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Everything posted by Skort

  1. Bruh how the hell is a BETA better than 6 years of development for SFV. Also Juri has a lot of screen control if played properly. I really like her buttons in this game.
  2. No. But you can find yourself a very empty server and go to the arcade cabinet upstairs. Usually nobody to bother you.
  3. Looking at the fact that both JP and SIM got air fireball / teleport / long range normals the matchup will be interesting and hilarious to watch at the same time.
  4. Can't complain personally. I got Juri in the beta so I'll be able to test a lot of stuff I practiced in the cracked one. From the remaining cast I'm only rly interested in Manon and Cammy tbh. DJ a bit as well but I don't play charge usually so there's that. Besides, 4 characters is pushing it. I'll stick at 3 the most for season 1.
  5. I wonder what are the chances of BETA 3 to have completely different character pack. Like none from current build except maybe Ryu and Chun but remove all the rest and add SIM,Honda ,Blanka,Manon,Marisa ,DJ and JP. Would allow Capcom to get more data on characters as it would force the player to play certain characters. I know the betas are mostly to test online play and not the characters,but you never know.
  6. I legit mailed Capcom and told them i rip their models and make cool / sexy mods. They offered me a job at first but i just accepted the beta code.
  7. Pretty sure that guy is Zhi. Dude is hilarious to listen to, used to comment SF tournaments all the time, unsure if he still does but he is funny as hell. Actually one of the few commentators i would listen to in SF6 , him and Yipes.
  8. Beta 2 is cool for people who did not get into Beta 1 or got into the magic candy van for the "offline version". Characters are cool, game seems solid, we all know this. So.... when's Beta 3 ? Yes, yes i think i am looking forward to Beta 3 more.
  9. So, friend on steam sends me these two pics. Apparently this is some sort of lewd game but check out this review. I swear steam reviews are sometimes pulled straight out the darkest corners of reddit xD
  10. Probably unpopular to many,but i always liked chiptune music.
  11. I got invited as well. This is great news to me, because if a 3rd wave is happening with new characters and they allow people that had access before to play again....i can get the new models ( priorities ) Regardless, looking forward to play some matches vs real people and get a feel of the game.
  12. Bit random,but ever wondered how nice it is how we can basically open youtube and see what's up with pretty much any game that we are interested in before dropping money on it ? How was it back in the day ? Buy a cartridge or PS1 disk and hope for the best. You may or may not have seen a pic or two in a magazine but that's about it 😅
  13. They just tweeted something about her so it's possible. I feel she will turn out in one of those really annoying characters to face online that can yolo you out unless you lab the matchup. I'm thinking something similar to Alex x Abigail combo. Big normals and armored moves x online play is the recipe for salt. PS : still gonna feel weird if a character like this lacks a cmd grab.
  14. Bet you won't be talking all high and mighty when I start making G-string bikini mods for Manon. While I intended to share my work for free this little comment has provoked,yes provoked me I said to re-evaluate my business mode. Be prepared to pay me the big bucks !!!!1!! ( The 1 was intentional) . I charge extra to remove armpit hair as well,cause we all know french girls rock like that. Now,if you don't mind..
  15. Fucking hell Capcom. There IS a Juri version of this and it's only in Japan. I...want it. I usually buy digital because lower price , but this would had been the exception.
  16. Main reason i am excited but not really .... regarding the next Mass Effect game. I want it to be good so much, but i just know they are going to mess it up somehow. I just don't trust most devs anymore in today's gaming market. I am more tempted to spend my money on indie games that of course do not have the same production value but provide a lot of fun regardless, games such as Dusk,Prodius etc
  17. ^ shit lol. Anthem... That's basically buying a tech demo at best. It's honestly insane how much they lied regarding that game. Tried refunding ?
  18. Nah definitely not preordering the game regardless of benefits. It's not a business model i support, especially on how poorly a lot of recent games AAA games have released lately and how poorly SFV launched. I'll wait for full release, see what's up then buy my key from instant gaming or something similar.
  19. I personally doubt that. Luke is Top tier in SFV and a lot of that momentum will carry over. He also has some really good straight forward moves in SF6 as well ( people just ignored him in the beta and claim he is low tier with no real reason other than to sound like sheep copying one another ). It's going to be characters like Honda , Sim maybe even AKI if she has an unconventional playstyle like Fang ( looks alone can't guarantee a high player count, Menat is a clear example as how the looks are well perceived but play style alone is enough to push the players away ) I think Luke is going to be quite high on the usage list given time.
  20. That is true. However ,she looks like a 15 year old based on that concept art. If anyone finds her even remotely close to being a "waifu" , he has some issues. Cute ? Sure i guess. But definitely not a character one should sexualize. It's basically same case as Akira to me personally. As for the gameplay, we already have how many cmd grab characters ? Honda, Manon, Marisa and Gief ? Chances are Lily is not one of them even if she is supposed to be based on T Hawk. Mid ranger zoner that pokes you with the clubs , Falke style and the one ability from Hawk is condor dive is maybe a more safer bet.. Could be wrong but adding 5 grapplers for a starting roster is overkill. But could be one of those cases where she does have a command grab but does not rely on it for it's main game plan, think Birdie SFV.
  21. Ye don't expect Manon's "vacuum" normals to be anything less than punishable on block with the approach that normals and specials are over all in SF6. I wager that those could be target combos that lead into different followups. So, the first hit would leave her like -3 or -4 while the rest continue to be even more minus. As it stands only like 3 or so characters from the beta have +ob normals and those are +2 tops a far cry from previous games. Adding normals that would not only move the character forward but also draw them towards you all while being plus makes no sense looking at the design philosophy of this particular game.
  22. I still love this game, and the soundtrack remains superb. Also this guy's cover does it 200% justice. To be honest i think all Kunio-kun games have insanely good OST.
  23. Maybe unpopular opinion but i think it's too early for a new MK game if its releasing next year. MK 11 does not feel old to me. I would much welcome Injustice 3 or even the rumored Marvel game they are supposedly working on. MK could take a step back for the time being, but if they do indeed develop MK 12, ease down on the fatalities / brutalities. While these have always been a big part of what made MK popular, i think it's way overdone in the latest entries in the franchise and they get really stale after you watch them a few times.
  24. I definitely agree with this. I think the best most recent example where porting the game to last gen was a really bad call is Cyberpunk. The game ran pretty okay on PC , current gen consoles ok after some patches but last gen consoles even after ~2 years of patches it still struggles a lot. Really curious how SF 6 on PS4 will turn out.
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