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Everything posted by -PVL93-

  1. How dare you compare the new poison queen with that pathetic bitch called Amber
  2. Just over half an hour for 19 matches is insane pacing. I'm actually kind of surprised EVO went with a top-6 format this year and the game is scheduled for 3 hours of a total runtime, I feel like the entire final will finish in half that lol But I guess the rest of those 3 hours will be filled with ads
  3. Less than 7 hours left boys Enjoy There's a ton to watch and follow even beyond just the SF6 stuff
  4. I guess now we know why Capcom tweeted out "good luck" in the announcement THAT Rashid is legal for Evo, they knew he's broken lol
  5. You just know people are gonna put an asterisk next to a performance of every player who switches to Rashid for the evo weekend Oh you're exploiting Oh you're a tier whore Oh nobody knew the matchup Oh you just were carried and actually a fraud Etc etc Especially if somebody's In top 8 on Sunday
  6. I still think starting from season 2 they'll bump it up to 5 per season. S1 only has less characters that expected because of how massive the base game is plus it was a summer launch as opposed to the winter window for V. And with shorter gaps inbetween too. Seriously it kinda sucks waiting 3-4 months before Aki drops after Rashid
  7. Akuma is gonna be sick and have the best 3d model in the roster. Redemption after 7 years of the stupid fucking sunflower hair
  8. Rashid animations vs Marisa animations You can tell where the budget went
  9. Well shit, looks like Marisa is about to jump up in tier lists real soon
  10. Red Bull Kumite 2023 is starting now Today is the LCQ stage with the main event bring held tomorrow Apparently not a lot of big names decided to travel to South Africa for the tournament so most of the competition has already been hand picked for the Kumite itself Still should be a good watch regardless
  11. Kinda surreal seeing modern controls actually being used in a tournament setting
  12. Sure hope the DLC stages are more like Deejay, Lily, Marisa, JP than Dhalsim, Ryu, Jamie ones. Give the game a diverse range of color vibrancy
  13. Animation by hand will always be superior to motion capture, not exactly surprising I'm more disappointed by how flat 6 can look on comparison. Even at its ugliest, V at least has some style going on. But at 6's worst, it looking like a fucking ps3 game, especially in still shots I hope Capcom can at least implement some graphical filters on the future updates or add more vibrant and colorful stages. Some of the backgrounds in 6 are fucking dreadful and lifeless
  14. Capcom ruined mvc4. Let's not pretend that Infinite being a shit product is all due to Disney
  15. Alright boys, Are you ready for a blazing hot take? Give Jamie one more Drink level (up to 5 from 4 as it is) and make his drunken fiat power up permanent until the end of the match
  16. Most of the time the BPs expire after about a month. Even if you pay money, if you don't play to advance through the levels - the unclaimed content is just gone. Only a few games do it where battle passes are either permanent (Halo Infinite) or their stuff is moved elsewhere (Deep Rock Galactic) So basically it's a grind either way, and if for whatever reason you can't dedicate time to the game - you're throwing 10-15 bucks out the window
  17. Impact is a scrub killer for the sake of having one. Kinda weird the mechanic exists when Capcom put so much effort to make the game more accommodating for casuals
  18. Surprise! Akuma is now a charger while Ed requires spd inputs for the 1-2-3!
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