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iStu X

MEGA Elite
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Everything posted by iStu X

  1. Never forget how big of a piece of shit Bob Kane was
  2. Hope you guys crush whatever goals you have set for yourself this year. I believe in you. You got this. ❤️
  3. Makes me think in the next direct we’ll have a launch window or maybe even a launch month. I’m betting this summer.
  4. Most of the games I beat this year were backlog. However two Of the games I got this year that actually came out this year that I loved were Dungeon Encounters and Voice of the Cards. Both were small titles by Squeenix. Dungeon Encounters can be absolutely brutal at times but it was also fair (#notlikedarksouls). I haven’t beaten it yet because my party kept getting wiped out and id have to start again at floor 0 with a new party. Voice of the Cards was a really fun and creative JRPG. My one real overall complaint was that, imo, the price tag for the game ($26) was way too high for the amount of content you got. Especially since it’s a JRPG. I 100%’ed it in less that 15 hours. Back in the early days of gaming and maybe some small indie games this can be fine, sure. But this is a title made by Yoko Taro and published by Squarenix. I wasn’t disappointed that I played it but I was disappointed that there wasn’t a lot to it. Some other games I played and beat this year were Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle (god so good) Dragon Quest VII remake for the DS Dragon Quest VIII remake for the DS Final Fantasy IV remake for the DS Ni No Kuni 1 for the Switch River City Girls Luigi’s Mansion 3 box boy + box girl Mario 3D World + Bowsers Fury Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition probably a few others I missed. I definitely RPG.
  5. @DangerousJwhy the fuck am I harry osborn. That’s disrespectful as fuck my guy
  6. So comixology is having a huge end of the year sale I just picked up the following for under $140 (technically less than $80 because my friend gifted me a $50 comixology gift card for holiday) Alan Moore Swamp Thing 1-5 Silver Surfer Masterworks 1 & 2 Luke Cage MasterWorks 1-3 Iron Fist Masterworks 1-2 Incredible Hulk Masterworks 15 Fantastic Four by Mark Waid 1-4 Fantastic Four Masterworks 1-22 Thor Masterworks 1-20 Total savings was almost $1k I might pick up some more stuff tbh. They’re having multiple end of the year sales with deep discounts across the board. Not just marvel and dc
  7. Jason Aaron’s avengers is some of the worst stuff I’ve ever read. I don’t understand how the title hasn’t been cancelled or why Aaron hasn’t been taken off the title
  8. Just throwing it out there but I really want Capcom to announce a mega man battle network collection next year
  9. If this wasn’t Dan Slott I’d be super excited. Hopefully this event is the end of his fantastic four run. Cause it’s been ass.
  10. Andrew Garfield was a horrible Peter Parker (he’s way too hot to be a believable super dork/scientific genius/etc) but he was an absolutely perfect Spider-Man. His body language, how he delivered quips when fighting crime, just everything when he was Spider-Man was great but he was an awful Peter. But NWH also showed me I could have been wrong because the few scenes he was in he honestly stole them and had amazingly strong showings. Like when the other Peters were telling him how amazing he was and finally accepting it along with him saving MCU MJ were some of the best scenes in the 3rd act if not the entire movie. I was really hoping he would have stayed in the MCU and became its version of Ben Reilly.
  11. @RSG3arr any of the 3DS and/or Switch SMT titles dlc worth it? Or what are they even? I’m heading to bed right now so I don’t really wanna look them up. Lol
  12. Who’s angry? I’m just sitting here playing video games and enjoying my new job These past few months have been great honestly. I also plan on having a great New Years by making sliders and wings with my best friend.
  13. He didn’t nuke his account. He set it to private. So he can pick and choose who gets to see his tweets. What a bitch
  14. Which I clearly succeeded at. You throwing a fit like you are is just icing on the cake, tbh. also trying to use delayed responses as an insult is some sad, sad business my man. Sorry we’re not all huddled around our keyboard waiting for someone to insult us so we can attempt to counter attack. we got better shit to do. Like laughing at how insecure and fragile you are. 😂
  15. Since there’s nothing else in the switch eShop I want I may get those SMT games that are on sale on the 3DS. You can get all of them for right around $50 (persona Q’s not included). I have about $40 in my account when you include my coins so I wouldn’t really be “spending” much.
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