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Everything posted by YagamiFire

  1. Right?? I wish we could have got One Punch Season 1 quality animation for something like Kengan...I swear the terrible 3d ruined that series chance as an anime and its a shame because it's the best fight manga in a LONG time.
  2. Asinine take? Correct take. AI recreates based on things it has seen algorithmically through a learning process based on observation. It applies a vast array of data points to qualities of art across a huge spectrum (that increasingly grows and, if the AI is well designed, learns based on feedback). You know what your brain does? It looks at stuff visually and that visual input is turned into data points in your brain. If you try to create based on that info, you are drawing from things you've seen. Otherwise, PLEASE explain to me how someone that has never seen anything nor had it described to them proceeds to represent it artistically. I'll wait. As far as "regulations"...I often find it to be shorthand for "give someone else power" with that "someone" often being a government entity that has no interest in wielding that power in a responsible way. I do not need regulation to make people consistent with MANY of my principles. For instance...I use a seat-belt. However, I do not believe an adult should be required to wear one. Do you see the principled difference there? I believe someone should have the right to choose whether or not they use a seat-belt. That requires zero regulation of their individual autonomy. I believe people have the right to own things for personal protection like firearms. I do not believe someone needs to be given a firearm nor that someone should have to have one. So no, the idea that "regulation is to make OTHER people consistent with your principles" is not necessarily true after all, I am okay with there being a legal age at which people can drink alcohol. I, however, has it as a personal principle to not consume alcohol. There is a considerable gulf between a persons principles and how those can inform or manifest regulations. Indeed, some principles can entirely keep one from wanting to regulate the principles of others in many many cases (as happens with me). Your statement is a dangerous simplification. Morality, principles, regulation of others and similar concepts deserve A LOT more thought so as to arrive at moral consistency. People are asking for regulation against stuff that the AI is not doing...but are still pushing for it because they do not know what they are talking about. Their argumentation is bad. I am okay with stuff based on good argumentation, but they just do not have that in cases here. Now, as far as regulation, we already have that where you can't copy and produce things you don't own. For instance, you can't take AI and output an image of Kermit the Frog then resell it. Why? Because we have regulation for that. It's copyright infringement to do that (of course even this has wiggle room with things like parody, etc since Fair Use can cast a wide net so even that is not an ironclad rule). LegalEagle (who once made probably the worst legal video-take I've ever seen from a legal professional) has a solid video here that discusses the nuances of the situation. What is an important take-away is regarding his discussion about "style". A lot of the thrust of the 'infringement' being claimed by artists is that they're being copied...except they're not...because there's no output. You can't copyright a style and, effectively, what the AI is learning is 'styles' so as to form visual images of things. Is it not recreating the image itself. Instead, it took the image as input to learn from. CAN this create instances of copyright infringement? Yes absolutely because you can use it to output copyright protected characters or the like. If you tried to sell that, it would be infringement and that is protected. If you paid an artist to "Draw me as a superhero in the art style of Murata"...and they did so after looking over Murata's work...that is not infringement. The artist is not 'stealing' from Murata. AI can (and/or very soon will be able) look at the breadth of art just like a commissioned artist and then fulfill a request the same as the above commissioned artist. Again, that does not mean the AI 'stole' from Murata. This is railing against the absolutely inevitable. After all, we're MAYBE a year or two away from the AI being stand-alone installation that can just be fed images to learn from. So...what? Are artists just going to make all their art unavailable for viewing by anyone in any medium except in person? Cuz, guess what? Otherwise it will be trivially easy to train a stand-alone instance. Like do we understand how absurd this becomes at some point? What are you going to do? Tell software companies "No you can't make software that does anything like this"? Then...what? THE WORLD is going to obey that? C'mon now. What about independent people? Will they obey that? Of course not. It's rapidly becoming a part of the ecosystem with fast adoption. There's no unbaking the cake at this point. The software will be out there, the capability will be out there and there's essentially no way to 'regulate' it away...especially with the bad, ill-informed argumentation being made. TLDR Infringement is a case by case basis and AI Art software is merely a tool that outputs things. Not a work unto itself. So, as LegalEagle said, "probably not". EDIT: Took my morning constitutional and just wanted to clarify regarding the 'regulations' thing that the original statements for that was in regards to the mentioning of regulating companies by banning them from using AI Art...which is just silly. I do not support that at all. Not even a little...and for a few reasons. Ironically, it's also exactly the stance larger companies would make. Larger companies would definitely favor heavy handed regulation like banning of AI art because AI art creates higher quality competition. Think about Wizards of the Coast and Dungeons & Dragons...their stuff looks more attractive as products because of art production that they have the pockets to pay for. Now, with the advent of AI, it is becoming easier for smaller companies or even individuals to compete in that regard by putting their own vision of their fantasy world into an image. That's a great thing for smaller publishers! On an even smaller scale, it's great for individuals. I have a buddy that has been playing D&D for decades and has never drawn anything in his life but is a very creative guy that just has issues with visual mediums and translating them into motor-skills...he's currently using AI art tools to create all sorts of art for his D&D campaign. He's sinking HOURS into this. Hours into a visual artistic endeavor...and it's extremely fulfilling for him to finally get what's in his head visualized. That's really cool. That's the process of art. More art is a good thing. And sharing more ideas is a great thing.
  3. Whoa that is gonna be worth some MAJOR kudos because that looks like a spot-on call. Eagle eyes! Bruh, if you don't know the "Cal-Arts style" meme, you don't know artists. That's been a meme for years. Look it up. It's worth a laugh.
  4. He really is awesome. I'll even go one step beyond and suggest that he might be channeling Holyfield there. When Holyfield fought Tyson he DISSECTED Iron Mike and did it through a lot of hooks to compensate for Tyson's typical defense (Tyson's defense and chin were solid but he was HEAVILY reliant on his offense and early gas) so that seems very in line with what Murata is conveying with Dudley vs Balrog
  5. Man that classic stuff is so quintessentially "Street Fighter" Absolutely the best time for art in the entire series.
  6. Regulation for this sort of thing does not work. Regulation is just the lazy or insincere way of saying "I do not want to be consistent with my own principles so I need someone else to enforce them for me". Wizards of the Coast recently did stuff I cannot morally support in ANY way. As such I will not be buying ANYTHING from them basically ever again. Period. I do not need government overreach stepping in and enacting MORE power over citizenry to protect me from buying WotC stuff...I simply won't buy their stuff and hope more people do the same and they SUFFER because of it. I have not bought Marvel or DC comics in YEARS despite having been a weekly purchaser. Why? Same reason as the above with WotC. They're scum and I will not support them. Period. There is almost no way to stop people and companies from using shortcuts and easy methods unless THE CONSUMER does not support them. The free market speaks in that regard...and I'd rather have that imperfect system than keep demanding more and more regulation. That combined with the blatant knee-jerk reactionary attitude from an INSANELY poorly informed art community that I already know for a fact will readily and gleefully lie let alone just repeating misinformation, means I have zero sympathy for them at all. Part of me WANTS these mealy mouthed little worms to squirm too because the venn diagram with them has insane overlap with bad consumerist behavior. I agree "things can be used for bad ends"...but, just like with a firearm, I don't demand good people suffer restrictions because of the behavior of bad people.
  7. Murata should be used as a template for some kind of new SF animated series or something. His take on SF is god-tier. I love every bit of it.
  8. My school was half art school...and yeah that entire field has REGULARLY been the least sympathetic and even downright GLEEFUL I've seen when ridiculing manual laborers or even skilled laborers being replaced. I'm reminded of the saying... "First they game for the factory workers, and I laughed because I was an artist high on smelling my own farts...then they came for the automobile assembly workers and I told them to code because I was an artist that doesn't need to worry about uneducated factory workers...then they came for the coal miners and I called them bigoted racists and said I hoped they died because I am artist and I'm better than them... ...then they came for the artists and I demanded everyone rush to my aid because I'm a good, unique, special person that's simply more important than everyone else so PROTECT ME!" Pretty sure that's how the saying goes. Your article does indeed say how people FEEL about this new technology. Artists are often VERY big on feelings. ACTUAL knowledge of how things work though? Not so much. The article is factually wrong all over the place because it's quoting a bunch of artists that know dick-all about technology. "It's not art" Yeah that's the mantra of EVERY art snob trying to keep out "the plebs". Lego sculpture? Not art. Anime style? You better believe they used to call that "not art". A literal shit in a pickle jar? OMG WHAT AMAZING ART! Give me a damned break. When you spend hours working through refining down a tool's responses with various inputs to get an image you're happy with through HUNDREDS of iterations? Yeah that's art. That's toil, effort, imagination and, above all else, VISION. In fact, in a lot of cases it takes MORE work than what some of these "artists" produce (looking at you Cal-Art graduates. You suck) Again this is wrong. AI art is not putting peoples art in works it creates. It EXPLICITLY does not work that way. Period. Full stop. LMAO You mean like the Bengus-inspired art I explicitly made for a PC for my buddy's upcoming tabletop game? I want you to guess how much time and how many revisions that took to get....and then I want you to tell me that my effort and vision didn't equal "art" because of the tool I chose to use (while keeping in mind I have been paid for my art as a full time job at one of the best rates in my entire state in my field). This is going to open up an entire new field of art usage AND makes artistic expression available to people that have difficulties that could otherwise keep them from exploring traditional mediums. This is not exploitation anymore than ANY artist looking at someones art style and making something similar is exploitation, otherwise ALL OF JAPAN owes MASSIVE royalties to Disney and better pay up because holy crap did they copy that more than any AI has copied someone else. I see a lot of people talking about AI Art systems that clearly haven't used it at length to get good with it, nor have they looked at the nuts & bolts of how it works. It's fascinating...and to make things equal between people using AI art tools and traditional mediums, you'd have to gouge traditional artists eyes out at birth.
  9. Oh and if people don't want to take my word for it... Shad has a good breakdown. And, as a reminder, Shad's brother is Jazza (so he has considerable skin in the game)
  10. That's not how AI art works. That's like saying flesh & blood artists aren't allowed to make art because they've looked at other peoples art. AI art uses observations of art form to craft new art. They do not take components from other art. They simply learn how things look and attempt to recreate them in much the same way human beings do...which is why they make mistakes. The 'mangled signature thing' is a total misunderstanding of the basics of what the algorithmic functions are even doing. Without being fed visual input a human artist couldn't generate anything either because they would have never seen anything. AI art is going nowhere and only going to get better. As it does it will open up avenues for MORE people to engage in artistic endeavors. That's an awesome thing. It's more art. More art is good.
  11. There's nothing to regulate nor protect. AI art is just fine. In fact, using it is a skill/art form in and of itself.
  12. I think it's generally a safe assumption that a franchise-face is towards the top. Cody & Guy are at a comparable level to each other and we know Guy is a beast. Cody simply hasn't had a chance to shine in a recent game featuring him but just going by what other characters say to him, the dude is a monster. Remember, 'natural ability' is HIGHLY prized in the martial arts genre and Cody has been shown again and again to be a natural talent at fighting that has been honed ENTIRELY by real-world battle which is explicitly said to be better than what any training can produce. Cody is a protag and franchise protags generally command respect in the SF-world. Nash is a straight-up beast. There's no two ways about it. SFA era Charlie is absolutely above Ken & Ryu and is likely the strongest 'protag' character in the time frame. In SF5 he seems comparatively strong to all the big boys of the setting...which is in keeping with Nash's general skill level.
  13. Yup it's always been firmly my belief that Nash was/is intended to be towards the tippy-top of martial artists in the setting ESPECIALLY for someone using standard combat methods and not deep power wells like SnH or Psycho Power. Dude was intended to lose to Bison to set the benchmark for just how unnaturally powerful Bison is
  14. I come with more gifts @Daemos For some reason Kingdom Hearts filters cause the AI to make things look really neat Bottom left is INCREDIBLE It does such a good job reinterpreting Bison. It really speaks to the quality of his overall design aesthetic
  15. I have to share this for @Daemos AI Art of M. Bison in the style of Mike Mignola comic book art I had it do
  16. Necalli: Never heard from again FANG: Working behind the scenes and still loyal to Bison. Probably gained control over his old organization fully and is utilizing them for his own ends with AKI as a subordinate Rashid: He's rich so he's probably embroiled in struggles with JP on some level Laura: Very popular so I could see her down the line along with Sean. Having a brother-sister both in the game would be cool and would inform both characters a lot Ed: Works for JP but MAYBE is only trying to suss out what is up with the older guy. Maybe JP is keeping his Bison-side in check. My #1 hope for my main Falke: NPC AF Menat: Please come back, adorable hip-wiggle girl! Zeku: Will show up at one point with Kimberly to 'test' her or something similar like giving encouragement. Abigail: NPC for sure Kolin: Still simping for Gill but not playable. NPC Lucia: Banished to the shadow realm (likely a cameo tho) Akira: POOF! G: PRESIDENT OF THE WORLD! PRESIDENT..OF THE WORLD!
  17. Merry Christmas and happy holidays to everyone in my favorite thread on the internet!
  18. I'd point out with the Luke "guest character" thing that that likely refers to timing. Just because Luke is in the game does not mean he is there at the TIME of the game. Luke's story likely takes place between the events of SFV and SF6. A precursor to 6. My estimate would be that not long before SF6, Luke decided to leave the military at about the age of 21 and post-SFV Guile went to talk to him about that as per his story. It might have only been a short time since then that Luke has had his braces removed and joined the PMC as a trainer. Transitioning from military to PMC is not weird and with Luke's level of skill it's more than believable. A young Luke fights in MMA while also being in the military. He could do this for years for all we know from 18-21. At 21 he decides to leave the military and shares a drink with Guile, having just become old enough to drink. At 22 (just a year after the events of him leaving the military) he's linked up with a PMC and, thanks to his skill and past record, is made a trainer.
  19. This is going PURELY by memory, but I am relatively sure this is from a Super Turbo series of illustrations that came out and were included with cards. I had the entire set of cards (and still do somewhere) and remember that picture from those cards. Bengus was doing a lot of those style of pics leading up and through Street Fighter Alpha 1 EDIT: Also I'm not saying the art was done FOR the cards BTW...just that that piece of art was in the SFII Super Turbo card set. I can check some art books I have to see if any of them show this in it as well.
  20. Excellent post @CESTUS III I'll also say that JP has some similarities I've noticed especially when considering he's another Psycho Power user... Bison. So much power his body burns out. Scheming but willing to directly throw down. Immensely prideful and does everything for himself. Uses clones to gain immortality 🤔 JP Uses the same power as the aforementioned character but doesn't show signs of degradation. More refined in mannerism and style. Has stylish facial hair and an aristocratic bearing 🤔
  21. Much love and appreciation @Chun-Li_Forever! Those are perfect Sending over the 1 hour "FULL STORY" and the "Who Dat" series because she's got all the time in the world since she'll be watching them with her dad to get hyped for SF6. For her birthday a few months back I got her a copy of the SF Character Guide and she's been hungry for more info. She loves Chun-Li and Kimberly and now also really likes Dee Jay and Marisa. Thanks again!
  22. So my buddy's little girl is getting into SF big time and wants to know about all the characters and story... ...anyone got a good recommendation on a solid video maker/series that she can dig into? Something not loaded with a bunch of inaccurate crap? 😄
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