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Everything posted by M A R T I A N

  1. Hakumen has a double jump and an air dash tho. He's more like Justice in that respect, remaining in place and using long range moves and short combos to deal high damage.
  2. She's got the perfect voice for it. I'm not some huge fan of hers but she's got a sort of deep, raspy southern drawl that fits that song so well.
  3. My point was well and clear in that first post I made. You are acting pretty extra over that tame bit of sarcasm my dude, it's OK if you find them annoying lol I'm sure most people would
  4. Rhythm mini games are like, less than 5% of the cool shit in Yakuza 0. Bro. 👀
  5. You can choose to have every move on one set, at the cost of some of his inherent specials. Or you can equip each one individually for 1 slot, and keep a lot of his other moveset. Which is the way to go imo.
  6. I don't remember who suggested to use Shang Tsung with his ninja moveset but, thank you. I think this guy is definitely gonna be a mainstay for me after the patch. Being able to combo Ermac lift into Reptile slide is the coolest shit ever. And since you can equip those two moves individually you can still keep his soul steal special. So I'm probably gonna rock the Reptile Slide, Ermac lift, and Smoke parry. Then on top of that I can still steal the opponent's characters. 👌
  7. Depends on the game. SFV for instance, loads way faster on PC, so when you play with PS4 niggas you can definitely notice yourself loading back into the Battle Lounge faster than they do. In something like MK11, everything loads so fast that I've never once run into that issue even with people who had sub-par hardware. Whereas, in something like Tekken, you can definitely tell when someone else isn't loading the game off an SSD. It will load substantially faster when both players have one, and substantially slower when one player does not.
  8. Dude has been to "hundreds" of weddings and parties with Saudi princes all before the age of 18. You're obviously just jealous that you too can't maintain this college rockstar lifestyle, while also having time to become an option select God in 3S, like our boy here. Have some GODDAMN respect. 💯💯😤
  9. It's definitely coming to the Steam version, I thought it was coming to other platforms as well but I could be wrong. Lemme know if you wanna play sometime. It's been my crack over the past week. 👀
  10. Man you gotta be next level stupid to think being bad at SFV means you're bad at fighting games in general. I totally glossed over that part of the post, that's adorable. 🤣 Also, Mileena looking like a snacc. I didn't watch her gameplay trailer until now. I love that she's back to being more of a feral monster that just revels in the suffering of others. Glad that dumbass design from MKX is gone. I was hype about Rain initially but I might just have to play dentata waifu.
  11. Oh man. It's been so long since I've kept up on any of this stuff. I'm so behind on Spidey too. I'd love to get back in with a good X Men story tho. I might have to check this out.
  12. Yeah. I don't know if I've ever really played MK11 enough to have someone I can indefinitely call my "main". I always played Ermac and Reptile and they were no shows this time. 😞 I really enjoy Kung Lao, Jade and Sheeva tho. I think I really wanna learn Spawn, Rain or Shang Tsung. But yeah, everything is gonna get shaken up pretty soon here so who knows. I might find something I really like on a totally unexpected character. I might just finally meld with the MK hiveminde and pick up Scorpion. 🤷🏾‍♂️
  13. Yeah I'll pass lol. I'll be on today if anyone wants to play. I'm trying out some new characters.
  14. Damn, my post must have been so retarded that he stroked out on his keyboard and couldn't even follow up. Crazy stuff amirite. Christ, lol. Anyway, anybody feel like playing today?
  15. Yeah, making stupid hyperbolic straw man arguments that I never made is a surefire way to get me to just ignore your dumbass. 🤣 I'm curious tho, how many majors/tourneys has this guy actually won for you to use him as the pinnacle definition of an MK player? 🤔
  16. Yup, dude spent so much energy being tilted over some dumb shit when he could just remain calm and keep punishing it. He was literally throwing ice trap and punishing stomp with a full combo. But you know, Sub is defenseless and can't backdash, slide, ice trap, or anything. He's a wet paper napkin once Sheeva comes on screen. 10-0 matchup bro
  17. You can definitely reliably and consistently counter it. Just because it's hard doesn't mean it's not possible. I never said he wasn't a top player, just that he has the attitude of a whiny bitchmade scrub. We can sit here all day pointing out all the times he did or didn't avoid the move in the video. Point is, you opened with the statement that Sub Zero literally can't do anything but one move to avoid it. You are wrong. 🤷🏾‍♂️ Not much more I can do for you other than post literal video evidence of me performing the maneuver.
  18. Just so we don't have to deal with his inevitable clapback post: here's me literally dodging each stomp with backdash AND slide. It's not even the good slide either. The biggest issue is when she delays it, but even that has a learning curve. I don't see what's helpful about pretending the move has 0 counterplay.
  19. So you're gonna post this video talking about how hard it is for Sub to avoid this move, and the very first time he has to deal with it he casually walks forward and avoids the stomp for a full punish. Nice dude. If this dude is "one of the best Sub Zeroes" in the entire world, I can't imagine how insufferable other top MK players must be because good lord all this guy does is bitch and moan. Dude started crying as soon as he saw someone pick a character he didn't like, then proceeded to get salty when he realized she wasn't playing exactly like he wanted. Top player material bro. 🤣🤣 I don't know what your argument here is dude. Every character can backdash this move. At the least you can apply some form of counter play. It's not insurmountable. Otherwise I'd be breezing through ranked with nothing but that move. If you wanna argue whether or not it needs to be adjusted, that's something else entirely.
  20. Sub Zero can literally ice slide out of the way. Every character in the game can backdash it. If Sheeva delays, just backdash twice. It's not as reliable, but you can also just D2 it. Or use whatever upper your character has. It's really not hard to punish once you understand the timing.
  21. Bruh. How did I forget about Tekken 5? Jesus, it's possibly the most hype intro not just for games, but for anything ever. Ugh, SO fucking good. 😫 Sonic Boom is a classic too. SFxT intro was better than the game itself. And that's more a compliment on how damn sick that intro was than it is a mark on the game. The Armegeddon intro was like watching a movie as a kid. I couldn't believe my eyes. All these MK characters I'd known for years being killed off like flies. Its one of those intros I'd always leave playing in the background. Oh, and the way Stryker sucker punches Mileena after all that serious ass setup is fucking genius. 🤣🤣🤣
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