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Everything posted by -PVL93-

  1. I'd rather they bring someone back who we haven't seen in a while like Viper over selling Sakura as DLC again or locking Karin behind money. At least there's Elena I guess
  2. Juri is still Barefoot in the pajama costume
  3. Also 3 chicks in a single season? SFV seasons were balanced more towards male side, like 5-1 or 4-2 max
  4. Mika fans are about to burn Capcom HQ because they'll hide her ass like they did Cammy
  5. RBK 2024 is on boys
  6. People were too busy focusing on the Ken jp Luke trifecta
  7. The Juri era is upon us First UMA wins Capcom cup, now Nephew gets his spot in red bull kumite tomorrow and looking strong
  8. Daigo's first ever Beast Cup just finished, was a great event. If you missed it - VOD should already be up on his twitch channel Ran a 500+ man bracket for SF6 in under 7 hours, plenty of good matches too Also there's red bull kumite later today in just a few hours, though only the qualifiers, the main event is tomorrow
  9. Finally an exciting character This is probably the best Akuma has ever looked in any street fighter (or really any fighting game) to date, though his Tekken 7 rendition was also really damn good
  10. This is what Harada actually meant by "Tekken is 3" - third reich, triple k, three years in jail for domestic violence
  11. Still wild to me that despite Dragon Ball being such a massive worldwide phenomenon we barely knew anything about Toriyama and he basically never appears in public. Hell there aren't even any photos of the guy except maybe 3-4, all from different stages of his life (one from like 20s, one from 30s, one from 40s) Also Masako Nozawa is nearly 15 years older than Akira yet looks nowhere near her age, seems to still be quite healthy and retaining her powerful voice, and probably is going to live another couple of decades
  12. Imma be real - the more I see news like Dragon's Dogma 2 being framerate capped on consoles the more I'm happy I didn't dip into getting a PS5 at the start of this generation because good god would I have been disappointed with the investment. This entire cycle is a non stop fucking disappointment. AND THEY'RE ALREADY TALKING ABOUT THE FUTURE TOO, supposedly coming in like 2027. Never would I have guessed a Nintendo system would look more attractive to me because while Switch is objectively an underpowered system, it's at least getting a consistent stream of great games, from brand new releases to remasters and remakes of old classics Meanwhile Sony and Microsoft are doing fuck all for 3 years
  13. Akuma will come in April right after Evo Japan
  14. By the way Juri is prolly going to get a pro tour winner costume thanks TO UMA Korean psycho girl mains can't stop winning
  15. This Capcom cup is really trying its hardest to make me hate Luke after how much work aleks le put in to make the character likeable and endearing after his shitty SF5 self At least thankfully they're mostly in loser bracket so they'll eliminate each other, just like all the jps did in lcq
  16. 400 iq move Blanka wins Capcom cup and gets nerfed for season 2 🙂
  17. The actual training stage/mode theme is good, it's just for some reason in the matches the song immediately goes into the repetitive notes section and only changes for the low health moments
  18. .... Lowkey that sounds cool but half the characters might not quite fit the typical top-down gameplay perspective
  19. The amount of frauds and literal who's in this Capcom cup is incredible. An entire group is basically "go take a break, comeback in an hour". The new qualification system sucks.
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