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Everything posted by The_Weasel

  1. So somehow, some way, I managed to get the Cannon Spike Cammy costume you can only earn from Loot Boxes the "Fighting Chance" option in-game on the very first time I broke down and used it... I also have had such a hard time with connecting to others that I'm practically going to have to take a break and just do some more lab-work on my Ed before the next locals goes off.
  2. I got a chance to play this at a friend's house a few days ago. It was pretty fun and felt different enough from more of the Air-Dasher games I'm familiar with, though I only played Akatsuki and lost 9/10 matches.
  3. I usually try not to double-post, but it appears that some concept art for Cody's SFV incarnation and Falke have been posted. I find it quite interesting that Falke was originally going to be much more androgynous-looking than what appeared in-game and some of the outfits for Cody NEED to come back as DLC IMO.
  4. I managed to get the last piece of the Gloria cosplay costume for Laura. I don't know which particular person or team did the detail work on this thing, but I want them to be in charge of all of the costumes for now on; This thing looks amazing. I also lost enough matches that I ranked down twice, so I guess it's back to the Rookie cellars for me. Lastly, my local gaming group finally is going to test the waters and host a night of SFV again ahead of EVO, so I've got an actual tournament I can compete in tomorrow!
  5. Signed up for this and the SRK one. Also, I got a moment to get some games in today and dear god, Karin is such a fucking nightmare to fight against for me holy shit. Fighting six Akumas right after was no picnic either...
  6. Eh, what you had in mind was fine for a character of your own. But yeah, I was going for a old-school "Shoot" fighter kind of wrestler that used jazzed-up collegiate holds that deal damage, but don't look particularly impressive. Personality-wise, he's old and bitter about how he and his wife got "Screw-Jobbed" out of their respective titles while in their prime working for the CWA and holds some resentment towards Zangief & Rainbow Mika's trainer. Basically "Old man yells at cloud: The Character", while at the same time using "Insider" talk and terms that, ironically, expose the "Business-side" of pro-wrestling more than the people he calls rivals. Again, the background and storymode is pretty much there, but a moveset is lacking... Maybe have one V-Trigger power up his Command Throws beyond even the EX versions and/or add a follow-up attack after certain ones like a KOF grappler? (Clark, Shermie & Blue Mary come to mind.)
  7. In my mind, he'd look like a cross between Bob Backlund: And Jim Cornette: Basically sort of going for having the same kind of "Dorky-looking old guy who takes off his shirt and looks JACKED" appeal that a character like, say, Senator Armstrong from Metal Gear Rising has.
  8. Yeah, it feels like I'm the only person who actually got a PC to play fightin' gaems. But I don't regret upgrading. It's the strangest thing, because with KOF XIV and even GG Xrd I don't run into the kind of lag, stuttering, frame-drops and stuff. I wish I could get friggin' more than 5mb per second on the service my office uses... Anyway, I updated my profile to include my Steam Username. I don't have PSN or Xbox Live at the moment and I usually only get the chance to play once or twice a week in the middle of the day due to my work schedule being inconsistent, but I don't mind getting pounded into the ground and back to Rookie.
  9. I play a little bit of KOF XIV and I'm just starting to get back into Guilty Gear with Xrd Rev.2, but SFV is the game I feel I'm the best at right now. I used to big on Guilty Gear Accent Core + and KOF '98 & '98UM:FE, but it's been a long time since I played those and I would be rusty. I live in Northern California, about 3 hours north of San Francisco and while I can't complain about the scenery, I'm not to thrilled with the Internet options. (Basically no local spots to play online and I live so far out of town that Internet access for gaming is impossible.) I'm on Steam as well, which for whatever reason for the games I play that have cross-play built in is always a turn-off. (I've Literally only had one rematch in SFV after a win or a loss, and it just so happened to be with the person that had the best connection ever.)
  10. Man, y'all have been busy since I last checked into this thread. (And onto this site in general, but that's beside the point.) I have an idea for some old, grizzled Pro-Wrestler who gets a bug up his butt to go after Zangief, Rainbow Mika and Alex for "EXPOSING THE BUSINESS!" and compete in the next World Martial Arts tournament, but I don't have a moveset or a defined design for him yet. I know that compared to other grapplers, his moves would be intentionally spare or old-school with only the minimum amount of spins or flips and such. (So think Suplexes, Piledrivers, a Fireman's Carry and a singular Dropkick compared to "The Flippy 🤬 most of y'all think you need to do to get over.")
  11. Nice to see Talim back and Voldo looking as creepy as ever. I know of a few friends that'll be happy he's in SCVI.
  12. Well, after a ton of procrastinating and real-life dramas, I got a new PC and SFV:AE and started my path towards... Well, something. It's funny though, because when I used to play casually I mained Abigail but now I'm using Ed almost exclusively. Unfortunately, my internet is garbage and out of the 20-odd matches I've played over the last few weeks only 1 really ran as smooth as playing offline. Also, I feel like my motivation to get better has taken a bit of a nosedive because in my absence of playing fightin' games and SFV, the only local /fgc/ dissolved and mutated into playing Fortnite exclusively and the closest place to hook up for matches is around 5 hours away...🤬
  13. This victory strengthens the soul of... Titty! ... Uh, Taki. You win!
  14. Huh... So Remy was supposed to use the "Poisoned Hands" gimmick F.A.N.G. eventually got and was initially going to have a split personality? Neat. Here are some Makoto designs
  15. I feel like I'm in the same boat. A lot of ideas, but not enough time to think them over and type them out.
  16. The Guile player in my little local scene uses Flash Kicks more, but yeah I can't go more than five minutes at a tournament without hearing sawnic bewms.
  17. As a long-time fan of the SoulCalibur series, I'm excited for SCVI. However, I'm also kind of guarded about the game because of Namco-Bandai's track record of treating the series like a red-headed stepchild compared to all of the attention, marketing dollars and development each and ever Tekken game gets. Personally, I'm waiting on Taki, Astaroth, Raphael, Cervantes and new characters.
  18. This is easily the stupidest patch I've ever seen in a major fighting game. Capcom have no idea what the absolute hell they're doing anymore and have never had any understanding as to what balance is in a fighting game. *Looks over the patch notes more closely* Man, Ed looks too damn good on paper to ignore. Cammy too.
  19. I second @Darc_Requiem's comments. Especially as I have a couple more ideas I want to find time to post in this thread.
  20. Yet they'll still demand a Capcom Vs. SNK 3 or for SNK to finish the 2D Sprite-based Mark of The Wolves game that may or may-not exist and put it on Steam, PSN and Xbox Live...
  21. I just wish I could use Ed's V-Skill and V-Trigger II effectively. It's about the only reason why I don't have him as a pocket character myself. That, and I can't do dash-up combos for jack shit.
  22. Thank you. I feel that for as not-good as I am at playing SFV (Last in both of my previous tournaments), I can understand the game, how the systems flow to create a fully-featured moveset and understand what the strengths and weaknesses of that moveset might be. For Katja, I wanted to get the feeling across that for all of the tools she has and all of the potential there could be for shenanigans with either V-Trigger, she's a high-risk moderate-rewards fighter that can get stuffed easily. Basically a character lab-monsters could flock to, make videos of the character doing flashy stuff, then sort of either drop the game again or go back to playing a functionally better character. I have a couple other characters typed up, but nothing as complete as this first one... Ah well, watch this space. I'll be back.
  23. Well, it took me long enough... Here's my take on a "New Dan Hibiki"-ish sort of character, but instead of one particular group of fighters she's a parody of a whole bunch of SNK's sprawling cast. Name: Katja Hartkern So.... Yeah. I feel that this is still not as technically-minded as some of DARC_REQUIEM's bios, but I feel this is an OK start. As always, rate/review/flame/encourage and suggest changes if you feel they're needed. Katja also has a couple of alternate costumes, but I'm too tired to post them right now. Lastly, if anyone's interested, the piece of concept art someone drew of Katja is visible on the old SRK forum version of this thread.
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