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Everything posted by Maxx

  1. And? Again no one was sure if thissss announcement was for street fighter. We knew A announcement was coming eventually. But again this is the first time i can remenber where a capcom fighter didnt leak
  2. Its a teaser, not a full length trailer. Lets be real this is probably the first time i can remember since 09, where a capcom fighter didnt leak. We legit had no clue what it was. More than likely they did this to create hype.. Which it did. Everyone and their mother came out trying to guess what it could be. A teaser is supposed to create hype and discourse and it absolutely did that. Nobody knew if sf6 was being announced. We hoped it was because of the timing but people were guessing dlcs for non foghting games.. And that isnt just a few people i saw doing it.
  3. Saw a few tweets saying people think theh arent gonna have weirdo characters. I have no fucking clue why they think this way. Absolutely nothing has ever implied they are taking a more grounded approach to character archetypes.
  4. Like a friend of mine who doesnt even play fighters was tweeting curious if its a new street fighter. I legit had a record scratch moment loke you like fighting games?? Lmfao That franchise will always have a stranglehold om the scene just like mortal kombat. They are jjst too influential to the scene. Even though realistically tekken overtook sf within the scene has king, mainstream wise street fighter is still tops.
  5. The countdown was fine imo. It got people talking even people who dont even play games like that.
  6. I am giving it a pass because its a cinematic and the scene has lost its fucking shit. 6 seconds into it dropping. -mad ryu is older -mad he has a beard -mad luke continues -mad its a cinematic -mad no gameplay -mad its a teaser -mad at the art -mad they think it wont have weirdo characters This scene stays mad for no reason all day long. Someone compared this reveal to mk that's why i brought up mk
  7. People always expect too much.. Even people saying gg strive trailer was good. Do you even remember what the community was saying.. They were not that hyped lmfao. They were confused and bewildered. Its just not the same no more.
  8. Lmfao at comparing mk to any fighting game reveal trailers. Come on now yall just crying just to cry. Yall know nrs will pull out the scrooge mcduck dump truck for marketing
  9. Lmfao this capcom countdown is late as fuck. Drop the damn trailer
  10. So im on the floor of the con. Everyone's drunk and i got a tekken shirt on. This chick sees my shirt and asks if i play, i say yeah thsts why i got the shirt on. Then she taps her man and he asks me i play and do tournaments. And then tells me hed whoop my ass. Lmfaoooo why is the fucking fgc like this? Jjst mad aggressive for no reason? Lol. My boy tells me hes actually a known American player too. Nigga leave me alone.. Go talk shit to someone whos in top 10 of ceo. Not me.
  11. I actually think he hurt his neck/back at the rumble. Thr first few suplexes were normal than he purpsely was taking them to the side Edit: nm i see whatcha mean
  12. Ill have to watch it for myself because prowrestling twitter was hyping it up mind you they been shitting on her for even taking this match. So ill havw to decide myself. Also everyone roasting the fuck outta ronda makes me feel like no way lita is worse
  13. I sorta agree bur they packed the fuck outta those episodes. More happened in those episodes than most animes with full season runs
  14. With no movie announcement, i assume it comes out in 1-2 years. Buttt ufotable has been fucking busy lately
  15. Yall arent gonna believe this. Im at a anime con in maryland...again a party con. So me amd my peoples are walking to people's room parties at the hotel. We see old biddies sitting in chairs at 11pm outside rooms. We are so confused, thought it was a horror movie seeing then scattered on the fifth floor. We finally asked one of them whats going on? .... Its a fucking middle school field trip from toledo. Their stayin here at the same time as a fucking party anime cons. These weebs are on the lobby floor drinking out in public woth madd bottles.
  16. Cue the rumor mill. Cody spotted at a polish airport. Nigga bout to take austin theory out
  17. Lmfaooo the groomer made a really bad christian anti masker movie too. ☠️
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