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Everything posted by nickmanx5

  1. well i knew jack-o wasn't gonna keep almost any of her xrd shit so i made my peace with that when the datamine happened. when i saw her kick the minion into another one i imagined someone asking daisuke can we have venom? and he was just like" we got venom at the house" on the topic of strive itself i already said im okay with it becoming its own beast over time. my only real complaint is i don't know how long getting exploded is gonna be hype. feels like alot of the time im either rolling over people or getting rolled not a lot of back and forth.
  2. i hope jack o turns out to be the secondary character I've been looking for pot is hilarious and i managed to sweep/ close s garuda setup all the way to heaven but i desire a new way to piss off random people. what i really want is a character that fills up the screen with bullshit but not random bullshit like faust but calculated bullshit randomly.
  3. these are the questions that truly need to be answered!
  4. i finished monster hunter stories 2 last night it was pretty awesome if you like the monster collecting genre. i also got to celestial in strive with pot so i guess it was a constructive weekend as far as gaming goes. i got to finish the tales of destiny english translation patch that came out recently and then i don't know if i wanna go through the two ar tonelico ps2 games or the devil summoner ps2 games next.
  5. one day they will remake legend of dragoon then i can fuck up gust of wind dace in 4k.
  6. VGM friday contributions check out the trails series people! its really good.
  7. man the sudden shift by sony would seem surprising but money and their assumption that their gonna get all the japanese games by default and you could kinda see it coming.
  8. man i just saw that recent picture of gootecks and boy street fighter v really bodied some people. sweet baby jesus!
  9. man a part of me is starting to think the new melty blood is gonna get capital letters shiki just to fuck with people.
  10. on a side note that picture reminds me of a time i was riding with my friend and this idiot didn't put any gas in his car so we wind up on the side of the road. it was close to midnight and keep in mind this is two black dudes in rural georgia. so we start walking and come upon a church and we see cars so there must be people. we look through the window nothing but country white folk and we look at each other this man say" hell naw let's keep walking"
  11. i find situations like this interesting. it might just be me but as a black guy if i go somewhere and i dont at least see one of my Latino brothers i automatically start thinking "i dunno about this where all the other niggas at? im bout to get the hell outta here" and maybe people thinking like that is why you don't have more diversity. well that and i assume game development skews more white/asian.
  12. you know all of monolith softs games combat systems are about building up to some big combo or super move and doing most of your damage in one big burst. its especially noticeable in xenosaga ep 2 and baten kaitos origins where it can take forever to kill stuff. tho i guess in origins endgame if you use burst mode and have that one string of moves with sagi you will just murder every boss i think it was apothesis or anti some shit.
  13. this is how i know im too far gone. all i saw was a big tiddy waifu and a tiny nigga in a anime scuba suit and was like "im fine with this" and had a pretty good time although it took me two attempts to get a handle on the battle system as it kept adding shit the further you got.
  14. the games are connected but in a way you wouldn't know unless you beat both games.
  15. the game was primarily aimed at japan and two seasons of support were announced before launch. there might have been more plans but i believe they have been heavily scaled back hence the lack of clarity on if vira and the remaining character are part of a 3rd season or shit they were working on and just finishing up before pulling the plug. covid and the lack of rollback were basically a one-two punch the game couldn't recover from then strive came out and melty is on the horizon for people who want a more traditional air-dasher with a good netcode it's sad because i really do like versus.
  16. last i heard it got delayed to 2022 or 23 im super interested in that game too
  17. vira too late to matter. im gonna be honest for a lot a lot of fighting games i realize the cast can't be a popularity contest otherwise it would be 90% shoto's but granblue characters prob shouldve been the exception. the roster would have been way more hype than what we ended up with. soriz over feather? uno? no mages that cast actual final fantasy style spells? the one gunner is a rushdown character?!
  18. i can't believe the saigado team is cannon now.
  19. no not this nigga again granblue! i never thought i would like granblue as much as i did before they kneecaped the entire cast that one time. i still remember when this game got announced and i was like hey those characters from those doujins are getting a fighting game!
  20. oh i wasn't implying gio is black i generally count Brazilians as their own thing i guess. hence the term afro-Brazilian and such a lot of us in the black community are just quick claim cool looking characters with dark skin. hell my cousin will claim game and watch whenever he starts beating people's ass with him.
  21. i know rams colors are based on the original valentine and giovanna is from brazil so basically
  22. hell if your gonna make a troll mod you gotta follow through. they shouldve gave him the buzz cut or some long flowing hair with a last samurai color scheme.
  23. the nago mod is funny because of how low effort it is. they didn't even try to do something with dreads!
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