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Everything posted by Grimmjow316

  1. Man MJF just slaughtered Punk with that Ryback comparison.
  2. Why do they let her keep doing moonsaults.
  3. Lesnar with the persuasive arguments on poor Sami.
  4. They liked but her battle with Crohn’s disease would take its toll forcing her to miss time.
  5. Man WWE is in real rough shape if you are having to run Vince corpse out there to try and get people over.
  6. I think they will probably keep Jelly since he is one of the main guys for GCW and helps the others get work in one of the few indie promotions still going strong.
  7. I’m dying at whoever made this. Edit: LMAO the guy in the Cornette shirt throwing Cody’s belt back at him.
  8. Johnny is too nice a guy going for an extension, so he will leave on good terms like Adam Cole did.
  9. Well as long as they didn’t have a weapon on him or you could have ended up like Ole.
  10. He just wanted to give Seth a big hug. Edit:Nikki Cross about join that cut list.
  11. *raises hand* I believe I’ve outlasted him at this point. Also this just happened.
  12. More like confirmed. Tegan Nox could have been such a great story of overcoming the odds fucking idiots.
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