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Everything posted by Scanman

  1. Thanks! Mario Odyssey, BotW, Metroid Dread seem like no-brainers. I'll probably get Splatoon 2 and SMT 5 eventually as well.
  2. Getting a Switch for Christmas. Can I get some recommendations? I was going to get MarioKart for sure. The Switch has a pretty big library. Thanks gents.
  3. The first good Metroid game was Super Metroid, no? I've been working on finishing Sonic Mania recently.
  4. I legitimately thought this "La Vikina" girl on the "LatinUp" channel on Twitch was Tony Montana's sister from Scarface. Really threw me for a loop. Also I have no idea why Twitch keeps recommending all of these music channels to me.
  5. I totally agree. As I said, a "shutdown" is not a default, but rather a sign that the US government can no longer borrow extra money. So the media always tries to conflate the 2, because the mainstream media benefits from deficit spending (through subsidies or otherwise). Your solution would work but unfortunately the government seems completely unable to tax enough to cover the spending, and they haven't been since Ike. If a president actually tried to run a balanced budget (in reality, not one of these "we'll balance it with future growth" fantasy budgets), he'd be tarred worse than Trump was. There's just way too many flunkies at the government trough. College rings are so silly to me. I have a simple gold wedding band, doesn't bother me too much since the price of the ring was reasonably close to its gold value. The main problem with wedding rings is the fucking diamonds, which jewelry stores charge an arm and leg for. Diamonds are actually not valuable at all, (you probably know this but for everyone else's benefit) we can manufacture diamonds pretty easily in labs/factories. We already do that for diamond plated drills. But yeah, in East Asia wedding rings have not been a traditional thing to do but it's increasingly popular, along with western (read: white) wedding dresses, as opposed to red. ----------------------------------- SRK forums are apparently live again (I just logged in). No offense to MrBee, but.... thoughts everyone? General Discussion is probably going to be gone, and the forums will be compressed. -----------------------------------
  6. Your solutions are a little extreme, I think, but yes it's sad. People have a mistaken opinion that a government shutdown would mean a default of the US debt. No, it just means they would have to cut (very large) portions of the budget, especially stuff that doesn't involve people's salaries, instead of just continuing to borrow. There's no way they would ever lay off government employees in lieu of continuing (for example) green energy programs and other non-essential spending. But the whole standoff is a farce. Cocaine Mitch would never have the guts to have an actual "shutdown"; the minority party ALWAYS blinks first.
  7. Is anyone actually worried about the theoretical government shutdown? They do this show every 2 years. I for one would not care 1 bit if they actually had to stop borrowing money and run a semi-balanced budget.
  8. I'm 30 now. I had 4 drinks last night and woke up feeling like death. Tolerance goes away damn fast as people age. Or at least as I age.
  9. You do not read. Go back to the playground and miss me with your passive aggressive sniping.
  10. The schedule depends on where you live (I attached the vaccine schedule for a hospital in Vietnam, where I live), although you're right it doesn't matter much. "At birth" was the wrong way to say it, I should perhaps have said "as a baby". Once again: why are we suddenly mandating vaccines for viruses with similar characteristics to the flu (as in, it mutates seasonally), when we've never mandated flu vaccines in school before (once again, afaik)? Why are they suddenly saying healthcare workers need to get the vaccine or be fired? I thought they were heroes. People's anger is motivated by A) skepticism about the vaccine and B) ridiculous government overreach.
  11. You're missing the primary point of my post. The school systems (nowhere else afaik, just k-12) mandate vaccines for diseases/viruses that are especially deadly for children, and usually (perhaps always) those viruses can be entirely prevented by getting a vaccine for it, usually at birth. Covid is not particularly deadly for children (the opposite, in fact) and the vaccine is nothing close to permanent, nor is it even that effective. It lasts a few months at best. You can easily get covid even after being vaxxed multiple times. Schools do not, and have never (afaik) mandated flu vaccines, so why is it suddenly appropriate to mandate covid vaccines? This is no longer about public health, but the primary problem is that -one- state government has suddenly decided to go completely 1984 regulating the shit out of everything, way over-extending their power, and people are pretty rightly upset about it.
  12. You are falsely equating permanent vaccines like Hep-B, Measles, Mumps, (perhaps Chicken Pox these days) etc with the covid vaccine, which is temporary at best. We don't mandate flu vaccines, which are also temporary and seasonal. Not for school or any other reason. I'm not picking on you in particular, but a lot of people on these forums act as if their far-left/Statist views are "just common sense". When people who are, quite reasonably, skeptical of vaccines where long term side effects are unknown, they are not some idiotic "other kind" of people. They just think the side-effects of the vaccine aren't well researched, and would rather take their chances getting Covid itself. Perhaps they think that because they're young and healthy, they don't have much to fear. Iunno. I am a high risk individual (I have asthma) and I'm getting a vaccine shot on Monday, but I totally understand people who don't want to get it, and resent when corrupt idiots like Gavin Newsom try to interfere with their/their children's health.
  13. Jason Whitlock is great.
  14. So I realized that I'm doing terrible on my New Year's resolutions this year: 1) no meditating every day (just 5 minutes) 2) haven't started learning harmonica 3) haven't read a book every week. This goal is probably a little unrealistic, should probably be 1 every 2 weeks. I've read 15 books so far this year, but we're in week ~38 right now. Sadness. Also unstated was 4) work out thrice a week but that's pretty much impossible because the gym's been closed for months. I haven't gained any weight or anything, but my fitness is almost certainly deteriorating.
  15. This^. Cliched quote but those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. There's a nice spot in the Confederacy museum just waiting for it, I'm sure.
  16. Boardwalk Empire is one of my favorite tv dramas ever. Steve Buschemi (spelling?) is a suprisingly good gangster, despite looking nothing like the real-life Nucky Johnson.
  17. Absolutely, there's an incredible amount of "fake nerds" in the Twittersphere. I wonder how they'll handle Julia, if they include her at all. Another problem with anime to live action adaptations is that a 26 episode anime story is just not meant to be a 2.5 hour movie, kind of the same thing that happens with book to movie adaptations (I'm looking at -you-, shitty Ender's Game movie!).
  18. I don't really care if the actress who plays Faye is white. I mean, "Faye Valentine" is not exactly the most Japanese name ever. It's -nothing- on the same level as making Motoko from GitS into... Scarlet Johannsen. And yeah, hair color in anime don't mean shit, it's just so that not everyone is brown-eyed and brown-haired.
  19. Yep. Silly Hollywood people continuing to make live-action remakes of stuff that no one wanted to begin with. I have (or had) no problem with the actress who was cast as Faye but when she made that video blasting fans I was just "WTF?". She said "I'm sorry I wasn't born looking like Faye" but... we all know she got the role because she knows somebody who knows somebody, it's not like she's essential to the character. Why is she acting like it's pre-determined that the role is hers? Fans can accept when a person doesn't match a fictional characters proportions (eg Chris Evans is not 6'5, 240 or whatever Cap is supposed to be, but no one complained) but acting like it's the fans fault when you ain't even look like the character is so condescending. She also stated that she couldn't dress like Faye because "I can't do stunts in tissue paper". Somehow Angelina Jolie was able to do stunts in Lara Croft attire, same for Trinity in the Matrix. They're not doing stunts, but we've seen cosplayers do basically perfect recreations of Faye. Just... c'mon man. I don't even know anything else about the movie besides the trailer and this bitch's arrogant fan-attack video, but it's definitely a pass for me. Hollywood continues to be clueless. No one wanted this movie, just like no one wanted the Godfather part 3.
  20. Jesus Christ I wish the government would just -allow- the deflation we're supposed to be having. I mean, it would suck, but our economy has never needed a general deleveraging so badly.
  21. Speaking of burgers, anyone ever tried Kincaid's? They give you a giant beef patty. It's pretty good. It's been a long time since I've been there, but it was really popular in my hometown until (for some reason) Chipotle opened.
  22. What's so bad about it? The only thing I've ever heard about Memphis is that you can go to an old area of the city and listen to jazz. That and there's a basketball team there that's usually mediocre.
  23. I had a friend in high school who said "I enjoy some things about Alabama, but I fucking hate Mobile." He then proceeded to talk about the infamous leprechaun tv news special, and said that it's not unusual for people there lol. He basically described it as black rednecks.
  24. This is gonna be a weird question but.... Is Mobile as bad as everyone says?
  25. You should be very careful with that "buy the dip" stuff right now, everything I'm listening to is saying to have a big cash position. There's way too much margin in the market right now.
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