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Everything posted by mykka

  1. It's hard to see with Kim's hair in front of her, but I think I still see her new shirt has fringes too. So its still like a mini dress
  2. I'm fine with them evolving her character to just be a nutjob troll. Guessing AKI will be the new female villain after Kolin is gone.
  3. I'm thinking they learnt their lesson about not having an Arcade Mode, so I believe it will be there. Hopefully the first season wont be just the 4 characters we know about
  4. Starting to believe the Feb 2023 release date, only 7 characters remain to be shown
  5. It wasn't that bad, but I think the new design suits her better. I just wish they had kept the green color. Cammy and Chun already sporting blue.
  6. I'm wondering if that is really a Lilly redesign or just an alt-costume?
  7. Disappointed in the launch roster, guess we'll have a year of Akuma, Rashid, Ed and AKI as DLC. Meh
  8. Damnd getting his own button, he is definitely being pushed by Capcom. Season 1 DLC?
  9. Imagine being this delusional. Or at best sheltered. Just stop. Antifa are fascists, as much as they claim not to be. You know who also fought the "right wing bigots"? Stalin. Mao. Castro. Pol Pot. The left loves to play words games, and twist them to fit a narrative to justify their violence. They are abusive, and they come after anyone that doesnt fall in line with their radical ideology. I've seen it with my very own eyes. Clearly you're very sympathetic to their terrorism... a shame.
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