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Everything posted by Reticently

  1. Err, Verona has its own police dept and isn't serviced by Pittsburgh's. And whatever staffing issues the ACTUAL Pittsburgh PD has are a budgetary function of not taxing UPMC or the universities. (I lived in Pittsburgh for 14 years, up to last July.)
  2. I've watched an active volcano erupting, and hiked a tropical rainforest. Been to Europe a few times too. And without getting TMI, I've done all of the relationship and/or sex stuff I'd put on a bucket list at least once.
  3. It is, by far, the mildest shade that one could cast at my father, lol. Somebody on here once replied to one of my stories about him that he sounded more like a Grand Theft Auto character than a real person, and honestly that's pretty accurate. Plenty of stuff, really. But I guess what I'm trying to say is that the delta between bad pho and good pho is huge, and the best pho is at least in the conversation to be better than the best ramen.
  4. So one of my dad's plethora of ex-wives was evacuated from the roof of the Saigon embassy as a kid back during the Vietnam war. Homemade pho by someone who knows what they're doing is fucking amazing.
  5. It's a mixed bag. If it wasn't Steam, someone else would be in that spot, and a LOT of big online platforms suck a lot more than Steam does. (Now, Stead did suck donkey balls for quality on launch.)
  6. Nothing like logging in to your work email and noticing that you've been mistakenly copied on an email chain about putting in a bid to conduct research in eastern Europe on a genetically modified fecal transplant therapy.
  7. I had an ochem 2 course in college that graded like that, and the class average was still a D.
  8. There are places where I'd drop $100 for a lunch, but that lunch is going to be better than any of the dinners I eat that month.
  9. Glad you're through to the other side of things anyway. Somehow just one of my kids got that bad stomach flu. Shit was brutal though.
  10. Maybe? I was mostly thinking in terms of the Disney princess discussion. In video games if a character is ugly, a lot of times it's just a game with ugly character graphics so I don't know how applicable it is. In Hollywood, most stuff with 'ugly stupid broke assholes' settling for each other is sitcom stuff aimed at adults. Pretty deep well for sitcoms now that I'm thinking about it.
  11. Entertainment is generally escapist, or it isn't entertaining. Blaming entertainment for peoples' sense of entitlement just seems futile to me, because basically no one is going to consume entertainment showing people enthusiastically settling for ugly, stupid, broke, assholes. Like, maybe any one of those things, but then that character is going to have unrealistic redeeming qualities in the other areas in spades. Is it a real problem though? If there's some bimbo type out there insisting on "top 5% income, 6'4"" dating material, eventually they're going to age out of the prime dating pool and just be choosing from the "I'll only date virgin pornstars who want to be my tradwife" leftovers anyway.
  12. My kids will be welcome to keep their bedroom doors closed, unless they give cause for some particularly drastic concerns anyway. But at this point I can't even convince them to close the bathroom door when they're taking shits.
  13. I'm not going to pretend there isn't a lot of illegal shit going on in that crowd, but you'd be surprised how much money they can make just carefully skirting on the legal side of insider trading. The insider trading laws weren't written by people who didn't want to get rich.
  14. They are very, very effective. You see even a faint hint of positive on one, and it's time to see a doctor.
  15. On the other hand, NYC is also the city that annually misplaces a few people in jail for years on end without due process. Like, would it be that hard to meet shit halfway between the extremes and, say, abolish bail but the 2nd time you're on the hook for punching strangers in the face your good will has run out and you get to go away for a while?
  16. A Twitter engagement farmer farming a TikTok engagement farmer. wherein an entitle rich person who thinks the poors should be paying him for the privilege of cleaning his toilet criticizes an entitled toddler who doesn't understand how entry level positions work. And then everyone pretends those two are generally representative of their entire generations.
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