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Everything posted by YagamiFire

  1. Just finished stuff with AKI this morning. Wow super fun character. Her attitude towards FANG is bizarre but also endearing. I really like her. Also I really like the way they're doing the story-roll-out with the DLC characters. It's building more events.
  2. I recently managed to get my hands on the Super Turbo Manhua, Alpha manhua as well as the full Capcom vs SNK Manhua. I'm trying to get the manhua for SFIII.
  3. Man that collection is LEGIT! When I am done building the house I will post up a shot of my book collection when it's unpacked I'm STILL trying to find someone I can send my extra copy of King of Fighters: Saga of Nests Part 2 to so it can be scanned for posterity. The book is rare AF and no scans exist of it online. I want to make sure it can be saved forever digitally
  4. Wouldn't Ryu have also inherited Suzaku Castle and its grounds? It is consistently his stage and it's where he was trained on the grounds by Gouken who clearly seems to have authority over the place. That'd make Ryu the exact opposite of homeless and, as far as land value, likely EXTREMELY rich.
  5. Story goes from having some of the best character stuff to totally nosediving into the worst sort of current-trend story-telling garbage. Also a bunch of characters are far less interesting. The Lin Kuei are ESPECIALLY atrocious. Every single one.
  6. The #1 non-fighting game crossover gear I want is Hokuto No Ken. Hands down. Go back to the roots.
  7. Yeah, man. Been thinking about that almost every day when I check the thread and don't see a post from him.
  8. @CESTUS IIIThat Baki work is amazing! As always your customs are IMPECCABLE. Bravo.
  9. That's kind of the funny thing. I have a similar to reaction to Baki as to Naruto where I just straight-up eventually do not care about the main character but the side characters are cool. Honestly, I think Baki really goes off the rails and gets just dumb with uninteresting fights but some of the character stuff carries a lot of charm with the supporting cast.
  10. There is DEFINITE stylistic and conceptual overlap between stuff like a knight-inspired fighter and Marisa who is gladiator-inspired. Both take the same kind of energy for their design origins since both hearken back to classic armored warrior types.
  11. I just want to say (as someone with Chinese family and an awareness of history) that you have to strongly think about what you're doing when you talk about the treatment of the Chinese by the Japanese. It shows a lack of knowledge of history both in entertainment and regarding world events of the past. ESPECIALLY over the past century. In fact, this reeks of western centric benevolence wrapped in an almost patronizing attitude of magnanimous contrition to say "oh we did more damage and are oh so bad". Contrition for something you didn't even do. The worst kind. It really feels like a myopic focus on history where all other 'foreign places' are but vassal states to the entertainment, history and geopolitics of the west while ignoring literal centuries of very relevant regional history of a continent that influences attitudes, decisions and everything else to this day in that area (and beyond). Also that doesn't even really expand into other issues across Asia like Japanese and Korean history. That is the real ugly truth. Not some western public self-flagellation to invoke group-guilt. Which I find abhorrent btw. Do not include others when you say what 'audiences from the west' do or, especially, when you say 'what we have done'. I know I am not part of some collective responsible for the actions of others. Do not associate me with them nor with what they think or are 'failing to acknowledge'. I'm quite aware of negative stereotypes of all kinds used in media both past and present. A lot of people are. That said, still love your blog and the vast majority of your insights. You're just way off the mark on this take (though I fully grant that it likely comes from good intentions). EDIT: I wanted to reemphasize the last part. Your blog is awesome and has top tier content. I've not only read it, I regularly re-read stuff in it and I do not think any of this disagreement stems from any outlook rooted in anything negative. On the contrary, I think all you've written hinges on and stems from good intentions on your part.
  12. I have now been subjected to almost all of MK1 and its spoilers. We are so lucky, folks. SO LUCKY. As a big MK fan, this is an abomination the likes of which I could not have conceived of. I am floored.
  13. I just want to say that after seeing MK1 spoilers... We here in this thread should feel absolutely blessed to an unprecedented level. What a disaster.
  14. LOL that art is so great. SF6 seriously elevated Retsu to a crazy level in my book. Awesome characterization of him.
  15. It's extremely unclear beyond that she's one of two female Asian villains in Street Fighter.
  16. Have run into similar stuff with people not knowing that 'negro' is 'black' in Portuguese which has created the weird situation where some people now try to use 'preto' instead but that is even weirder if you know the linguistics because that is a reference to the color itself which seems like a weird way to refer to someone and is contrary to usage of that word altogether. So anglophone understanding of language is created a reaction where their ignorance of another language is making some speakers of that language try to avoid that bullshit but, in doing so, are using a less accurate and kind-of more rude word to refer to people. It boggles the mind...and is again something remedied in the first place by people being less knee-jerk and more gracious in interacting with other people. EDIT: LMAO holy shit are you serious?!
  17. "Um ackshually, minorities are magical fairy creatures that have the infallible ability to be right about EVERYTHING to do with race and racism even when they're saying it about a race that isn't their own" My Chinese sister-in-law said you're being very racist with that sort of "Magical minority" thinking. I say the same thing. That's two to one. Please react in your prescribed non-racist way. Except you won't. Instead you'll deny her existence and her condemnation of what you've said here just as you'll ignore the fact that I condemn what you said as racist as a minority as well. So...aren't you required to agree with her and me? Or do you get special privilege? How does this nonsense work (especially since you literally denounced the concepts of rationality and morality 😂)? Is there some advanced Minority Math you use? Show your work. I could use the laugh. You won't be consistent cuz you're an authoritarian amoral hypocrite with no actual philosophical or even coherent foundation to your thinking because you're a religious nutbar that doesn't even realize they're religious at all who will GLADLY ignore, denounce and erase the existence of any minority that disagrees with you even while OH SO RIGHTEOUSLY claiming to champion them. You have no standards. You just want to morally grandstand to show off how "enlightened" you are. You get off on accusing people of things like some Puritanical witch-burner because it gives you a thrill of righteous indignation, consequences and truth be damned. "Oh what a good person I am! I called THREE people racist today! That'll show the world I'm valorous and good!" What a sad, sickening little person. Not everyone shares your insane religious convictions. The sooner you realize that the sooner you might be mentally healthy. Here's your trope, you walking meme-person Be better and stop throwing around slurs, racist (oooh I feel so righteous).
  18. Yeah hard pass on that please. Chun-Li type > Juri type any day of the week. Have never understood the appeal. To each their own I suppose but seems like a way to set yourself up for trouble going after the crazies!
  19. LMAO Did you just unironically do the "The only reason people don't use slurs is because black people are so violent they'll punch someone in the face for saying words" argument? really sounds like it. This might shock you, but some people refrain from using slurs not because they're afraid of SCAAAARY minorities punching them but, y'know, cuz it's not cool to use slurs. Or do you think someone using a slur in their own house risks someone popping out of the aether to punch them? 🤣We are what we do when no one is watching. Therefore I don't use slurs at all to refer to people. Pretty simple. As for you...I guess you just don't use slurs out of fear of reprisal? Damn, man. Talk about telling on yourself. I can only imagine what you get up to saying when you know no one is around to hear. Protip: This is a REALLY stupid standard. Like astoundingly stupid. Like blithering ardent Flat-Earther stupid. Straight up "If the woman drowns she wasn't really a witch but if she swims she's a witch so we'll burn her to death" level stupid 'logic'. Correct. I do not judge peoples actions based on their race. Cuz I'm not racist. I judge people based on their actions and the intent of those actions regardless of race. Crazy concept I guess? You went from 0 to 11 over a BigMex article FAST. Good talk. Stay classy. I particularly liked the part where you said you knowingly called someone a racially charged slur...while accusing someone of being racist. The irony gave me a good chuckle. Be less of a racist authoritarian busybody in search of offense, bro. It'll do you good.
  20. Seriously. The original SF China rep is the most positive, awesome, morally-upstanding character in the entire it's kind of hard to paint SF as having some sinister anti-Asian Women agenda at work 🤣 Also there's something SERIOUSLY messed up about conflating Chinese and Korean characters into a blend of "well they're both Asian so they're the same thing". SF has always traded on tropes to make characters instantly classically recognizable while also elevating those characters with genuine characterization and originality. AKI...doesn't even particularly fulfill ANY trope unless BigMex is claiming "Asia has had female villains. Period" as some kind of insidious trope pervasive throughout entertainment media which is, frankly, an insane contention for a number of reasons including just the surface level "Bruh..." take of such a blanket stance. He can't even invoke the "Dragon lady" trope here because AKI isn't some devious mastermind nor a seductress...she's overtly a 2nd banana AND off-putting and not seductive. She's creepy and weird AF. Also also, it wouldn't even be negative since it's a POSITIVE compliment if you're Chinese that is basically equivalent to calling someone a "boss bitch".
  21. Only in regards to typical SF exaggeration of characters. Also 'redneck' is a (mostly race based) derogatory term. Also also, it's particularly funny here since FANG was created by Capcom of Japan whom I am pretty sure isn't staffed by 'rednecks' and overtly have FANG shown to be an homage to classics of kung-fu cinema same as Fei Long and several other characters. I do believe there is no moral separation between different people using words. The only thing that differentiates word usage is intent of that usage. For instance, singing song lyrics does not magically become morally abhorrent based on someone's race. That's racist thinking. Personally, I choose not to use certain words not because of some kind of bizarre racist race-based passkey system but because I don't believe in using words like slurs. I don't find a place for them in my lexicon. They're beneath me. Y'know, an actual MORAL stance.
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