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Everything posted by YagamiFire

  1. Naive of you to assume he's not a Capcom spy here just harvesting story ideas!
  2. Necalli should have been petrified like a stone statue or something and reawakened...and he should have absorbed chi (like in his V-trigger Super), leaving people lifeless husks to feed himself. Not Majin Buu nonsense. It could have even been that the civilization he was from previous sacrificed people to him. The blob stuff is dumb.
  3. This is great! Remy was the second created character I made. The first was K'
  4. KOF has done way better with their bosses, honestly. They first established Rugal, an all-time classic boss that stands shoulder to shoulder with someone like Bison in terms of being an overt bad-ass antagonist. Then they brought in the Orochi, using Rugal as a springboard for the MUCH larger Orochi saga and the villains in it who didn't require Rugal at all to stand on their own. After Orochi, they brought in NESTs who needed nothing from Rugal nor Orochi to establish themselves (becoming my personal favorite villain group in fighting games)...and then they went on to bring in Those From the Past who drew on Orochi stuff due to its popularity and continuing relevance. The weakest angle of all of those ages of villains are TFTP because they were Orochi-adjacent...BUT they established themselves quite well by being very unique and tied into the current main characters. After all that, we then got the all new Verse stuff and a main tournament organizer (Antanov) that is one of the best new bosses introduced in any fighting game in a long time largely because he's NOT villainous and is a genuinely nice guy. SF has struggled to ever get away from Bison. Dude casts a huge shadow for better and, sometimes, for worse, on the entire franchise. They need to be able to get away from that I think. Hopefully JP is a step in that direction.
  5. JP is proving himself to be a straight-up pimp. Dude has swagger & style in spades.
  6. Amazing breakdown of info from K&M. The mini-games are EXACTLY what I said they needed to be for new players and old players alike. Also I find it interesting that there's a clapperboard transition/results screen for the China-town board-breaking minigame. Might it be related to Fei Long? Perhaps trying to be a stunt man for him?
  7. @Darc_RequiemPlease tell me you've seen Jade Cargill's Storm cosplays and wrestling ring entrance gear. My wife is in love with this woman.
  8. Yeah that's a huge point of contrast between Ryu and Gouki. Gouki aggressively killed to declare himself master...Ryu, meanwhile, would never accept the title because he wouldn't think of himself like that. @CESTUS IIIYoooo those are great! Especially the Cody!
  9. There's an NPC you can fight that talks about the best kinds of food in Metro city as well as Nayshall, Europe and Japan. Possibly a nod towards the available WT locations?
  10. @DarthEnderXthe Rude choice for Create-A-Warrior is truly patrician-tier. Very nice @CESTUS IIII feel you...Created characters are going to be my addiction in this game. I am going to lose so much time to just making people. This game is truly shaping up to be amazing not only for hardcore fans like us, but EVERYONE I know that games is talking about this game and the demo and have been impressed by it.
  11. I think it's because Gen & Akuma are both old school in their view of martial arts and mastery. They view it as internalized and personal. Bison does not. Bison sees mastery as extending to the external where power is wielded and utilized externally for the realization of the self as much as it is done internally. Akuma & Gen reject things like science and super-science where-as Bison embraces that, seeing all forms of strengthening himself as legitimate. I could argue that this limits Gen & Akuma in some ways at least as far as understanding the kinds of power other people can wield. Indeed, we see that Akuma is VERY limited in his worldview via his brother who has surpassed him while having NO desire to dominate others or, indeed, even to prove his strength. Gouken is at peace with himself and the universe...Akuma is in a constant state of contention with himself. The former is more powerful than the latter (even if the latter can still reach great heights). For Bison, he is not 'limited' by ANY moral constraints including the trappings of 'honor' tied up in utilizing outside forces to empower himself. Bison sees it ALL as his power. If he fosters misery & pain in the world and uses it to amplify his own strength with HIS science that he has brought into being through his own will? That is valid to Bison while being alien (and abhorrent) to Gen & Akuma. Gen & Akuma are martial artists. They see themselves as the weapon to forge. Bison is a WARRIOR...he sees all power as a sword for him to wield, including his own. Gen & Akuma forge skill & the body. Bison is concerned only with his WILL. TLDR Gen & Akuma are scrubs stuck in scrub mindset and Bison plays to win (j/k...or maybe not 😛 )
  12. SugarPunch makes some seriously good videos and dude is not afraid to do his proper research.
  13. Bison absolutely won the fights versus Ryu & Ken...only Ryu AND Ken had any chance against him. With his full psycho power he dominated them and then in hand to hand he was clearly able to obliterate either of them 1v1.
  14. Brazilian and South American comics in general are kind of known for inserting romance and lewdness into a lot of stuff. Also Guile refers to Chun-Li as "kid" a couple times. Not a term of endearment that would be used for flirting back and forth.
  15. Chun Li doesn't really flirt with Guile. She messes with him a few times. Their relationship is totally platonic in the movie with even older brother/younger sister overtones. The closest thing you could say is 'flirting' is her asking if he's 'man enough' to check out her other skills...but it doesn't even come across as flirty considering she's directly challenging him since he's being pig-headed and obstinate and it makes it clear she's not backing down. It's also clear that she's directly challenging him because he doesn't take her seriously...and she proceeds to set him a bit straight by showing that she can handle herself and won't be holding him back or getting in his way. It's then directly followed by her pointing out Bison killed her father. No flirting at all.
  16. Is it weird that that FANG costume reminds me of the design for a one-off Hong Kong drug kingpin in the Street Fighter animated series?
  17. FANG doing the weird bird-wings arms thing when pursuing Rashid's friend to murder her is the right amount of 'weirdo'. The other stuff becomes too over the top. FANG as a flamboyant, eccentric assassin-scientist is cool. Him being a ludicrous goofball totally detracts from his potential.
  18. If they want to be smart, they could incorporate some of the positive stuff from Charlie. Charlie was very popular in SF5 and bringing over some of his gameplay elements would IMMEDIATELY endear people to Remy Plus if they actually go with THIS look... ...with similar proportions, they'll immediately have a character that gets attention. With the introduction of characters Luke (fully) and Jaime as well as the newer gen characters, Remy coming in and being their age would be perfect for the character.
  19. My darkhorse desire for the game remains Remy with ties to Shadaloo. Isn't it strange that Remy and his sister are children of a mysterious "father" who abandoned them leading to the sisters death and no mention seems to be made of a mother? Isn't it weird that Remy's original designs come complete with a Shadaloo symbol across his back? Not at all familiar. Aaanyway... I want Remy back with a slight re-imagining (honestly keeping truer to his art where he's broad-shouldered and tall would go a long way immediately and I think he'd look great in SF6's art style in general) which would naturally be accompanied by a new Club Metro complete with a remixed stage theme (one of my fav themes in any fighter) The Beep needs to return and Remy's due a return as well. Manon being in the game gives a great potential in for Remy storywise.
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