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Everything posted by BB_Hoody

  1. Ok so I've noticed there has been a trend in anime. Where a lot of anime/Manga that has small cute children as main characters. Really being pushed. Maybe I'm looking to deep into it. But maybe the Japanese government is trying to get people to see the joy, fun and sense of purpose toddlers can bring to one's life. And encourage people to make some babbies to fix the population decline. Because they have me convinced. The one with the two assassin roommates who watch after this 4 year old girl? Reminds me of my cousin when she was 4. Just a precious innocent laughing playful baby.
  2. Spanish Government, explain yourselves
  3. He wouldn't have brought it up. Had she not fronted like they were cool back in high school. She should've just kept it strictly professional. Or if she wants to bring up their association from high school? Acknowledge what it really was and own it. Then apologize. Now if she went about it like that, and he still gave that energy? Then he'd truly be corny and petty.
  4. Fresh&Fit put me on game to the wonder of credit cards when used properly. I now only use debit cards, to pay off my credit cards. Otherwise I never use debit. Thus the rewards on my cards have started to add up pretty nicely. Imagine paying for flights,hotel stays or large purchases through debit cards. And not getting all those rewards points from using credit. Just leaving money on the table *shudders*
  5. I got in TKRA stock at 30 cents on Friday. Looked at the potential squeeze set up and decided to put $1500 in. I'm very happy with that decision so far. I recovered from a $500 dollar loss to break even on my account, and now I'm up $200 so far
  6. This fallout quote is appropriate "We're all just actors performing on a stage. The stage I perform on is just bigger"
  7. Shout out to all the dads that are raising and supporting their family the best they can. And if you've ever experienced this? Check that ish ASAP!
  8. As a born and raised New Yorker. You're exaggerating. But not a whole lot.....
  9. And to think I once envied those who were living that Cali lifestyle, as a teen. Wtf happened LA???
  10. It depends. The FAA investigators first have to their thing. And figure out what specifically caused the accident. If it's determined to be pilot error? Then nah. If it's determined to be mechanical or electrical? Then they figure out what specifically malfunctioned and why Once that is determined. Then they start making phone calls. Getting info on what shop(s) did the work on that part. And who were the techs that did the work. That's the scary part. You could have retired or only been there for a few months. Did that work months or a year ago. But if the work you signed off on, turned out to be shody and played a part in causing that accident? You will be tracked down, and brought in for investigation. And depending on the severity of the accident, and if you're determined to be negligent in your work? You could face jail time.
  11. Yeesh things are looking scary. Not trying to start anything. Just genuine question. Do ya think this would've happened on Trump's watch? They seemed less Bolden to do such things. And he was even improving relations with N.Korea, and getting on other NATO members to start carrying their weight military wise
  12. This is facts. This is why while Fresh&Fit after hours show more often than not. Comes off as dude bros just dunking on immature ditzy party girls with the same talking points again and again. They stand out with their money Monday segment. They don't just talk manosphere talking points. They try to help you level up to where like you said. You have the means to apply it. I see very other few channels offering the kind of game they do on Money Mondays. Even if people hate Myron. They should still tune in just for Money Mondays.
  13. Appreciate that. Just want to make more people aware of what goes on in the Aviation industry. So if one is fearful of flying? They can be relieved at knowing what, who and how these planes are safe enough to where you can feel ok taking that flight. If one is looking for a career to get into? But don't know what? This could be an option they never thought to consider. I definitely didn't until a older dude put me on to it. And to show people how this industry has truly connected the world in a way it has never been before. To be aware of the history, and what's coming in the future.
  14. Trying to be a passport bro with a pookie/ray ray bank account. Smh
  15. This is exactly what goes into doing heavy maintenance. On the major airliner aircrafts we all fly on. Did this specific work for a good 4 to 5 years.
  16. The work here on base has picked up. Due to the Earthquake in Syria and Turkey. Lots of planes going out there to drop off supplies and personal. Talked with some of the people who was there helping. Pretty messed up stuff. 😞
  17. Could be some young lurkers, that may want to inquire about it. The gamergate thread back in the early 2010s had that effect. Brought in a lot of eyes that other wise wouldn't have been here
  18. Popular Aviation website for job postings. Got a lot of my work from here. Here are some employers that offer overseas contracts. This site requires you to have a clearance. I can tell ya more about that if interested A summary of the different career paths in Aviation Maintenance
  19. history of aviation dates,four pairs of glider wings. Flying Taxi's are coming ya. This company Joby is a publicly traded one. So I'll be investing and keeping tabs on them Here are some other EVTOL air taxis
  20. Welcome to the Aviation Thread where we can discuss all things dealing with Aviation Aerodynamics, and space. I'm a Aircraft mechanic who has been in the industry for 7 years now. I'm no expert but I know enough about the maintenance side of things, job market, a few tricks of the trade, things going on in the industry etc. To share with those who want to learn about Aviation industry. Have an interest in working in it, And chop it up with those who have knowledge and experience. My goal with this thread is to expose more people to all the career opportunities in this industry. What goes into making this industry run, why it's so important to our modern life. And where it started, how it got where we it is today. And where it's going in the future. So if you have any questions about the industry. Such as how are the planes maintained, job opportunities, business side of things, culture, how planes are built etc. Just shoot, and I'll answer best I can.
  21. .Damn man's got sent to the shadow realm .Lost his soul to the seal of orichalcos .Had his soul removed like Pain did Tsunade's personal aide .Lookin like Hulk after the original sorcerer Supreme knocked it out of him .Dropped like a toy in Toy Story when humans show up
  22. Just making sure. Then you found yoself a special lady. Who finds value in what a man offers outside of his ability to earn. Because a lot of women. Either do not value or think. Of what a man can bring to her life outside of money.
  23. 4 grand more a year or month? Because 4 grand more annually? Yeah that's not a deal breaker.
  24. Me personally. A woman can make as much as she wants and/or be taller than me. It's all good unless she starts acting like she's the man in the relationship because of those things. I'll let her know once it's a problem that needs to stop. Continues? I'm gone. Because at that point she's the man she wants to be. So there's no room in her life for another.
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