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Everything posted by mykka

  1. Apparently that guy who said 24 chars with Rose in the base was just assuming the italian character leaked was Rose. And his justification for 24 was because SF4 console version launched with that many characters, so he was clearly taking other legit leaks and making stuff up adding to it.
  2. @DarthEnderXthat leaker was just copying what he saw elsewhere. The real leak actually did mention all the 7 newcomers, no elderly man mentioned.
  3. Out of all the newcomers, I'm interested in AKI and Lily the most. JP looks amazing too, but I'm not so sure he'll play that interesting. How many times can you reinvent psycho power?
  4. I'm wondering how they will write Juri in SF6, she went from a villain, to a sort of anti-hero character, I wonder if she'll evolve further. Maybe that's why they're bringing in another female villain (AKI) since Juri is retiring lol, and Kolin isnt back.
  5. MK11 was definitely explicit in its toning down, although MK was always more sexualized cause it was seen as SF's more "mature" for "adults only" fighting game. And a game so mainstream these days, where society's perception towards sexualized characters has definitely shifted, plus them being a western company, they were bound to fold. I dont think SF is anywhere near that level of censorship, if anything I think they just want more money to sell the sexy costumes as DLC. However I still think censoring Mika's super was dumb, she wasnt being sexual with her slap, it was just cheeky, no pun intended. One thing I do appreciate about SFV is they made the female sexy, while bringing out the muscle definition. I'm a bit disappointed with Chun, her definition seems to be gone in-game, hopefully they will tone her up. As for Ian, well I think he's just spewing out whatever the activists tell him to. I really had no idea there was this division between blacks from Africa and blacks from USA until I read the so called "diversity manager" on RE talking about how Kimberly is the first Black female in SF, but not the first black female. Apparently if you capitalize Black it means you're black from America. I swear these people keep inventing new stuff and lingo and expect the rest of us to keep up with their insane rules. No, Kimberly isn't the first black female in SF, period. That's just insulting to black africans, who share your skin color. Yes your experiences are different from a black american, but the same can be said for white americans and white europeans, etc. Just seems silly to me. More unecessary tribalism and division.
  6. I think people wouldn't be so quick to criticize the pants option if Capcom hadn't gone through censoring her in SFV along with R.Mika's super. I feel like that has made people a bit more cautious about certain design alterations, as small as they seem, and when they see changes like a character being more covered up all of a sudden, or her breasts are smaller all of a sudden, they immediately think something else is going on. I have too much real life issues to be outraged by this stuff, but I can definitely agree that there is behind the scens pressure on certain design alterations. Personally, if I were to be outraged about Cammy's new default, it's that haircut. Wrong on every level girl.
  7. So dumb. But at least that one looks fake. The Menat one that's all blurry actually looked legit to me.
  8. So stupid that they would fake leaks. I mean post your artwork, but trying to pass it as a leak that has been legitimized is annoying.
  9. So they are intentionally trying to make it seem like its a legit leak? Cause I see another character next to Menat cropped out.
  10. But the low resolution one seems legit to me, but maybe I'm missing something.
  11. What plan? Last hope for what? Yes they seem to have used one of her early designs.
  12. Are you sure? It seems legit to me. I dont have a twitter account so I can't question the guy, but it does seem like it was taken from the same place as the other leaks.
  13. I don't give these people any of my time. They always find something to bitch about
  14. Indeed. Characters like Blanka, Dhalsim, Honda are always near the bottom of the usage chart.
  15. I thought it was funny, cause SF4 stated Juri liked big boobs from what I recall, so it was like she had breast implants (shock horror, many women actually do get them done). I don't know, I just found that refreshingly honest. Ibuki and Rose in SFV went the opposite way, both had significant reductions, so it wasnt like SFV boobed up every female.
  16. I don't care about Cammy's pants, but Juri's boobs have been nerfed. I guess they really want you to focus on her feet even harder lol
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