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Everything posted by Sonichuman

  1. Apparently people are being petty enough to delete wiki entries about him which is wild AF behavior but unfortunately not surprising. Like if you literally look up Yasuke on wikipedia and click on view history you can see the insane amount of changes the page has gone through since yesterday. This is not healthy behavior.
  2. Looks like there was concern that Ass Creed Shadows was going require online and Ubisoft came out today and said no Though this does pretty much say that the game will not be playable off the disc....-_-
  3. RSG mentioning aliens and seeing other people mentioning aliens is reminding me how far removed I am from the "real world" storyline of AC in the modern day. Kinda curious if the aliens have anything to do with Abstergo or they just suddenly introduced them.
  4. I am completely unbothered by how anyone beats or completes a soulsborne game within the confines of the game rules itself. Yeah game is supposed to be hard and challenging and make people regret life decisions but if the game is giving you the tools to beat the game, I can't be mad when someone beats the game using said tools. It's not a cheat, its not a mod, let dude have his fun.
  5. In a game where one person can juggle 100 people in the air and toss them a mile in different directions...I'd hope not lol. That being said Dynasty and Samurai Warriors do use actual historical people from those time periods that they're taking extreme hyperbolic liberties with. I just found it interesting that they even went as far to include him when I legit didn't know.
  6. Yasuke was in Samurai Warriors...did not know that. Edit: Bruh... Edit 2
  7. I got to Hades with the bow. Need to go back to it at some point cause I still haven't fully beat it.
  8. I decided to peek and see if Grummz saif anything knowing full well what he was gonna say and yeah....its roughly everything on the bingo card. Edit: I'm not posting anything he put in here cause the grift is pretty obvious at this point if not before.
  9. Disco Cactus came out with another smaller album today. I was listening to it while washing dishes and its pretty good! Can see what's on it and listen to it on Bandcamp Prob will buy it later.
  10. quite interested to see if they take any of the feedback from the first movie and apply it to the 2nd....I don't expect there to be anyway for them to write Arcana out of it so I can only hope that they're just able to work around what I perceive to be an extreme handicap imposed on themselves. I really don't want someone like Stryker to show up and a Uzi or baton materialize out of thin air and he goes "THIS IS MY ARCANA" cause I swear to god I'll probably walk out.
  11. Extra If you ever needed more proof that Sakurai actually plays games...
  12. I forgot Tunic was a PS+ title this month...went ahead and added that to the pile.
  13. Playstation will get 2 CEO's to replace Jim Ryan on June 1
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