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Faltimar the Dark

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Everything posted by Faltimar the Dark

  1. I watched some of Monster Hunter Stories 2 and it looks fun to me. I dont usually like turn based games but I still like to try them, just in case. Think I'm going to try this one. I never even heard of this side series or whatever you call it. Didnt know there was a part 1. P.S. I never played a monster hunter game. I got it installed, asked about it then lost interest and uninstalled it.
  2. Who said it has to be for recording? P.S. I know you're just answering cause you're wanting to be a dickhead and argue over something like this (its your M.O.) but I said, "make it do something.". How about they just make the button a button and I can decide what to do with it?
  3. So why cant it work on PC. I read a while back they were going to update the controller (firmware) and make it do something. But I haven't read anything about since.
  4. I use it on PC. On PC that button does nothing. It doesn't even register as a button.
  5. They need to update the controller that is out now. Got a button on it that does nothing. They need to make it do something. That middle button -
  6. The only special thing I put for delivery people is "Do not make eye contact!". They always make eye contact. All but the pot store guy that delivered. He would not look at me, just kept his head down. I was wondering why he was doing that then it clicked that I had left special instructions for the delivery person. lol🤣🤦‍♀️
  7. Lots of effort you put in there. I think its pretty clear that I don't trust it. I'm not going to take it.
  8. See, the reason I never took the flu shot again is because about 4 days after I got the flu shot I got the flu. I didn't want to get it in the first place but someone talked me into it. I'm not immune to the flu and never have been. I can spread that around and no one gives a shit. Ive been sick about 4 times since then...with the flu or a cold. You can write a big book on how the shot will "protect" me and others and stop mutation and all that jazz. someone said it earlier...that's some mental gymnastics you're doing to convince me I should take it and that I'm wrong for not takin' it.
  9. I haven't taken a flu shot since 1999. No one gets on my case cause I haven't.
  10. Unlike any vaccine ever. Y'all believe what you want. I'm not going to have something injected into me so other people feel safe. Nah, that's not why I get that shit. I get a vaccine so I become immune to something and I don't get sick. This shit does not make me immune.
  11. But the aint really a vaccine. You take it and dont become're just "protected". 🤷‍♀️
  12. I didnt realize I was throwing shade. I know and talk to plenty of folk. None of the men I know talk about their shows or clothes. The only person I knew that had a shit load of shoes was my moms lady. She had like a hunned pairs in the closet. Shoes still in boxes "just in case I need them to match with something" shit. Its just not something that ever comes up with the men I know, only the women. Don't get bent outta shape about it.
  13. Dunno if I said it but Boomerang X is a really fun game. Its fast and crazy and...hell, its fun. I guess people like it as the reviews are positive on Steam and Metacritic. I don't really look at that stuff but it tells you on the Steam page. Give a try if you feel like droppin' 20 bucks on something. I got RE Village. I get these horror type games but I'm usually too chicken to play/finish them. Horror movies...they cant even keep my interest, they make me bored. But scurry games I cant handle. hmhmhm go figure.
  14. I got some sneakers and some jeans and some shirts. Think I got a pair of shorts somewheres...
  15. It has nothing to do with that. I only see women buy and talk about shoes and clothes like that. I dont know any men that do...other than you guys. You talk like women and shop like them too.
  16. Kinda cracks me up a bit...I mean they're makin' a game exclusive to a console no one can get. lol I'm sure there are others...but I cant think of any as big as that one.
  17. Neither me or my lady have ever even seen those in the stores. I dont look at cookies much though so maybe Ive just missed them.
  18. Never heard of no Hydrox cookies. Sounds like some kinda chemical or drug. Asked my lady if she ever heard of them and she says no. This an murican thing?
  19. This is fuckin' bullshit. My sex (male) is not something that can be felt, I was made that way and I exist this way. If I wanna feel like a brotha why cant I say im black? Y'all mofos fine with dudes sayin' they chicks but oh noes im offended if someone tries to be black. Should be offended just as much with a dude trying to be a chick. I bet most of y'all wouldnt give a fuck if I said I was white or even asian. The second I try to be a brotha and wear and afro im being offensive. Maybe a lot of you are just homosexual and thats why gay dudes pretending to be chicks is ok with you on any level.
  20. I tried out Boomerang X. Its pretty freakin' fun from the little I played so far. Its a first person shooter/action game(?). I'm playing it on PC but its also on Switch. This would be a good game on the switch. Man I want a switch but still don't wanna pay that price. Its a perfect handheld to go with the Vita.
  21. I went to one midnight release but I didnt get anything. I went with my friend who was getting whatever was releasing. Was like 10 years ago maybe. It was fun and I met some cool people and saw some good comedy going on in the parking lot. Good times.
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