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Everything posted by YagamiFire

  1. ...I can't say this isn't a surprising reveal... But...uh...this design is pretty generic AF Also are they just leaning into the meme? Even as a blond guy, don't we have enough blond guys in the game already? Why not someone with like bright red hair (Iori style) or even auburn or something?
  2. Well after seeing Black Widow I can safely say I've DEFINITELY seen a better evil mastermind control a small force of brainwashed martial arts girls
  3. It occurs to me what an absolute missed opportunity from a gameplay AND story point it is to not utilize the Shadaloo soldiers and Dolls along with any other NPCs in SFV as part of character story gameplay, etc. Like seriously that could have added so much gameplay and eliminated a need to contrive major characters constantly meeting up and fighting
  4. Once again, R/WOOOOOOOOOOSH Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup It caused...quite the situation that was immortalized as a small webcomic on the old thread
  5. Okay I just want to point out how this tweet is sort of bullshit You see, those dog tags on Still are just an in-game Easter Egg. It should NOT be assumed that they somehow canonize that Still's full name is "Clark Still". The original works still only refer to him as Still and the English game translations still refers to him as Clark. In Japan, his name is JUST Still and in English he's just Clark His full name is NOT Clark Still so I will NOT be updating the King of Fighters Canon Plot Guide to suggest that his name is ANYTHING except canonically "Still" in the original work. End of discussion.
  6. I'd...actually be in agreement with Rugal on this one. Rugal IS more evil than Bison. Bison does what he does and spreads misery to increase his own power because he feeds off it all as part of his plan to dominate the world and rule it. Rugal? He became a weapons broker because weapons kill people and he wanted more people to die because he thinks it's...awesome. He beats men to death with his bare hands and bronzes their bodies because he thinks it's bad ass. The dude fights teams of the most powerful fighters in the world 3 v 1 so he can butcher them and FLEX while he does it. His motivation? Lulz and vanity. Absolute pure malicious evil. No higher goal. No greater purpose. Not even the base desire for power. NOPE. The ONLY secondary motivation Rugal has EVER been shown to have is revenge...and that's tied right into his vanity. Rugal doesn't even have the slight flickers of honor that Bison has where Bison appreciates other peoples strength. The CLOSEST Rugal gets to that is the aforementioned horrific bronzing of fighters into human statues...and that's just to make the biggest most gruesome trophy collection in the world. There's no one more evil than Rugal. It's part of his charm
  7. Interesting the physical specs between Ortega and Gill with that quote...and Ortega is a wrestler while Gill was supposed to be a user of pankration Ortega is Gill's father confirmed (But not really)
  8. And yes I will second (or clarify for myself?) that MK's plots have been an ACTUAL disaster. The writing is absolutely atrocious and full of self-contradiction, a total lack of consistency in rules THEY establish, and flat-out incoherent along with total undermining of their own stakes It's dreadful Which is a shame because, before MK9, MK's story was actually the best for fighting games BY FAR
  9. What are you talking about? MK pulled Raiden time-travel out of their the EXACT same way Rose could do the same thing Also Tekken and MK have ALWAYS taken more chances than Street Fighter especially ever since Capcom back-pedal'd so hard from SFIII acting as if it was the roster that was entirely at fault for that game's reception and not, y'know, the dying of the arcade scene at the time... The next game should be (and I'm predicting) "STREET FIGHTER" That's it. No number. No nothing. Reboot the series. I'm ready. The 'canon' has become (#alwayswas) a complete spaghetti-mess and Capcom needs to nut up and put together something coherent and at least SOMEWHAT serious. We need an aesthetic closer to SFII/III/Alpha. There's a VERY happy medium in there called STREET FIGHTER II THE ANIMATED MOVIE. They need to adapt that general aesthetic. It's fine to be typical 3d...doesn't need to be DBFZ or GG style...but they need to jettison about 80% of the goofy garbage they have going on right now and dial down the saturation and steroids.
  10. So is this just confirmation that they're straight-up pulling an MK9 Raiden with Rose? all of Rose's flashes from the future we've ALREADY SEEN come from Rose herself in the future? More stellar confusing storytelling...
  11. Right? It's ridiculous. Their storytelling is so...straight-up bad Seriously, (and I say this as someone with a background in video game design) if they gave me an SF reboot to oversee I guarantee I could provide an aesthetic, story presentation and characters that would MAJORLY jolt the series to levels of MK9 as far as revitalization...or, at the very least, would be leagues beyond the half-assed attempts Capcom has made so far I simply don't know what Capcom's problem is...
  12. Necalli is a totally missed opportunity He should have consumed Bison...and then Bison should have overpowered the Necalli-portion of the amalgamation and Bison would have been reborn in the new body. A body that can handle his power with no problem.
  13. The Bison art for the Hokuto cross-over is AWESOME And I'll be waiting here with a MIKA-THICC "told you so" when the reboot shows up 😆
  14. The thing we need to realize is that normies do not give a damn about Street Fighter's actual story and that is LARGELY and almost ENTIRELY Capcom's fault for their miserable handling of it over the last...uh...forever. A reboot seems absolutely inevitable because it's probably the smart business move. People are even less invested in SF's story than MK's because SF never EVER had a well-received mainstream telling of its story. Period. MK did so people gave a damn about the story beats to some extent. SF has none of that. None of it. They can wipe the slate clean and start new and the vast VAST majority of people won't care and the people they might be able to get to buy into the new story will likely vastly outnumber the people upset about the old canon being thrown away.
  15. Yes it does seem VERY likely that Capcom would make an entire new story mode for a game that's been out for years specifically to focus on Street Fighter Alpha... That is FAR more likely than them making a re-introductory game to rope in a whole bunch of new fans with a starting point by launching a "STREET FIGHTER" game as a reboot ESPECIALLY since the name "STREET FIGHTER" actually has virtually ZERO relative baggage because no one paid attention to the first Street Fighter game But yeah. New Story Mode. Definitely. Super likely.
  16. Yeah so Rose is setting up the reboot for Street Fighter "From zero" Mark my words
  17. These G reveals are getting me rather hype! Man bought his own spacestation? Amazing
  18. Man I feel like we should get together a Street Fighter Lore Discord server where we can all hang out. It'd be great to be able to just casually chat with you guys and even maybe have a virtual Voice chat meet up or something. This thread has been part of my online existence for so long that I feel like that would be really cool and we might even be able to explore some cool story options there for sharing & spreading info (like coordinating SF wiki edits or something)
  19. Dan is a joke as far as a World Warrior but is tough AF as far as the vast majority of martial artists
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