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Everything posted by BootyWarrior

  1. To my knowledge, Luke and Chun-Li are the only ones confirmed to be masters.
  2. Luke being a master before Ryu is both hilarious and sad at the same time. What's the point in Ryu dressing up like Gouken if he isn't a master raising a kid and running his own dojo?
  3. Most people who like the female cast only care about their looks. So I'm not surprised Chun-Li ended up being a single mother of an adopted child meanwhile Ken, Guile, Dhalsim, Dudley and Hakan have a wife and kid(s) and their stories aren't always centred around raising them. C. Vipers the only mother in SF but then again she's Capcom's Vanessa
  4. That whole Hugo vs Ryu ordeal was made up by the fans. The only time they fought was in the spin-off manga. If Ryu's regular Shoryuken can scar Sagat then a Shin Shoryuken should outright murder it's victim like a MK fatality.
  5. Ryu's getting the Dante treatment but worse since Ryu's still not a master and will probably be weaker than Akuma for another 30 years. Luke is the new Ryu, Jamie is the new Ken, so that leaves Kimberly as the new Chun-Li? They teased her in the same trailer that introduced us to Jamie.
  6. What i find funny is that Ryu's winquote to Chun-Li isn't unique and yet people on twitter went crazy over it: Ryu to E. Honda in SFV: "Nothing stays the same. Every time we fight, you teach me something new." Ryu to Ken in SFA3: "You always exceed my expectations... I'm happy!" Ryu to Dhalsim in USFIV: "I never tire of watching you in action. Your moves are inspiring." It's so generic it hurts.
  7. Vanilla SFIV only had 16 characters. I hope SF6 doesn't start with 16 like the last 2 games they need to start strong to erase people's minds from SFV's release.
  8. This really isn't Ryu's game. He doesn't fit in the tone they're going for and even with the forced shamisen, this theme has no relation to Ryu at all.
  9. I think it's because Alex was pushed as the main character for the SFIII and nothing else. Luke is being pushed as not only the main character but also the poster boy going forward.
  10. I'm watching Cammy in her classic outfit doing her super on Cammy in her new outfit. It seems all supers are going to be 15 second cinematics now. Edit: That Ken story leak has to be true, I've never seen Ken look like this before.
  11. And now there's in-game footage floating around. wtf is going on over at Capcom?
  12. Some story related leaks from 4chan. Ken The reason this might be legit is because of Menat's winquote: Poison Concerning SFIII characters on what Capcom thinks of them @Scotia Alex
  13. Most rival encounters aren't canon or acknowledged by Capcom themselves. In Alpha 2 you knew Ryu fought against Sagat, Ken, Sakura and Akuma because right after the fight you see the outcome in the ending. You don't get that with Chun-Li who lost to M. Bison. We see the outcome of Akuma vs Gen as well. So Chun-Li has no solid feats in the Alpha timeline unless Capcom confirms these encounters. Alpha 3 is one big mess as a whole. Same goes for SFIV, Ryu fighting Sagat, Ken and Sakura was acknowledged in Ryu's ending when he had flashbacks about them, you also had Sagat's ending where we see him fight Ryu. We don't get that for Chun-Li's rival scenes and it's also ridiculous to believe that Chun-Li can beat an even stronger Juri in SFIV. Juri's OVA and the SFIV game takes place in 1 month since Juri is 25 according to her OVA and Mel is born after Ken comes back from the tournament. Juri with a prototype FSE beat Chun-Li with no difficulty and Chun-Li spent the rest of the OVA in the hospital while Juri got into more fights and S.I.N completed the FSE for her. The SFIV Aftermath is non-canon, Capcom could've mentioned it during SF's 30th and 35th anniversary but they haven't. Even if it was canon, Chun-Li needs help to beat M. Bison while Nash (alive) and Ryu (SFV, SFIII) can solo him. She lost to an out of shape Birdie. The only thing worse than that is losing to Sean or Dan. Urien has no feats outside of beating a weakened Nash who needed Kolin to extend his time right after. People think Urien is strong because his tall, imposing and says "die" a lot. He's a chump, not even in the same league as Gill or M. Bison. Chun-Li's popularity is so great that people will think she's top tier narratively no matter what Capcom does to her (like losing to Birdie). For SF6, the most you can hope for is Chun-Li getting the "family" power up Ken got when fighting C. Viper...then again family power Ken wasn't even to beat Zangief so nvm.
  14. Only Chun-Li can spend her whole career losing and then end up on B-tier or higher on people's list. She's above Charlie Nash who in SFV, beat down Guile when he didn't know how to use his body properly, he also put up a better fight against M. Bison than Chun-Li ever could in her whole life and this is Nash who's weaker than when he was alive. Capcom even had Nash appear in Ryu's story to show that they're both nerfed from their powers, they even did the anime fist bump before ending the fight. IMO It's hard to make power scaling lists for SF more than any other FG. There's too many spin-offs that people consume and consider canon, character bias is way too strong (looking at Ken, Final Fighters, Chun-Li and Cammy) and then there's too many Japanese only books that never got translated. You never see this problem in Tekken or MK because the canon is easy to follow even for casual audiences. I don't think Tekken has half the spin-offs SF has even with that netflix anime coming out this year.
  15. New Rival School manga by Masahiko Nakahira. It looks like Hinata's the MC.
  16. It doesn't fit his current character but Capcom loves to capitalize on meme's for easy exposure. Hot Ryu was a meme started in the west and they pandered to that crowd in Fortnite and SF6. Now they got Blanka on the "glow up/we're not the same" meme and they'll definitely use it again in the future. Prison Cody made 0 sense back in the day, but they made it work somehow. They can easily write something for Blanka who's been a goofball joke character since SFA3.
  17. The shoto bias and Adon hate is disgusting. I hope they make Ken ugly and irrelevant like they've done in SFIV and SFV.
  18. Capcom doesn't acknowledge SF1 as a tournament. The majority of SF games aren't tournament focused.
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