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Everything posted by YagamiFire

  1. A large number of my normie gamer friends are already discussing picking up Street Fighter 6. All of them have either A) not played since SFII or B) never played an SF at all. The game's visuals, content and styles are capturing a lot of attention.
  2. I will check because I seem to remember him being referred to as "Master" and "Master Bison" in the Kanzaki manga translation released by Tokuma
  3. I'm an unabashed fan of the American names. Globalize it. Just pull the trigger. Also @Daemosthat Bison & Vega stuff is awesome in your post. Great images.
  4. This is, once again, similar to Rasputin who managed to weasel his way into the Russian royal family circle by manipulating the Czarina
  5. Nothing guaranteed in it. Gameplay is boring AF. Art style is highly appealing. Game defines the word 'mid' as far as mediocrity and sameness.
  6. I'm currently downloading and will be looking through Street Fighter: Duel! I will keep folks posted if I find anything interesting!
  7. It also harkens back to the SFII Kanzaki manga where everyone gathers on the island nation of Shad to compete in its tournament.
  8. Is that Biff Slamkovich in the background of Gief's stage?? This game is shaping up to be incredible. I know A FEW people that haven't had SF on their mind since SFII that are now talking about this game thanks to what they're seeing. Everything from gameplay to art style is REALLY capturing people. The entire aesthetic and vibe is hitting the EXACT sweet spot for folks.
  9. $1 million dollar prize for 1st place in new Capcom Cup for Sf6 I cannot stress how insane this announcement is as a show of support from Capcom to SF6. Preorders must be bonkers. These are the signs, lads. We could be facing a massive reemergence of SF. We might be about to eat better than ever before.
  10. INSANE Bison play by Zhen in Capcom Cup right now. he's representing for @Daemosat the absolute highest level. This is god-tier
  11. Nadeshiko with the blade job!!! Also that Shinkiro art is so great. Shinkiro SERIOUSLY channels pure 80's awesomeness feelings. At least that's what I think.
  12. For real. Akuma literally couldn't even touch Gouken. Gouken could likely have shredded Akuma...but has no interest in fighting him.
  13. Definitely gonna agree that JPs theme sounds like the best one so far. Man that is a jam.
  14. Yeah this is honestly feeling like some kind of breakpoint. Like SF might ACTUALLY be grabbing hold of the zeitgeist again.
  15. Same here. I imagine they're going to have some cross-promotion too considering their and Kenny Omega's past with SF promotions
  16. Zelina Vega went out as Juri for the Royal Rumble She not only came out in full official costume but she also hit Juri's fighting stance, her taunt pose (the backwards bend) AND got an elimination by using Juri's super from SF6 Some SERIOUS mainstream push from Street Fighter. SMART. VERY SMART.
  17. Either way I'm moving on from this. 🙂 Also good news....with any luck will have a new house in not too long after some construction and then I can finally set-up my SF arcade cabinet I've had sitting in a box waiting for YEARS
  18. It's directly comparable. Game play mechanics? Not copyright protected. Art style? Also not copyright protected. I do not understand what is being misunderstood about that. There is nothing stopping a company from copying art styles right now so how does AI art change that? It doesn't except that it's less efficient than just hiring an artist to ape the style. Bro you made the wildly inaccurate claim that "You need to have a permit to carry and own guns". I can't tell you how uninformed of a statement that is. It is flat-out factually wrong in many many many many cases. The very basis of your point is factually wrong. It's like if I said "You see, human beings can't consume any amount of alcohol without immediately dying..." then proceeded to make an argument based on that factually incorrect statement. Your argument isn't supported because its foundation is wrong. You are talking about gun laws while having (by your own admission) no clue about gun laws. Which of us do you think owns firearms? Yes he said you cannot copyright styles. Explicitly. And he also said that copyright is on a per-piece basis. Both of these are correct. Neither support your concerns about AI art. You can't arbitrarily restrict a tool because it could "theoretically" copy something...otherwise we'd be regulating what copy machines can photocopy. We don't. The infringement is in the discrete act...not in the capability and this has been established law for a century or more.
  19. You realize that all MUGEN efforts can FREELY be mined for content by large companies to exploit for their own profit right? Design an attack for a character? They can take that. Design a mechanic? They can take that. Make a version of a character that proves popular? They can take that. It can absolutely be monetized in so many ways. Also you didn't answer the question...who does MUGEN help more? Small creators or big companies? In fact, I've noticed that's a BIG trend with this one actually wants to answer any questions about the topic. They just want to make assertions and talk about their feelings. Nope, it's part of the core of the matter especially since you still aren't even asserting how something is being 'exploited'. Art styles cannot be copyrighted. Full stop. Any company at any point can already take ANY artists style at will and start reproducing it. And they have the resources to do so at the snap of their fingers. "I don't know how the law on guns in US is" Honestly you can stop right there...because you don't since you go on to make incorrect statements. In fact, some towns in the wild west had STRICTER gun & weapon laws than we have now since it could vary by sheriff (many of whom wildly infringed on rights). So you're factually wrong...which means you've disproved your own point.
  20. And, as I said, regulation generally favors large corporations. Not "the small player". As far as "the wild west"...I prefer the wild west approach to things like guns and self-defense. I'm of the "an armed society is a polite society" sort. The internet, for example, was far better before being over-regulated and controlled where it is now overwhelmingly monopolized by only a handful of companies. What caused that? Over regulation that caused incestuous relationships between governments (The so-called regulator) and huge corporations (the supposedly regulated). Who has more to lose to people being able to create their own art? Individuals writ large? Or huge corporations that try to gobble up control over as much media as possible? C'mon now. That's an obvious answer. Does M.U.G.E.N. as a community HURT fighting games...or HELP fighting games? Who would be more likely to want to shut it down? Individuals and small-time creators...or huge corporations that would see it as a potential threat somehow? Again, the answer is obvious. Large corporations despise any tool that gives self-realizing power to smaller companies and individuals. "What?! You can't just PRINT books! That would allow the peasants to read!"
  21. It is always about the individual. Protect that and you protect the whole. Try to protect EVERYONE and you will end up protecting almost no one.
  22. No, this is exactly why you should not support a company that does these things if you do not like them. 'Regulation' overwhelmingly favors large companies time and time again. Look into the donators behind most regulatory's companies like Wal-Mart and Google and other megacorps because they use the regulation to their own advantage to harm smaller companies. You cannot regulate protection of a 'style'. It doesn't even make sense. At all. Not even a little bit. Not only is it near impossible to prove, it would open up MASSIVE issues. "Oh hey did you use AI for this because it seems VERY similar to a style Disney owns. Can you PROVE you didn't use AI for this? In a court of law? Cuz that's where we'll see you...bankrupting you with legal costs whether or not you're right or wrong". THAT is how big companies utilize this stuff. Lawfare is a VERY real thing and knee-jerk reacting for 'regulations' is exactly how large companies turn new advances in technology entirely to their advantage. You are giving increasing power to organizations that will exploit it ruthlessly to obliterate competition. Beyond that, regulating a style just makes no sense. It is incumbent on consumers to support what they want to support, not top-down bloated regulation that will (overwhelmingly statistically) favor the very large corporations you claim to want to combat. It doesn't work that way. It has never worked that way. Look into this stuff instead of just 'feeling' a certain way. Ceding power to other people to do something is how this stuff all goes sideways every time.
  23. So you haven't used AI art tools. 😉 Sorry, I just hate art snobbery. Putting in effort to pull a vision out of your head is matter how it's done or even what the result is. When I was 5 and I traced coloring books and then made a few tweaks to make different looking superheroes? Yeah that was art. When the 70 year old sketch artist with Parkinson's who can no longer control their pencil but can type uses a keyboard and puts in 5 hours of effort to get an AI tool to translate the vision in their head into a visual medium after having lost the ability to do so the way they used to? That is also art. In a few short years (and believe me it will be sooner than people think) when you can put on a halo and output your imagination directly into a digital image with zero 'effort' required from your body? That will also be art. You can hate the tool, the style, the medium or the result (and god knows I dislike PLENTY of those things)...but doesn't change the fact that it's art.
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