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Everything posted by nickmanx5

  1. gonna have to put up the cash for this one both of these are franchises that much like suikoden i thought were done especially wild arms under current sony.
  2. on another note why does the final boss of xenoblade 3 have 20 different forms and then you gotta start all the way from the beginning when you lose ive died like 3 times and everytime i thought i was at the final phase! just die nigga damn!
  3. even tho this affect me personally this is still kinda fucked
  4. hmm this final level of klonoa is beating my ass. also this story took a turn i was happy at the start now im kinda sad man.
  5. i actually don't think i mind grinding in a jrpg i think i enjoy it in like dragon quest games. i don't even mind random encounters unless it's like the 3rd shadow hearts game where not only is there one every 5 steps every single one feels like im fighting for my god damn life. what really gets me is when i play old stuff that doesn't have maps and everything is a hallway that looks the same cause that shit fucks with my adhd man i might get distracted by something and forget which way i was going a get lost for like an hour.
  6. i still remember that octopus boss in valkyrie profile 2 hard stopping my progress of my first playthrough.
  7. i like star ocean but a part of me will always wonder how it keeps rising up like the undertaker. star ocean 2 couldn't have that much good will to keep the franchise going over like radiata stories or valkyrie profile. although we are getting a new valkyrie game its not a valkyrie profile game. i hope it won't be some monkey paw shit tho.
  8. that's understandable i played coming off of a 40+hour jrpg so i was having the time of my life.
  9. most of the difficult stuff in kirby is in the post game like the hardest arena settings where they limit your resources and give the bosses new sometimes bullshit attack patterns but for the most part a normal playthrough of kirby is just a chill experience. his normal kit is too strong to make platforming a challenge without filling the game with dkc style screen scrolling i think. they prob made the right move playing up the weird ass shit he fights in post game.
  10. the extreme escalation of kirby is alive and well it never fails first boss a tree last boss god tier entity.
  11. i don't even know what people are mad about anymore the shits out there now if you want it. why can't people steal shit quietly like your supposed to. also don't care about most fan remakes but i never could figure out why they make the shocked pikachu face after they get shut down after releasing 15 trailers drawing attention to themselves just shadow drop that shit.
  12. ive been playing the new kirby game its pretty fun but what im really waiting on is for the adorable new side kick to heel turn. show me your true colors! i know your secretly some eldritch abomination or some shit!
  13. i finished final fantasy origins today it actually has a story its just in the last two hours. also game could have used a map if there is one thing that can cripple a person with add like me its putting me in a bunch of hallways that look the same.
  14. this is prob one of the first times i've never known i needed something so badly.
  15. it's really good this is happening i guess namco is going to be the last holdout of delay netcode.
  16. i came to the conclusion a while back that if it had just been its own thing instead of a devil may cry game it would have been fine. hell it could have just been a side story in the universe with a different character but nope gotta cash in on a name.
  17. just embrace tom as your sony movie overlord and things will get much easier that dude gonna play all the sony character from now on. kratos, sly, spike, rudy from wild arms and in the jack and daxter movie he gonna be both those niggas!
  18. hmm im gonna have to see chun before i call it on how good the re engine is for street fighter.
  19. man so much shit back to back this month but im going to be busy learning how to stop people from jumping all over me in kof
  20. i wonder what the hold up is? just put that pad shit in a menu or is it something else?
  21. minus the zelda hd remasters, xenoblade x and i think woolie world everything else escaped wii u prison and its really only a matter of time for the zelda games.
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