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Everything posted by BB_Hoody

  1. Yeah he ain't perfect. He definitely has some Ls on his record. Like most people. But as to your point about him just being about promoting a life of greed, excess and materialism? I'll let him speak for himself There's other examples. But those are most notable to me. And I'm not saying women have to be wives and mothers to live a fulfilling life. But I just wonder. What is the point of being so career and money driven. With no family to share it all with?This goes for men too. And I agree we all need to get back to giving a damn about one another. But it seems very hard to get back to that. When so many value career, accomplishments, income etc. And value relationships, family and community so little. @RSG3 Andrew and Tristan Tate have both been released from jail. They're on house arrest now. But it looks like the charges are gonna be dropped. So is he innocent until proven guilty? Or are ya condemning a man based on ya opinion of him?
  2. And this is valid. And the thing is. Andrew to my knowledge. Never said to force yourself into that alpha leader role. Like that cringy kid did. He encourages men to become the man. That a woman and others. Would naturally want to follow. And to not tolerate unruly women in dating. Always be willing to hear your womans input before making decisions. But you should be a man that your lady. Is comfortable with allowing to make that final decision. Because yes, someone forcing themselves into that alpha leader role. When no one asked for one nor did a situation call for one? Yeah no one likes that guy/lady
  3. Hmm ok. I see that. However. Responsibility without authority, is slavery. If you have a responsibility to something, or someone. And you have no say so over how you go about handling that responsibility? You're a workhorse. Not a leader. For example. Some women want to feel protected and safe around their man. Knowing he'll step up if danger approaches. But there's more to protection than just squaring off with an aggressor. There's also wisdom, structure and advice that he can offer. To minimize the risk of danger coming her way. However she has the mindset of "I'm not a child, don't tell me what to do. You have no authority over me etc" And from personal experience. This tends to lead to women getting into dangerous situations. That could've been avoided if she had followed the man's words and structure. Instead she wants to do whatever. And expect the man to just rush in and get her out of a bad situation she may find herself in. I don't know about other communities. But in the black community. It's common to see women disregarding what a man has to say in a situation, handling it how she wants to. Then expecting him to jump in once things jump off to where she can't handle it.
  4. What has Adndrew said exactly that gets people so rilled up??? Or as you say "putting someone else in their place to lift you up to make it work"? What has he said that implies that? And I'll look up David Goggins.
  5. You should go back to not saying a damn thing to me buddy. I've done the same but I'll gladly make you my favorite topic of discussion if you'd like.
  6. I think Andrew Tate's ok. Yeah some of his ideals can be a bit much. But his overall message of getting men back in their masculine and being the best version of themselves is great imo.
  7. There was a recent story of a woman who was mugged and body slammed like that. Ended up partially paralyzed, and is now going through intense physical therapy. This ain't funny or hype. Human beings aren't suppose to hit the ground like that.
  8. I think mankind needs to realize there's limits to what we can do. I'm not gonna speak on transgenders, and what they can and can't do. I'm just saying that man shouldn't be trying to fuck with biology and nature. Somethings are just the way they are. And we have to learn to accept what we cannot change and make our peace with it, best we can. People gotta stop trying to change everything to this extreme. Learn to adapt
  9. Bruh you don't know the half of it. Let me pull up some reciets. On how wealthy this country. And how they share that wealth.
  10. I guess when you're working with a much smaller population. It's easier to distribute wealth and opportunity. Thus there's little reason to be homeless or resort to crime to get by. And yeah I'm amazed how clean it all is. I don't have to worry about walking in gum or dog shit. Not trash smelling up the area. No homeless person sleeping on the trains or sidewalk.
  11. In regards to guest in SF. I think it's quite the flex. That street fighter has stood on its own and maintained relevancy off its own name. For over 30 years.
  12. What's weird is what I mentioned earlier. Now thisvall applies just to Doha. The locals are the minority. The vast majority of the population are immigrants with work visa. So its hard to really speak on Qatari's or their culture. Granted that's here in Doha. I'd probably have to explore outside the city to mingle with actual Qataris I've met and talked with Indians, Turks, Pakistanis, Kenyans. So people from other parts of West Asia and Africa. But rarely do I see Qatari's outside of government jobs. And a rule of thumb? Don't go approaching Qatari women. They'll approach you if they want to. English is pretty much the unofficial language. It's just easier that way with so many different people and their languages. So as long as you speak proper English, no slang. People can talk just fine. Doha definitely has western influence. And was designed to attract international travelers. Seeing as how Qatar sought out the U.S for protection. In the event Saudi Arabia or Iran ever get hostile with them. So there isn't too much of a culture shock here. Most Westerners should be able to fit in. They have customs and social norms you'd expect to from Muslim countries. But yeah its cool over here. But damn do I miss the greenery of Alpharetta. Just seeing desert at the base is depressing lol
  13. Here's some pics of Doha. I'll upload some vids later Damn how do I upload a pic?
  14. Taking a two week vacation on the 21st. I'll be back in the states for that time. It has been quite the experience so far. Living outside the U.S. on a military base. Exploring the city of Doha and seeing people from so many different places. You'd forget that Qatari's are the locals here, but it sure don't feel like it when they only make up 300k of a 2million population.
  15. @HD-ManHey uh, any idea how bad a spill like this is??? 400k gallons of radioactive water. Spilled into the Mississippi River
  16. Don't forget dude who played Omar. Went on to play Chalky White in Boardwalk Empire.
  17. This brotha needs to be at a million subs right now! He is insultingly underrated. Rare that I laugh so hard.
  18. @DaemosHoe phase is not necessary for either sex. That's just fear of missing out/ grass is greener thinking. Which is why more often than not. People with vast sexual experience make for terrible husbands/wives. They don't know how to be content with what they got. And not only that. Those with vast sexual experience. And those with few sexual experiences. View the opposite sex differently, and behave in relationships differently.This is important and seems to be overlooked. The sayings ( can't turn a hoe into a housewife/can't turn a player into a husband ) exist for that reason. I will acknowledge I forgot to apply this to men as well. Because I would advise my sistas to avoid men who are known to run through women. Man don't need to be an experienced stud in bed. A good man can be taught how to please and vice versa.
  19. I guess your wording is better. Because everyone looking at me like I'm crazy for not wanting a woman with too much sexual experience. And preferring a woman with less sexual experience. Because THERE IS a huge difference between the two women.
  20. Forget Fresh&Fit. This is solid advice that goes back centuries. A woman that lives a promiscuous life style should be a man's last choice for a wife. Put a promiscuous and a woman with few sexual experiences together. And you'll see a night and day difference between their demeanor, how they carry themselves and most importantly. How they view men.
  21. When I say been out here in these streets? I'm talking she's very sexually active. Has had lot of sexual partners. ( she's for the streets ). Like they say, can't turn a 304 into a housewife.
  22. He's basically a soft version of Fresh&Fit. He lacks the energy, assertiveness and willingness to be confrontational like Myron. And really doesn't do anything different. As far as sexual purity? A woman can do what she wants. But most dudes ain't trying to wife a woman that has been out here in these streets.
  23. This thread ain't big enough for two red dress wearing blond haired young female warriors.
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