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Everything posted by Maxx

  1. Its fine to have an opinion on what you like or dont. Just dont pretend to understand or have more knowledge than the people who do it. Like i can say a fighter prob could punch or kick more but its hard for me to argue if they technically do it badly unless its uber blaitant.
  2. You literally have no idea how to learn if you never experienced it. This is like arm chair quarterbacking a sport you never played. You dont know the emotions, pressure, ect because you never experienced it. You remind me of every dude whos at buffalo wild wings yelling at ufc fights screaming jiu jitsu shit and never trained a day in their life.
  3. 😂 I was so confused how i actually punched my fucking wall because of a dream. I fear for anyone who sleeps with me if i ever have a tekken dream.
  4. I woke up today because i had a dream i was chasing an evil racoon who was stealing my stuff. I swung at his head and hit the wall in room in real life. What in the name of the matrix and metaverse happened? 😂 Like i actually fucking punched my wall.. Im so confused. 😂
  5. I wanna smash everyone in this video disrespectfully
  6. One handed push upd arent that hard just more mentally challenging. I can do them but not something o do regularly
  7. Its worse.. My strength and conditioning coach is smoking hot... Her boyfriend is a boston cop, me and him also train jiu jitsu at the same school together
  8. Everyone can suck my dick. My deadlifts today are 185 for 10, 205 for 8, 215 for 6, 225 for 4 and now 185 for 7 This is the mosr deadlifts ive ever done.
  9. So its pretty much been a rumor for like a month that the faction was gonna be edge, priest, rhea and ciampa
  10. I have no real opinions til i see him in action and what his take on the doctor is. Ive been a fan since i was 14/15 but it was mever big here til 04 so its not like i was bullied over that fandom. The doctors personalities vary wildly so every version is weird and unique. So i just gotta wait ans aee what he brings to the table and see how i feel about it then. In general its cool.. Prob has a bigger impact in england. Miles morales being a spiderman has more of an affect on my geekdom than a black doctor who.
  11. Anyone see the trailers for top gun 2..i dont give a shit about the franchise like overly angry white guys but it looks good. Tom cruise done put these actors through fucking insanity. They had to work their own cameras while fuckin flying the planes. The behind the scene shit is fucking wilddddd
  12. I was in the middle of reading the funniest orsen wells quote i ever saw on twitter and it fucking reloaded before i could save it. Essentially he was talking about his role in the transformers movie. He was talking about how shockwave is the best transformera because hes the biggest gun. But megatron is also a gun but because shockwave is bigger as a gun hes the best transformer. Then the interviewer said well. Megatron is still big. And orsen is like.. Sure to us as humans. But to transformers hes the smallest and shockwave is bigger thus hes the best transformer and shockwave only got lines because he demanded it
  13. I do not give a fuck about horsey racing but this is fucking funnnyyyy
  14. 😂😂😂 This ia my boy talkin shit while fighting
  15. The last trailer literally spoiled two characters who hadnt been announced for the movie 😂
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