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Everything posted by Joke

  1. I still remember the ESPN days when Cammy and MIka were running wild and couldn't use their defaults. Fucking Kazunoko had to restart a match cuz he didnt pick the story costume lmao.
  2. For a Joshi puroresu character sure. Just a lil more cheek focused than most.
  3. To be fair it seems like Ono was the main coomer who was pushing that angle more in recent times. The most horny shit they had back in the day was like Cammy, majority of the other girls are as reasonably dressed as can be expected.
  4. Just fyi shermie is historically p fucking ass tier, tho seeing how much more combo friendly this incarnation looks she might be much better.
  5. Technically she does have a move called shermie whip 🙃
  6. SNK aint no bitches they double down on the cake.
  7. She looks really sick, love her new supers. Her far and crouch Cs look like they got new animations and it looks like her clD is new and cancellable now. Her little spin kick move crosses up now from the looks of it lol, gimmicky but cute. No titty counter breaks my heart tho 😞 . I really love that they managed to keep the impact to her fucking slams and suplexes, it's what ive really loved from both this and the yash trailer when these characters hit you they fucking crunch the shit out of you. I cannot get over this fucking super tho, fucking Shermiecopter flying away with your ass I love it.
  8. Ill play SFV, and I've got tekken and anniversary collection, I'd be down to play those. All on PS4. Been meaning to play more with people.
  9. @Darc_Requiem lol that goes double for me, the rust is too real. Was dropping the most basic punishes and shit. GG tho to you and the other guy.
  10. jokeeboi its been a whole ass minute since i played so be nice 😔
  11. If you can, please and thank you.
  12. When's the 02 Mexico stage theme tho
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