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Everything posted by HeavensCloud

  1. Yeah VS2 stops fireballs. It's not her preferred Vskill but it's decent against Laura, Nash, Guile. She actually gets more damage from juggles in the corner with it too.
  2. I think he did play +R at some point it was in an FGC translated video. He praised the mechanics saying he liked the fact that moving forward builds tension meter. I doubt he'll play it though. Him and Tokido seem to only play SFV these days.
  3. I always find it amazing how fast some people can pick up new games. Was watching LI Joe stream GG +r and his day one Eddie was murdering people. Justin Wong also seems hella fast at picking up games. Fuudo as well. Daigo apparently is a slow learner. Makes me feel a bit better.
  4. The training mode in 30th anniversary is ass. It's clear they threw it in at the last minute after everyone complained on twitter. The main thing that pissed me off is the input display is fucked, the inputs appear on screen in reverse order lol.
  5. Nice stuff, just a couple corrections... Karin gets more damage off st. mp than So 187, 292 meterless and 252, 373 with meter. Also Necalli gets more damage off into light disc guidance and into ex disc guidance. 132, 235 and 195, 280 with meter.
  6. For Cody. Bad AA's, slow walk speed/normals, free on wakeup.
  7. Thanks dude! This was super helpful. This is the summary at the end of the video for those that don't want to watch the whole thing: - If cannon lands in front, assume it is plus - If you're a 3 frame character, take your turn after cannon switches sides - If you're a 4 frame character, you have to guess if cannon switches sides - Master the upball crossup block option select - Wait out VT2 if Blanka has meter, learn ex upball punish - Deny any and all activation if possible
  8. Pretty sure that's Nash for him. I know people that are in constant character crisis. But more often than not it's not a real crisis. They just get bored and want to play around with a new character and that's what they find fun about fighting games. But if the goal is to get gud, you gotta stick to one or two characters and keep grinding.
  9. I use Karin and Cody. He definitely feels plus after landing from a blocked roll. It feels like Ed's psycho snatch where he has frame advantage and it gets a mixup from point blank either strike or throw. Also, he can ex. reversal at any point out of the rolls.
  10. Anyone found a way to deal with Blanka's VT2? I find it just as scary as G's trigger but it isn't complained about as much - so I feel like I might be missing something...
  11. Yakuza 0 was the best $20 I ever spent. The storyline in that game is like movie quality.
  12. I get protesting the netcode, but this is not the way to do it. Totally unprofessional on his part, he should have just manned up and continued the tourney. Everyone else has to deal with the same shit.
  13. Am I the only one that feels the netcode getting worse after each update? Every time they 'improve' the netcode people seem to be happy for the most part and I'm over here wishing they never touched anything.
  14. Ideally, you want to get the most damage possible on each punish. Realistically though, it can be difficult to always net the max punish in the heat of the moment. A lot of situations require only one normal into special because of spacing. For now, I'd got with whatever you find most comfortable in training mode since landing a sub-optimal punish is better than landing no punish at all.
  15. Yeah, if you played during the initial 2 month 'hype' period it was okay since there were so many people playing. If you were matched up with someone they were most likely close by. I grinded up to S rank with Zeta..... but once the game started to die out it was such a chore to find ranked matches. And the lobby system is terrible, you queue up with people and you can't even see their connection so it turns into a guessing game. Similar thing happened with Samsho, it's a shame some of these games lose steam after a few months because of online.
  16. I'd definitely go back to Granblue if they added rollback netcode. It's a great game but the online is so frustrating 😢
  17. He got nerfed in ultra plus Elena got added to the game and wrecked him. But he's still a really strong character. Just not top 3 like he was in AE.
  18. Bro, I would have had you for a Millia main for sure.
  19. Hey everyone. First post on here... can I change the background to white?
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