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MEGA Elite
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Everything posted by Vhozite

  1. Maybe it’s because I’m older now and not as into mainstream hip hop but all this hip hop beef lately is corny. I say this as someone who regularly consumes rap battles and enjoys disrespect and character breakdowns/assassination. Even if i did think it was cool this feels like it should’ve happened 10 years ago.
  2. I’m ready to catch hate for this but I don’t really like how much they show during SGS. Yes it still looks very cool, and if this was any other character it’d be my favorite super. However, I vastly prefer the mystique of the all black background with hitsparks. Leaves more to the imagination. SFV is my favorite presentation (Kage or Akuma). Other than that I’d say Akuma is by far the best looking character. Stage is also amazing.
  3. Holy shit I just saw the trailer for TF: One and it looks AMAZING. The voices were jarring at first but other than that I really dig the look and vibe. Animated, Bee talks, takes place on Cybertron, no humans/Earth. This checks almost every box for me haha. I will say that I’m already preemptively sad but Megatron’s inevitable decent into evil. 😔 Edit: Comes out my birthday month 🙌🏽
  4. While I agree that too many shotos limits design space, I don’t know that I agree Ryu needs even more moves. I’m not opposed to it, but he’s gained a lot of sauce going from SF4 to SF6 yet it doesn’t necessarily seem to directly correlate with him getting better. Shave (gonna make up numbers) 10 frames off his fireball and up the damage on DP like 50% and go from there. Anything else is overthinking it.
  5. RIP to the GOAT Akira Toriyama. One of my biggest influences as a kid who liked to draw and the reason i started working out. Sad day
  6. Idc what anyone says I love this. Love the way it looks, love the hatch, love the standard AWD, and love the potential of TTI6. This is also the only EV I’d consider buying. Unlike every other EV this actually seems like it’s trying to be cool, and it’s not a damn SUV and not a Tesla. It’s a shame I’m poor this would otherwise guaranteed be my next car.
  7. Jamie gains entirely new moves and a moveset wide damage buff by leveling up, and he doesn’t actually have to touch the other person to do it. I can make bad faith reductionist arguments too. Mind you comparing drinks to medals wasn’t even the point. The issue is that for a large portion of the cast they get better reward off normal throw than Manon gets off a scoop because Capcom thinks damage is a substitute for utility/momentum.
  8. lol it just occurred to me that Jamie can get a drink off his forward throw, but Manon, the character whose entire gimmick is leveling up off throw, can’t I mean congrats to Jamie but Capcom plz
  9. My issues are that CCX is over and we have no idea when the real patch is coming. This minor fixes patch has a few legit changes in them. It feels like they started to make a real patch and we’re just like “actually nah let’s wait”.
  10. Ngl these patch notes are disappointing. Manon SA2 seemingly fixed is nice tho.
  11. Who’s the baby Falke is holding? Also gorilla and a dolphin?
  12. Good Zangief play is by far the most interesting SF6 content. The only character I care to watch besides Manon.
  13. Rock is top tier because there is a large cancel window into the other two attacks that fast hands can abuse if the opp shows their hand too early or you have the read. Real niggas main the secret boss character tho
  14. The only times it really gets on my nerves is when it happens in the battle hub. I explicitly go there to play a bunch of matches in a row since you can rematch as you want and there is no points on the line so nobody should be afraid of losing. If you come up to my cab and interrupt my training to play one 1 set don’t even bother. I would unironically rather fight nobody and stay in the lab. It actually never even occurred to me to block people who do that I might start doing that.
  15. My thing is that I don’t think you should get the points or whatever equivalent unless you win the BO3. Would never flame anyone for 1 and done. Match could be laggy or maybe they have a crying child in the next room it is what it is. But in that case if you need to leave I think should just shouldn’t get any points since you didn’t finish the mission. Now if you’re the loser and try to 1 and done nah you should lose points.
  16. lol we’ve reached the point where apparently ppl are so fed up with SF6’s post launch content that I’ve seen mfs claiming SFV was better lmao. The internet was a mistake.
  17. This is exact scenario is the biggest reason why i do not like parry/just defend/flawless block mechanics in FGs. In theory it starts out as a well-intentioned idea to give an extra option on defense, which I really like actually. But then in practice every single time it turns into a justification for making certain offense options completely degenerate with your parry mechanic being to only consistent way to fight back. In fact sometimes you need to make certain options a bit dumb because otherwise these mechanics end up completely invalidating certain kinds of attacks/strategies.
  18. lol no it’s not if you’re a normal person. Either you like the game or you don’t if you need constant new content to stay with a game you are brain damaged and probably fried your dopamine receptors lol. We been playing games since we were kids that didn’t get updates at all or you were waiting literal years for a sequel lol. A couple months between drops for an actively supported game is a non-issue.
  19. Baldur’s Gate 3 is the game I want to play next but I just can’t pack in another game lol. Waiting for it to go on sale and by then I hope to be through some of my backlog.
  20. Dude I have a rotation of like 3-4 games right now. Megaman Battle Network2 (Christmas gift) YGO LotD Link Evo (getting back into it) Paladins (My friends want something like Overwatch that isn’t Overwatch so we are getting into this) Hell Divers 2 (my friends want to play this) Weekdays I’m lucky to squeeze out an hour of gaming before bed lol I have no time. No idea how these dudes have time to rage at Capcom about content.
  21. They literally just dropped Ed trailer what like a week ago AND his release is right around the corner lol. I genuinely do not understand this complaining mfs are acting like dope fiends. Seems like some people don’t even like the game they just want something new over and over.
  22. Nah I like the way SF6 Ed looks but I stand on him being a shit SFV newcomer. Terrible looking generic shadaloo getup with some boxing gloves slapped on combined with unoriginal “white/blond spare Bison body #10037” background. Literally could not put less effort into his design. Other than 123 being slightly annoying I was never bothered by the way he played. Snatcher and his VT1 are cool, and I liked the simplified inputs experiment.
  23. Ngl I think all of these besides the two Chun costumes in the bottom left look terrible.
  24. I actually like his default outfit more than the alt. It’s an incredibly petty reason but I hate the way those bright red gloves look. Plus i just think his default looks good.
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