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Faltimar the Dark

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Everything posted by Faltimar the Dark

  1. Starfield runs fine on my computer and I dont have the latest and greatest hardware. I built the PC 3 or 4 years ago. I bet the majority of people complaining are playing on a 10+ year old W7 machines expecting the game to run perfect on max settings. With that outta the way - the game isnt really all that great. I didnt hear about the game till just a couple/few months ago and first thing I thought is that it looked like a space version of the fallout games. That's exactly what it is. Its fun.
  2. I'm the type of player that will keep loading a save till I get the outcome I want in BG3. Ive got 50+ hours in the game and I'm still on act 1. I keep fucking around with shit and makin' knew characters and its just fun. I need to focus though and maybe get to the second act soon. lol
  3. BG3 is a lot of fun. There is just a lot of shit you can do and its all pretty cool. People also like the voice acting and such too.
  4. That is a prequel to the game Aeterna Noctis. Summum Aeterna is a rogue style game while Aeterna Noctis is a metroidvania style game. I like them both. I made a Aeterna Noctis
  5. Heres some gif...I like makin' the things. 🤷‍♂️ Stop Dead Sea of Stars Kill the Crows Whisker Squadron Survivor
  6. Smokin' some bud thats possibly laced with something and you dont know it usually happens when smoking with strange folk. Like RSG said, dealers dont wanna lose their customers. I love that the shit is legal now. Its just like going to the cigarette store. Need to get some pot? "Darlin', while you're out can you stop and get some wax and an ounce?". No more calling around to see who's got some or going to a possibly shady dealer or just gettin' busted for it period. I never liked going to a street dealer. Hated that feeling that I gotta stick around for a bit but not linger too long. I never wanted to hang out at all. I just wanted to get my shit and get the fuck out.
  7. I pirated that game. But before I got around to installing and playing it I kept reading about it. Not on purpose but I'd scroll by stuff that was talkin' about the game. So bad. I didnt even bother to install it. I didnt even save it with my hoard of games, I just deleted that shit. Even though I pirated it I feel like I was ripped off and that those guys owe me something for the bandwidth I wasted. 🤣
  8. Dont ps5 come with SSD? Space is always an issue for me. Im like the guys that hoard physical games but I hoard digital games. I'm downloading Starfield now...fuckin' game is like 130gb installed. Sheez Here is this so you can actually see my hoarding. Bet you cant guess what drive Starfield is going on? lol
  9. I tried my best to get those two to go start fighting the owlbear on their own. They wouldnt. I would have just let them get killed by the beast and left with whatever treasure I found in the cave. But nah, I had to fight the beast as well.
  10. There are 3 tiers of playstation + now? That's just fuckin' crazy to me.
  11. I'm having fun with this game. Feels like there is a lot of buttons...think its cause im playin' with a controller and not keyboard and mouse. I forget that I have these different spells and shit.
  12. The AMD FSR 3 almost sounds too good to be true. You know what they say about things that sound like they're too good to be true, right?
  13. Grime is pretty cool. Part 2 looks to be pretty cool. That sony "handheld" is a fuckin' joke. 200 dollars for a tablet that cant do anything but stream your ps5 games...I wont feel sorry for anyone that bought that fucker a year from now when sony announces they're abandoning it. -Grapple Dog is pretty fun. Part 2 will probably be fun too. -This one looks kinda neat. If you head over to the discord you might be able to get a beta code there. I did. I'm gonna check it out later today maybe. Looks fun.
  14. Some cheesy dialog here and there but its not bad. I mean, its a silly game story...I sorta think they're all kinda cheesy. I played for a couple hours last night. Its a pretty fun game and it looks great. Once again everyone is having performance issues but me and maybe a few other folk. Game runs fine for me. Cant recommend it at this point cause only 2 hours played.
  15. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 should call that "the lizzo splash"
  16. Wonder if the camera and stuff changes if I use my controller right now, without the mod stuff? Gonna be nice to move around with wasd and have the camera low and behind the character when just exploring. Edit - This just made me realize that I dont use mods much and if I do they're always for the camera. @VirginDefilerThere is also Butterflies Episode 2 on I have ep. 2 but not 1...
  17. I liked Golden Sun 1 and 2. I played them during my breaks and lunch time at work. I dont care for them now though. This fuckin' bitch here...needs a backhand. Had my guy ready to disarm this trap and dumb lizardfrogbroad trips the wire and gets everyone smooshed. 🤣
  18. I been playing Dragons Crown on RPCS3. The game is still awesome. Wonder if I can play it online on Vita still? Probably not. @MillionXYou be playing Baldur's Gate 3? How do you feel about the turn based combat? I figured that would make you auto pass on this game. About BG3 -
  19. That motherfucker lookin' all disappointed with himself as he leaves.
  20. For my first game after full release I made a half-elf drow rogue. I think its neat that some folk in the game actually mention the characters heritage. If it was like its suppose to be he'd be hated and run outta every town. That'd make for a really shitty game. But the way it is now still gives me that vibe that no one really likes the dude or trusts him but he can walk around like everyone else. I found this owlbear cub and I wanna try to turn it into a pet. Theres gotta be someway I can do that. So much shit you can do in BG3, its almost overwhelming.
  21. No that guy is great, everyone else in there are sick individuals. Kinda shit shouldnt be in any school in any part of the world.
  22. I think its funny and kind sad that its called "body count" when talkin' about how many people you fucked. What is a high body count?
  23. I played a bit of the new Double Dragon last night before I hit the sack. Kinda strange only having one primary attack on each guy. One guy has kick and the other punch. But its tag like combat so I guess it kinda works out. Its pretty fun though. Dave the Diver is the game I'm having the most fun with these past several days or so.
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