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Everything posted by YagamiFire

  1. Is it weird that just seeing these images makes me actually more interested in this than anything I've really seen from SF largely of late? It just seems so much more imaginative and crazy. Yeah it's probably really dumb but at least it's kinetic and feels like its taking risks unlike the boring AF SF5 story. The SF story needs new vitality. New energy. It's become...tired and everyone seems to have fallen into static positions...frozen in amber. I'd kill for a Ryu with that much dynamic personality to him (SFII manga Ryu is best Ryu)
  2. To be 100% fair, however, it seems like the Dolls are the Elite of the Elite at their vocations within the Doll division. Aprile, for instance, would appear to be the elite of the elite for medics so she is the best medic of the Dolls and surely a competent fighter but it is possible non-Calendar dolls could be stronger warriors than her. I do definitely agree that No seems to be up there as far as the Dolls go. Juli & Juni are probably the two strongest (behind Cammy, naturally) and are even stronger as a team combination. I really do wish we could get a big lore-heavy game for SF. I'd kill for that ALSO HAPPY NEW YEAR, STORY THREAD!
  3. I wasn't being sarcastic. I'm pretty sure that info is 1st hand from an official source
  4. I'm almost positive the skulls being those of children that had died from famine & drought is 100% canon from a 1st hand source
  5. Gotta say I like Luke. He also looks WAY better in art than he does in his default. Basically every costume is better than his default. WTF
  6. Oh man I remember being so hype to use Omega Red in COTA. One of my fav X-men villains
  7. Geez the Vasili stuff feels like a lifetime ago Also I hate reddit I don't care where we chat as long as we chat and keep up this thread that I love 🙂
  8. Not gonna lie, super eager for some kind of info drip on SF6 if only to get a lot more activity in this thread since it's one of my favorite things 🙂
  9. Gameplay makes me like a fighting game... ...lore makes me LOVE a fighting game
  10. Didn't know if anyone ever posted this but... Charlie cameo in Megaman Megamix
  11. Yeah and one thing I'll point out is that John is throwing straight punches for his... Luke, however? His attacks are more like hooks... ...but more importantly they're more like the motions Guile uses to throw Sonic Booms but with only one hand to throw the attack 🤔
  12. Might be a clear mouthguard? EDIT: Oh. Nope. On closer inspection I agree it looks like braces. Okay so is it spooky that I mentioned Ash Crimson-type as #5 character and both Ash and Luke have braces? 😆
  13. The hair very much reminded me of Charlie (but in reverse) The punches he's throwing also seem 'super sonic' and delivering high-pressure impacts...which is in keeping with Guile & Charlie's fighting style
  14. Yeah the Lucky Colt/Gunloc stuff is VERY interesting As is the American flag tattoo motif AND the dog tags Has anyone suggested that this 'peak at the future of Street Fighter' might be LITERAL? Luke might not be a contemporary of the characters/story of SF5. He might be a LITERAL vision of the future. Taking that possibility into consideration really changes options for Luke. If SF6 involves any kind of time skip for instance it could really change the options for Luke's relation to other preexisting characters
  15. Yeah I want to say I do not HATE him. At all. His gameplay looks FUN and that counts for a lot. Is his design perfect? No...but I think this is also basically a prototype. I think we'll see a lot of refinement of this look
  16. Yeah I don't mind at all if they are introducing the next game's 'viewpoint' character or whatever as the last character of releases for SF5. In fact, I think it's a halfway decent idea... ...and for Luke I like his fighting style from what I've seen so far. Going MMA is not a bad idea at all and he looks pretty neat. I will ABSOLUTELY try him out on release (which as per Capcom usual is WAY too long of a schedule...) but his design is just...very uninteresting. A blond guy in shorts with a prominent body tattoo that has light punch-gloves and uses a hybrid fighting style? Yeah his name is ED and we JUST GOT HIM. The design seems VERY derivative and even redundant in a lot of ways. I don't hate it by any stretch but it feels like a background character or like a Fighting Layer character...not an SF character. He's missing design elements. Like, for one, his tattoo should be WAY more prominent with darker colors and stronger lines to make it part of his at-a-glance look...instead it feels like just something thrown on. I dunno not feeling it but maybe his alt costumes will be better
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