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Everything posted by mykka

  1. Eventhubs says they mentioned Rose, but I don't see her mentioned in the tweet. Must've been deleted and replaced with this one
  2. People really are pissed online about the trailer delay
  3. What's worse is they didn't even announce a new date for the reveal
  4. To be fair, I was already expecting changes because that roadmap had a fine print at the bottom claiming the schedule was subject to change. My biggest problem is hardly anyone is hype for Dan, and dragging his release even further just makes this season start with a sour taste.
  5. where is this rumor that the 5th character is Demitri is coming from?
  6. SFV will get a boost when Dan comes out T7 and MK11 had big increases with their latest additions
  7. Typical REEEEEsetera. No diversity of thought allowed. Just be a good communist and you'll be safe. If you're a "bad type of gay" like me, damn would they eat me alive there for disagreeing with almost everything they say. It's filled with people like this These people are insane. But yeah, let's pretend you being an asshole all along is due to the Rona this year... What's weird is how Gaf was dead a couple of years ago, and now it's kinda thriving again after people found Era so hateful and intolerant, they're back on there to actually speak their minds and EXCHANGE opinions. What a concept! The people on Era all have TDS. And it's typical of how far leftists work really, they love to project. What they say Trump is, is exactly who they actually are. They are the tyrants, the fascists, the racists, the intolerant ones, the incompetent ones. I think Era perfectly represents society these days all too well (unfortunately). Especially on certain social media. You better behave and allign yourself with the mob or else the thought police will hunt you down. I blame weak minded politicians for allowing this type of activism for going on left unchecked for so long in colleges. Now it's seeped everywhere. It's what happens when years of identity politics indoctrination of "PUT YOUR IDENTITY FIRST" occurs. Everything has to revolve around a certain characteristic all the time, you're not allowed to remove your own "privilege" from the conversation, so everything is viewed through that lense. Must be hard living in that mental state 24/7 of constantly needing safe spaces and trigger warnings. If you don't have any "privilege" aka you're a white straight male, then your opinion is invalidated, you just need to be an "ally", shut up, and "educate yourself". Although if you're a part of a minority group like me and you don't go to the church of woke? Damn are we the ones they hate the most... that's when their vitriol really comes out. The ones that originally put these ideas out there are living a fabulous life doing activism on campus and companies, getting paid tonnes of money to spew their bullshit. Unfortunately for those of us who do fall for their lies and manipulation, it is hard to get out of that cult-like mind status. They need a serious intervention tbh. Problem is the people in power or in charge enable them, validate their behavior, and promise to double down. Unfortunately we have some Gestapo loving congressmen that would love to apply RE thought control tactics on our real lives. Rant over. Sorry for going off topic a bit, but damn do these people make me mad. Bunch of bullies.
  8. It's definitely gonna be CA2, so I wouldn't get my hopes up for something else
  9. Exactly. Volt can downvote all he wants, but Akira isn't a guest.
  10. I don't think Akira counts as a guest, it's a bit like Final Fight characters in SF.
  11. is the butterfly referencing Kolin? I know the colors are Chun, but I think the animal itself reminds me of Kolin's story.
  12. There's definitely a bit of pressure going on for them to go that route, or something drastically different to SF5. I'm also not too fond of hyper realistic artstyle in fighting games.
  13. Capcom being Capcom. Is anyone actually excited for Dan apart from Max_Dood? Probably not.
  14. It's actually interesting to see how and where this all originated, and how we got here, some interesting stuff online if you want to check out. Its a bit of a mindf*ck but wow does it make so much sense in 2020, with me being a minority (of a different kind) too. I'm posting this video in spoiler so not to derail the thread since its unrelated to SFV.
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