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Everything posted by mykka

  1. Interesting retro fun fact, in Alpha 3, Rose's sub boss battle was meant to be Aprile, and T Hawk's sub boss battle was meant to be Noembelu. Of course, capacity to do certain things were limited back then, so they used Juni/Juli for everyone.
  2. I'm not surprised cause they've always been an integral part to SF's lore and Bison, and ASF seemed to focus on finally taking down Bison. Azam definitely deserved a fight, but I guess they werent interested in giving a brand new NPC moves, unplayable dolls are easier to implement. They should've, however, is spread the battle towards all the dolls, and not make us fight Marz 3 times. In fact, if anything, she should've been the doll we didn't actually fight since it's clear that is not her duty in Shadaloo.
  3. It was such a wasted opportunity. However something tells me we'll see Noembelu again in the future.
  4. Luke still looks silly to me, but I really enjoyed his animations, done very well, especially his crouching stance. His back throw looked nice too. Still dont think we needed him in SF6 though...
  5. They botched her face. Probably one of the worst models.
  6. He also mentioned Rose and Sean apparently but I dont know what he said
  7. Hopefully it's not too much time after that. I'm so over SFV at this point.
  8. Chun's moveset also seems quite different, she's definitely lacking some of the moves shown in this version of the game
  9. These guys are completely out of it. I dont think Capcom would repeat the mistake of only have 16 characters at launch, at the very least I think they'll strive for around the same numbers SF4 had for its console launch, 25. If they do 25 characters, I suspect around 5 would be brand new. These could be totally new or just playable for the first time. I think here is where we'll see Gen's apprentice, Phantom, Effie, etc. As for the rest of the roster, I dont think we will have many SF2 WW in the launch roster. I think most of them will return as DLC though. Nash is probably one of the dumbest choices I've seen. I think they'll probably pick a few of the characters that were high on the popularity poll but didnt make it in SFV, so characters like Makoto, Dudley, Viper, Maki, etc. No way is Balrog returning before Dudley, and no way Bison is returning before G. Sagat and Vega also being launch characters makes no sense whatsoever. They will most likely be replaced by either a Illuminati character before returning as DLC.
  10. So basically in SF6 we have 3 options: Reboot SF3 Surpass SF3 timeline Go back in time I'm honestly hoping we finally go beyond SF3 but I'm not holding my breath.
  11. Didn't expect that part towards the end where they discuss her development with the devs.
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