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Everything posted by Maxx

  1. Not really a spoiler but i have to believe the wayne phone was a reference to the batphone
  2. Please explain this to me... How the fuck did i miss this?
  3. Really worth the watch if you got time. Tldr version: Goes over: -roh purchase -post march feelings -feelings in mjf as a wrestling fan -wwe network details(they dont get residuals for streaming content. Which is on pae for all streaming services not named Netflix). -very emotional through the whole thing -esquire piece
  4. He had a fucked eye and i think some other stuff. Strong just got put on tv, i dont think he did it that long ago. Since he's only just recently been showing up on indies
  5. Its only my apt toilet seat.. I never have this issue on any other curious if it's just too small for me. No other guy has lived in this apt so maybe it was never an issue for woman who rented it
  6. Daniels was out for an injury for a long ass time and anniubed a while back this is his retirement tour
  7. I think a few will go baxk actually unless you a bandido or gresham. Especially if its a djrect feeder to aew
  8. Tonys being hush hush..appwhe mentioned aome. Members of the rostwrs but i didnt watch the clip. None of the tweets mentioned whos on the roster but said he mah ask regal, ace steel or sonjay dutt for help in booking. But this coke head atm will be head booker
  9. Jist woke up to prowrestling twitter apparently having a fucking meltdown last night. Apparently tony khan said roh is gonna be more like nxt 2.0 to develop new stars and be the feeder like we thought. Indy darling hoes in their feels
  10. I need a new toilet seat... This fucking thing makes my legs fall asleep after 5 min every fucking time.
  11. 100%. Putins losing. Sanctions hitting him hard as fuck. Dude didn't expect this much resistance plus he didn't realize his army wasn't as trained as he thought. Dude gonna drop a bike out of spite unless a mutiny happens
  12. I never felt a big jump in Massachusetts till super recently. It seems like it hits other areas like Cali east sooner than here. Like they're at $6 when I'm just hitting $4 now
  13. it took me a long time to realize we didnt affect the prices directly. buttt its also weird because we protect those saudis and we dont ever get a fucking discount.
  14. nklfklfdskfn;sdfsd punk came out to AFI in his old roh straight edge jacket. my childhoood
  15. I dunno comparing them to tully and arn makes sense. Thats exactly who they bass their style after and the era. Ftr did that themselves.
  16. My favorite is how people somehow blame liberals because a war is going on and our gas went up. Lol.
  17. Mexico been really wildin wit the moves lately.
  18. I havent heard of spin offs except that gotham show but i dont know where in the timeline it takes place
  19. I know Republicans prob think thats hilarious. But that sounds dumb as shit
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