all along with an alt account. Sobriety most of the time works wonders because I've gotten easily offended by those two under the influence. Lol.
  12. On second that, I may consider the temp correctional officer position. Unfortunately, the film industry have been on strike for quite sometime early this year. Working with juneville or adult inmates are dangerous, but it's also hurricane season. At least the position requires traveling to different facilities from this country. I'll consider it for now.
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