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Faltimar the Dark

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Everything posted by Faltimar the Dark

  1. That shit is real dirty. I dont even understand how/why people could give money to such a thing. scum
  2. lol all 32 steam users will be happy I guess...🤣
  3. Right on. It'd be cool to find it (I think my mom might have it) and still be able to use the tv adapter with it. Be a while till I go lookin' for it. Probably wait till after she's gone. Fortune's Run - Pretty cool game so far. I actually had to break out a pen and paper to take notes for these fuckin' computer terminals you gotta use.
  4. I had one of those. I loved the thing and took it with me everywhere. It was just a freakin' handheld tg-16, same game cards for the console as the handheld. I also had an attachment for it that made it a tv. Loved takin' that thing camping with me. Would that little tv adapter even work now? Like would it be able to pick up a signal? I dunno.
  5. I played this when it first hit EA. I thought it was pretty terrible. I noticed another post about it somewheres else today before I saw yours here so maybe I'll fire it up and see if its improved since last year. How da fuck old is Million? This mofo was buying cd-i and soft core porno games for it in like '93 or some shit? Million gotta be in his 50's, possibly closing in on 60. Old ass dude. geezer 🤣
  6. I was a spoiled brat punk kid. I had all the systems. Not neogeo though. Guess around 14 or 15 I had to start buying my own shit though cept getting things for xmas some times. I have 1 console now (ps3) and its been the same console I've had for 10 years now or so. I had another ps3 before this I guess that could just be counted as the same. I also had a 360 when I had that other ps3. I played a bit of Cyberpunk today. I started a new game. I didnt get into the character creation, I just rolled with the default preset. I'm not very creative so that shit gets boring to me...or it just takes too long or something. The character creation seems like its pretty robust in the game though.
  7. I carry this pen with me. I clip it to my pocket cause I dont like it loose in my pocket.
  8. I dont think he understands the rate of theft and just general petty crime that goes on in walmart and their parking lots. Or he does and he doesnt care much and would rather just bitch about the police station being in there. I'd honestly feel much safer in the walmart here if there was a police station in it. I dont plan to steal or do crime while im in there so they wont bother me.
  9. Not sure if this is too nsfw but it had me crackin' up. If it is too nsfw I'll delete it if needed.
  10. I got those 3 to be my goons later by letting them eat the dead after we've won the battle. 🤪🤣 I played a bit of nuMortal Krawdad just cause I could. I dont intend to play it anymore but I liked the bit of story I saw and I actually think its fun to watch people play.
  11. I've stopped paying attention to the recommended/minimum specs cause that shit is almost always way outta whack. Going buy the specs recommended in that shit no one but like maybe a handful of folk will be able to run that game and it would still run shitty for them. lol
  12. I never played Bloodborne. Never got a ps4 or ps5. I cant compare the two but its just that the game feels like more of the same and I'm just burned out on souls style games.
  13. Just that term, "metroidvania". Played a bit of Lies of P last night. So far I dont really care much for it. Gonna try out Horizon Chase 2 and NASCAR Arcade Rush in a bit here. I still havent found a racing game that I'd rather play than Paradise.
  14. Oh man, thanks for lookin'. I just realized what happened. I was lookin' at the wrong number. I was lookin at my C drives free space...for some reason I thought that was the install size but that's up at the top of the tab. I freakin' uninstalled it and installed it again to see. Im a dork. 🤣
  15. Anyone on PC Game Pass that installs or is gonna install Lies of P - can you let me know how much free space was/is required for the install? I install the game and I'm sure it said I needed 130gb to install the game but the game is only 35gb. I'm wondering if I saw it wrong. I installed it but I moved shit to make room and I'm like...I didnt need to move anything.
  16. I played a bit of MK1. Its pretty cool so far. I've just played a bit of the story mode. Its...surprising to me. I never really kept up with the games or anything so best I really know about the whole MK stuffs is the first movie and maybe the first two games. I'm enjoying BlazBlue Entropy Effect. I only played the first game and my favorite character was Litchi. I'm sad she's not in the game. Its still real fun though. If you like rogue style beat'em up games you might like this one. I played some Gunbrella the last couple days here and there. Its pretty fun. Couple things I think need fixing and/or changing but nothing that makes me not want to play. The combat and platforming is fun. I also played an hour or so of the Star Ocean 2 remake the other day. It was...Star Ocean 2 just beefed up with changes here and there. Its a timed demo (3 hours) as well as only being able to get so far. Can only get to the second town. SO2 is one of my all time favorites so I'll get it when it comes out for sure. Some turkeys on Discord talked me into getting Titanfall 2. It's only 3 bucks right now and I guess the online stuffs are working right. I dunno. I played the first one and thought it was ok but didn't care enough about it to check out part 2. I think the first one was all online with no single player...or maybe it had like training with bots. No real campaign though. Part 2 has a campaign. I'll check it out soon here, play a bit of the campaign then play a bit of the multiplayer.
  17. I walked to school in high school. If I had any homework to do I would just stop at a joint called Walker's Pizza (the sign is still there but I dunno if its actually in business.) on my way home. I'd get some fries and do my homework and eat french fries. Then I'd go look at movies and games cause they rented those there too.
  18. I think that's just a threat and nothing more from CotL devs. Unity is already starting to change their tune. For digital if you dont want it to go away just back that shit up on some other drive. Its not rocket surgery. 🤣
  19. About huge file sized games on phone - Cant you download the game on your computer then transfer it to your phone? Consoles are getting less relevant as time goes on it seems. I mean like you dont even really need a console anymore...just a phone or a computer...shit some tvs allow you to stream games.
  20. Read something about how some person on a flight to somewheres shit him/herself and like left a trail of the dooky all the way down the isle. They had to divert the plane and land that shit asap. lol Made me think of Million. lol
  21. I was thinking and I seem to avoid spoilers pretty good. I mean, the only time I've had something spoiled for me is when I was reading in this fuckin' place. Still going in Immortals of Aveum. I think its a pretty fun game and its pretty to look at. I decided to put Starfield up for now cause I'd rather play other stuff. I'll get to it another day. I'm still playing BG3 and Sea of Stars as well. Sea of Stars is a pretty damn good old style rpg. Going to play some of the 40+ demos I have this weekend cause I need to get rid of them.
  22. Starfield runs fine on my computer and I dont have the latest and greatest hardware. I built the PC 3 or 4 years ago. I bet the majority of people complaining are playing on a 10+ year old W7 machines expecting the game to run perfect on max settings. With that outta the way - the game isnt really all that great. I didnt hear about the game till just a couple/few months ago and first thing I thought is that it looked like a space version of the fallout games. That's exactly what it is. Its fun.
  23. I'm the type of player that will keep loading a save till I get the outcome I want in BG3. Ive got 50+ hours in the game and I'm still on act 1. I keep fucking around with shit and makin' knew characters and its just fun. I need to focus though and maybe get to the second act soon. lol
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